• Breaking News

    Friday, November 29, 2019

    Killing Floor They forgot to show off the Zed killing capabilities.

    Killing Floor They forgot to show off the Zed killing capabilities.

    They forgot to show off the Zed killing capabilities.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:03 AM PST

    Just finished my new mask cosmetics

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 01:47 AM PST

    That explains a lot

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:11 AM PST

    Destructible test in KF-Cardboard [Alpha]

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 11:07 AM PST

    Desperately needs a map&story feauturing a bank heist

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 02:16 AM PST

    We are tired of earning beggar amount of dosh game after game. How about a world bank infested with zeds and a unique augmented but human boss ruling the zed army from his room this map&story should be 10waves long difficulty starting from suicidal rewards being 1 million dosh+10k exp and 2mil dosh+20k exp for hell on earth. Map should not be like any kf2 map It should be progress based like left for dead 2 and some huge payday maps

    submitted by /u/IDONTUNDERSTANDTECH
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    Server browser issues

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:02 PM PST

    Does anyone have a fix for when server browser says 0 games found?

    I don't have any filters enabled (except no password), and have KF2 set to be allowed through the firewall

    This is on Windows 10 v1909. Verifying game files doesn't work, and last time I had to uninstall/reinstall. Previous times I just waited and it eventually worked again

    submitted by /u/theENERTRON
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    Mr.Foster Cyberpunk question

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 01:50 PM PST

    Hey gyus, a little question here, i want to buy the "Red Cyberpunk" uniform variant from the steam market, but i see it is always weared over a classic suit, do i need to buy the classic suit dlc to use it?

    submitted by /u/Shadow796
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    Needs help to improve

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:35 AM PST

    So i want to be better in gun slinger, should i pratice haedshot without ads to get the feel or keep using ads ?

    submitted by /u/password2810
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    Need some help for my wife.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:09 PM PST

    So, my wife loves hopping on the game with me to shoot all the things, but she experiences motion sickness after about one match.

    Is there some settings I can adjust to help mitigate this? I'm not very savvy when it comes to things like Vsync and such, so I'm running blind.

    submitted by /u/water_and_pixels
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    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

    Constructive criticism regarding perk progression. [KF2]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:13 PM PST

    I'm not the best at explaining my points in the right order, so I apologize if it feels like I am rambling, but I'm just going to start somewhere and raise my points one by one, hopefully you can follow along.

    KF2 has a simple progression system; 10 perks to choose from, leveling perks from 0-25, one skill choice every five levels, and a prestige system up to five resets.

    Lets touch on the prestige system for a second and take a look at two other games that have a similar system, starting with Payday 2. Using the prestige system in PD2 resets your level and gives you cosmetic benefits, however the cost of prestiging isn't devastating because you can quickly reach your favorite skills again as you level up. Another example is CoD; Prestiging gives cosmetics, and to counter the loss of all your late-level gear, you gain prestige tokens which you can use to permanently unlock late-level gear, allowing you to enjoy max level content while still continuing to prestige.

    Now back to KF2, you could argue that for most perks, the best skill unlock is at level 25. Incidentally, the only zed-time skill unlocks are also exclusive to level 25. When a player reaches level 20, they have unlocked four out of the five skill choices and they're roughly 40% of the way there for reaching level 25, or in other words, not even halfway to the last unlock.

    Essentially, what this means is that players are severely underperforming for most of their perk leveling duration and that prestiging is incredibly costly, because the choice is to either have no further progression to enjoy the L25 zed-time skill, or to lose the L25 skill and continue to underperform once again. Now, what effect has this had on the KF2 community? Veterans are unwelcoming to newcomers because not only are they low skilled but also their perk choice will be underperforming, and this has severely encouraged behaviour such as perk boosting servers.

    I think that the most logical approach to perk progression is to switch every L20 and L25 perk around. Lets analyze this change a bit further.

    The positives of moving zed-time skills to L20:

    • Players will be underperforming for only 40% of the leveling process, rather than 100%
    • Players will have access to zed-time skills for 60% of the leveling process, rather than 0%
    • Players will be able to enjoy the most significant skills while engaging with the prestige system
    • The prestige system is significantly more accessible due to no longer having the costly loss of zed-time skills
    • Disencourages perk boosting servers due to being able to reach a high perk potential at L20 rather than L25
    • Players choosing to stay at L25 still have an advantage

    Now lets look at the negatives of moving zed-time skills to L20:

    • The power gap between L20's and L25's would decrease, this might annoy some
    • Some perks might have a stronger L20 skill than their zed-time skill, this could be problematic
    • Maxed out elitists would hate this change because it makes zed-time skills much less exclusive

    An additional approach that I came up with would solve the issue of some perks having better L20 skills than their zed-time skills, and that is as follows; when a player reaches level 20, allow them the freedom to pick between the L20 skill and the L25 skill. Whichever option they didn't choose would be saved for later once they reach level 25. This would be the best of both worlds, however it would introduce another con and that is that it would require a UI rework.

    At the end of the day, I'm sure neither suggestion is going to be implemented, let alone considered, however I felt the urge to share my thoughts on this topic because I'm a big fan of KF2 and the L20-L25 powergap is pretty much the only gripe I have with the game.

    submitted by /u/PD2CWE
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    John tron nascar

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:08 AM PST


    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:49 AM PST

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