• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 7, 2021

    Killing Floor I have found a little bug... (Sorry for the audio, I was listening to some podcast.)

    Killing Floor I have found a little bug... (Sorry for the audio, I was listening to some podcast.)

    I have found a little bug... (Sorry for the audio, I was listening to some podcast.)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 05:48 AM PST

    Good thing that they changed it

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 12:56 PM PST

    Found a textured box bug in the middle of the outpost map! No collision plane!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:14 AM PST

    What if Doom Slayer was in Killing Floor 2?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 01:11 PM PST

    Home security(?)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 11:13 PM PST

    PS4 — Does DLC Ever go on Sale?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:46 AM PST

    There's a couple of DLC weapons I wouldn't mind buying, but $13.49 (CAD) is just a bit too steep. I haven't played since before they started selling DLC weapons, but I do remember a PlayStation sale where crate keys were on sale.

    Have the DLC weapons ever gone on sale on PlayStation and are they likely to again?

    submitted by /u/GeneralConfusion
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    Lost all my experience/perk progress?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 05:47 PM PST

    Yo! My game (KF2) crashed earlier, happens a lot (my computer issues), but this time when I loaded it up again all my character progress was back to 0. Haven't had that happen before but it seems to be somewhat common for the EGS version of the game. I have closed the game and loaded it up multiple times, but still at 0. I still have all my in-game items/cosmetics. Any idea for a fix/workaround? I wasn't high leveled but about 10 hours worth, so it could have been worse. If it happened once it might happen again as well.

    Edit: Nevermind, I fixed it! Instead of deleting this thread I'll leave it up with a solution I found thanks to this video incase anyone else might run into the same issue and find this thread. Probably only works in Windows. Basically you want to go to your save folder: (C:\Users\YourPCname\AppData\Roaming\KF2) and right click the save files 'Local Player' and 'Stats' and go to properties>previous versions and restore the data from a day or two ago, or restore from whenever you last had your correct experience/progress. Might not work for everyone, but worth a shot if you are stuck.

    I think the issue is Epic Games Store's cloud save storage mucking things up. When you crash, and it asks you if you want to upload or download a cloud save, pick whichever one is oldest, I believe, because the new file might be corrupt and set you back to 0. Still not quite sure on that, though.

    submitted by /u/IncrediberryKoolAid
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    Gunslinger perk: A noob looking for some advice

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 01:01 PM PST

    So I am pretty new to KF2 and despite being a level 15 Gunslinger, I am still not quiet sure about what this class is really capable of and how should I use it.

    First of all, I know things in the generic term. There are many guides on the internet about how to play gunsliger and I know before I play my first game using a gunslinger that this perk has high damage output and quick movement speed but slow reload, capable of taking down large ZEDs, relies on headshots and accuracy. However, I have no success applying these knowledge in the game at all because I am missing some more detailed information. These tell mew what should I do but not how should I do.

    1. I know Gunslinger is good at kiting zeds, but every time I try to kite away large group of zeds, only very small portion of them actually followed me. Also, the boss seemed to be interested in my teammates more. If I really try to get the attention from the boss, I might die becuase gunslinger is a perk with no extra bonus no surviving capabilities (damage resistanse, heal, armor...) other than the bullet resistance (I think this is essencially useless), leaving him very vunlerable boss attacks. So how do I actually kite?
    2. This is about acuracy problem. I try to aim for the head for every bullet I fire, but it is really difficult to land good shots on a raging flesh pound and scrake (or any fast moving boss). Often I end up using lots of ammo but not dealing much damage. The aiming is better if I get closer to zeds, but I will also take more damage. Am I just bad at shooting or is there some trick that I don't know?
    3. The ammo problem. Many guides suggested to remember where ammo supply spawn on every map but I just find it too impractical for me. I don't get to play hte same map until I am familar with it. Let's say even I do, I would have probably quited the game already by the time I have remembered every map. So, without knowing where to find ammo on hte map every game, I have to conserve my ammo, which runs me into a issue. If I don't use my primary on trash zeds, I don't kill them effectively (sometimes I feel like I really need to use deagles when I am surrounded by sirens). But on the other hand, fleshpounds and scrakes will cost me enough ammo in later waves. How do I manage my ammo? I don't wanna be killing sirens with knives in wave 9 :(
    submitted by /u/MagicalCaptain1998
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    Kick/ban commands, how?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 04:58 PM PST

    Could someone explain the exact process needed to kick/ban from a hosted server, please?

    adminlogin [pass]

    kick [name]

    This works, but certain people like to put symbols from foreign alphabets in their names, which often don't copy accurately, rendering the command dead.

    Inserting steamID/ID3/ID64 in different ways does not work for me, as some guides suggested. I tried steamID3 without colons, without the initial "U:1:", with or without brackets.

    Any help is appreciated. There is very little to no information about this anywhere, let alone official Tripwire assistance.

    submitted by /u/YungMisiek
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    KF2 Test mode

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 01:29 PM PST

    In many youtube videos, I see people in an arena where they can spawn different zombies for testing purposes. How do I do that?

    submitted by /u/MagicalCaptain1998
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