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    Tuesday, July 27, 2021

    Killing Floor New weapons teased in the latest Epic Games / TWI stream

    Killing Floor New weapons teased in the latest Epic Games / TWI stream

    New weapons teased in the latest Epic Games / TWI stream

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    TWI streamed via Epic's twitch channel just a few hours ago. During that stream, they announced the names and showed off the high-poly renders of the next 2 DLC weapons. They didn't go into any detail on the functionality, but they figure that "their look and name alone gives an idea of what they do".

    For a direct image mirror:

    Corruptor Carbine

    Piranha Pistols

    submitted by /u/HazardousMonkey
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    Why is one person always off on their own?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:11 PM PDT

    I just started playing recently, and I'm no stranger to co-op games. Usually the best strategy in these games is to stick tight together to cover each other's backs and pull each other out of tight spots. I've started playing Suicidal difficulty now, and I've noticed that in every difficulty I play there's almost always someone completely off on their own on basically the other side of the map. Often times, it's a player who's clearly very experienced, because they usually aren't dying and have their perk completely prestiged. Today I even had someone continually rotate around the map just to stay away from the rest of us during non-boss waves, a firebug at level 25 prestige 5.

    This has led me to wonder if this is part of some strategy to split the spawns or something else that I'm not aware of, rather than them just being a bad team player. Is there some tactic here? Or are they trying to maximize their experience gain (wouldn't it be more if they were getting assists by hanging out with everyone else and just killing more Zeds)? In short, what the hell is going on here? Why does this keep happening so consistently?

    submitted by /u/theSultanOfSexy
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    Is it better to shoot a Fleshpounds head or its chest weak point?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    Just curious about this. Been playing on and off for a couple years but this question only really popped into my head now.

    As SS or GS I assume the headshot damage from Rack Em Up is way superior to shooting the chest, but as other classes (eg. Commando) is there any particular benefit to shooting the chest over the head?

    submitted by /u/Parking_Ad3647
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    AMD FSR In KF2

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if anyone here is familiar with AMD's new FSR technology, but it got me thinking earlier. I was playing some KF2 on my laptop rather than my main desktop and the performance was good, but I had to drop the resolution down to 900p to maintain a constant 60fps. If there was FSR in KF2, I could just enable that instead of dropping the resolution. I'm a big fan of FSR and I believe that it will help out many gamers who're playing on lower end PCs. Does anyone else think that this technology would be worth adding to KF2?

    submitted by /u/BrandanBoi
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    I have a huge problem...

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    So,i starter playng killing floor 2 2 days ago now,and i'm having a problem whit the game that doesnt make me play It in anyway possibile. The game starts up as usual,in the main menù it says me i am not connected ti the server and all my stats Are not loaded,of i start a multiplayer match,the game Will l'et me in but i Will not be Able to play,i can Just Watch people playng and if i check the players menu It says that i am not in the match neither. If i start an offline match,the game Will load on the map menù (before starting) but when i Press ready It says me waiting for players,0 seconda left end i m Stuck whitout being Able ti do anything I havent any mod installed... I really want to play the game,any suggestion?

    submitted by /u/DanieloskyGG
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    How would you feel about an altered endless mode with optional bosses and mutators?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    TL;DR: title.


    Some (most) bosses in KF2 feel pretty stale in my opinion, especially in endless. Having to fight a boss every 5 waves becomes pretty boring after a while. Especially with the bosses we have.

    Patriarch: dies very fast when played correctly

    King Fleshpound: literally regular Fleshpound with a laser and a LOT more HP

    Abomination: same as above but minus the laser, minus the Fleshpound and plus the Bloat.

    Matriarch: poses a challenge but doesn't feel fun to fight.

    Hans: actually a good boss in my opinion.

    Boss TL;DR: I find that the bosses don't exactly add anything to the game. To me they don't feel like a necessity. They're just bullet sponges.


    The mutators just make the game feel arcady. Having a wave in endless where every ZED's head is bigger than their torso? Or a wave with reversed gravity for ragdolls... To me that just feels like it takes away from the immersion KF2 can offer.

    Now, there's also mutators like poundemonium and all stalker/crawler/scrake waves. These waves are justifiable from a realism/lore perspective (Kevin drops a few stalker pods in the area idk). This adds something to a story you you have in your head, which in turn makes you feel immersed into the game.

    Mutator TL;DR: some mutators take away from immersion, some add to immersion

    Proposed change: make mutators and boss fights optional. Instead, make endless waves grow bigger and bigger maybe? Or increase ZED HP pool gradually? I think either of those would make for a good challenge.

    I would really like to know everyone's opinion on this matter.

    Obligatory apology for bad formatting, I wrote this in mobile.

    submitted by /u/fuzzymanboob12321
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