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    Monday, April 26, 2021

    Killing Floor The real MVP

    Killing Floor The real MVP

    The real MVP

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Well I certainly feel better

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    So I'm playing a Hard 7 wave game and I joined in the second round. The support guy who started wasnt very good and that's okay. I healed him as much as I could but after dying a couple rounds in a row, he quit. The wave he quit we got a medic, which the round before we had a demo. Good team setup. I mean, aside from the medic not healing everyone and the demo and support dying, but I digress.

    Okay so between round 6 and 7 I'm trying to pick up the support's dropped weapon and seeing if I could drop one of mine, pick up aforementioned weapon, then drop at round start so we could have more dosh. Well right as I drop my Kaboomstick the fucktard medic picks it up. Okay, not so bad, I guess. He obviously wasn't healing so he probably needed it to survive. Lo and behold he gets swarmed and uses it to survive that gangrape. As we are running to the trader I kept asking for my gun back because ... You know... It's my gun. Keep in mind the AA-12 the support dropped had 1 magazine and it was too big to carry so I went all round 7 with one gun.

    So again, we're running to the trader and I'm asking the dude for it. He goes and gets ammo, I can see his dosh went down, then he moves away from the trader and spams "affirmative". Great. I get my gun back. He proceeds to Mating Ritual me and keep my weapon. With 4 seconds left I just fill all and start the boss wave with 1 gun...and a plan.

    We get Abomination and throughout, the not-so-good demo keeps getting aggro and losing health. I do everything in my power to heal him because he's not being healed by the medic. All along I'm intentionally not killing the abby spawns and trash that attack the medic because fuck him with a cactus. Halfway through we lose the demo. After some heartfelt tears I reload and get to action.

    I kill all the trash and abby spawns by me and ensure I always have a route. Btw, I'm a survivalist with Run-Fast perk and a fully upgraded Frostfang. When I pull aggro I quickly run to my medic buddy then right past him so he becomes the target. Then I carefully move around the zeds behind us as to be so careful not to kill them. It was clear the medic wanted the kills and not heals so I tried to help out my best. There were times I'd see a clot coming to grab him and remembered I forgot to load the 6th bullet and have to do that, unfortunately being unable to stop them from attack dude. As we came to forks I would make sure to keep the good- er, I mean "bad"- path blocked so I could hold off any zeds that may come that way.

    There were many times I could've helped him but again, I didn't want to ruin his kill streak.

    Eventually he got cornered and even with his healing grenade he met with a terrible fate. I know because I was there... a couple feet away... watching in utter disbelief. How did someone so GREAT at not healing die?? Crazy.

    Anyway I unloaded a couple clips into Abby's face and finished the round quickly. And of course, before the stats came up I used my favorite emote: the precious Mating Ritual. With fireworks and lights and everything better than his dorky, basic ass default self.

    I also gave him shit on the mic, which I'm not proud of but again, fuck him with a cactus.

    Tl;dr: dude steals my gun AND gloats about it so I actively help him miss next year's census. Don't be like him.

    submitted by /u/StudMuffinNick
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    Merc Report - Have You Tried Kicking It?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    Issues with Epic Games and steam crossplay

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    During the past days I've been trying to play with my steam friends some Killing floor 2 but after I linked my accounts and launched epicgames with my steam account once I open the friends menu is empty.
    Can somebody help me?

    submitted by /u/DDDPerf
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    Does Killing Floor 2 Have A Physical Copy I Can Buy or Do I Just Buy The Digital Version??

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Trader Pod issues

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    I play offline (no internet) on ps4 and I use nearly every class. I have a problem (no matter the class) with the trader pod, either not letting me back out of it, or it replacing the start button when I attempt to skip the trader pod. If I can turn fast enough, I can get away from the pod; if not it, simply brings the pod menu back up. I haven't updated the game in several months. Is this a regular issue?

    submitted by /u/AbhorantSpawn
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