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    Tuesday, July 20, 2021

    Killing Floor If you shut doors in peoples face as you run through them, your moms a hoe

    Killing Floor If you shut doors in peoples face as you run through them, your moms a hoe

    If you shut doors in peoples face as you run through them, your moms a hoe

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    I know it takes like half a second to open them, but if youre running around or running to the trader, and every single door you run through you close it knowing there are people behind you, you suck.

    Had 2 different lobbies yesterday full of people that for whatever reason, loved to slightly inconvenience everyone by shutting doors in their face

    submitted by /u/austin0matic
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    You should!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    I made this

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    Players who dont like to camp on spot (ps4)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    Im wondering if there are players who play the map not just camping ex prison tower or whatever other cheese spot, i did a few rounds on prison with a full team in tower and i was medic and i started roaming around, did quite good for a few rounds before getting cornered between a door and 4 FP.

    More fun > camping.

    submitted by /u/PSNnobody_srb
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    Weird stuck spot on the new map. Yes, I know I suck at timing my shots.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    Shamelessly promoting my co-op discord.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Hello, all.

    A few months ago, I started up a Discord chat with a focus on co-op games. So far, we have like....6 members lol. On our roster, we have Vermintide, Deep Rock Galactic, Payday 2, Gunfire Reborn, Insurgency: Sandstorm, and Killing Floor 2. Might add Left 4 Dead 2, and we also plan on introducing Aliens: Fireteam and Back 4 Blood, once they come out.

    Finding a group for co-op games (especially a talkative/communicative one) can be difficult, and i've noticed that a lot of people that play one game in this genre play a few others. So, in order to make it easier to find groups, i've decided to make this discord specifically centered around said genre.

    As I said, we're a work in progress, but any newcomers are definitely welcome, the more, the merrier.

    Looking forward to seeing you.

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/M8EcFbdzbb

    Edit: PC players only plz

    submitted by /u/Keen_Eye_Eli
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    Medic & Zerk wasn't nerfed hard enough among other ranting & despair on (Ps4)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    I don't even know where to begin honestly. The playerbase has hit rock bottom.

    EVERY single match is exactly the same with the exact same outcome and nothing changes. No one is "getting good" anymore or upping their gameplay even slightly.

    Absolutely NO ONE wants to be Medic and those that do choose Medic don't heal. I don't care about buffs I'm not talking about whether or not they are buffing. The fact is they are simply not healing altogether. Just yesterday for example i had 3 lvl 25 medics in a lobby and none of them are healing the other 3 players including me and funny thing is that we were all together. This isn't a case of someone being out of LOS or across the map. I'm literally standing next to the medics and they don't care to heal you. Just dart me ffs is it that physically tasking for you to just freaking dart me?! I don't mind if they want kills but it still shouldn't give them a pass on healing.

    The issue for me is mainly that I'm not enjoying a once enjoyable game that at one point in time had other skilled players.

    If I'm not a Medic or a Zerk then there is literally no point to playing this because i already know the outcome of the match. I hate playing Medic & Zerk why? Because i ALWAYS have had to fill those roles. Those perks are so overplayed for me and tbh it's almost at that point with Survivalist as well. I always have to be one of the 3 because i can't count on anyone to know what they're doing anymore.

    On a side note - I'm actually beginning to believe the Medic buffs are ruining gameplay. I've done some experimenting with both left and right side and found that when i switch buffs on it just makes the gameplay chaotic. How? I notice other players wilding out when they're buffed. "Oh a medic is healing us? I guess we can run straight into that pack of FPs over there" It's stupid stuff like this is what I'm talking about. They take the buffs for granted. They don't deserve them. They see that a proficient Medic is healing them and they literally lose their minds and start running into hordes and running across the map and sh*t.

    When i switch to Right side i notice a complete 180° change in gameplay. I noticed when using right side that players are now more cautious and stay closer to me which is what i like to see. Some of them still don't get the idea and wander off and die anyway. Guess that's natural selection for ya but i found the results of Left Vs Right side skill tree comparisons very intriguing.


    90% of Zerks don't know how to parry then get 2 hit and rage quit. I watched a lvl 23 Zerk yesterday get obliterated within 3 seconds to a FP heavy Atk. Why are you using Melee with Skirmisher? You can't take the heavy hits obviously but they persist with the same build because they don't want to give up their precious speed boost.

    Another thing is that every single lobby falls apart with players leaving. When I play endless at least half if not all the lobby is gone by no more than wave 20 but more like wave 10-15 honestly.

    It's just not the same anymore. Used to join matches with other skilled players and everyone is trying their best to carry the game on and keep each other alive. There used to be skill, sportsmanship, a bond of brotherhood, and talent in this game. I'm just sad to see it die.

    submitted by /u/Yharl_Ballin
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    Husk Bug - Hans Grab

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    Adding multiple maps from workshop

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    Hey all, I am trying to add multiple maps to my KF2 server (Linux, using LinuxGSM)
    People's guides on adding maps are not super thorough as they leave the question:
    How do I add multiple maps?

    So far, if not using workshop maps, it seems like in my engine.ini I add a redirect clause to point it to the directory I'm hosting maps from (http://site.com/directory/) then add the maps in the game.ini, one by one. Assuming that the server will try to download those maps from the redirect location on boot and then point clients to that directory to download them too?
    Is it possible to add multiple redirects? And if so is there a specific way I designate one redirect for one map and another for the other?

    For workshop maps:
    All guides say to do the following in the server.ini

    ServerSubscribedWorkshopItems=644068210 // Shopping Spree

    now say I want to add a second map, how do I accomplish this? Do I add another workshopitems line or is there a delimiter to add to the workshop IDs?

    I appreciate your help :)

    submitted by /u/CptSgtLtSir
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    Should Vault skins be tradable?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    Vosh skins are the best looking skins so it's too bad they aren't tradable.

    submitted by /u/United-Passenger-700
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    can anybody help me?.. dedicated server only appear on LAN

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    i already did port fowarding / windows defender off / super DMZ

    but my friends can't find my server name on killing floor 2 server blowser

    and they can't connect by using "open IP:7777"

    how can i do?

    submitted by /u/Jumpy-Bandicoot5043
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