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    Killing Floor Why SWAT?

    Killing Floor Why SWAT?

    Why SWAT?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    I'm a returning player, started up again like 2 weeks ago, hadn't played since the doomstick came out. My GF is gonna start playing and I want to give her a brief rundown of each perk and their role. But SWAT is kinda giving me a hard time. I kinda like SWAT, but it doesn't really feel like it has any place in a team comp. It's fairly tanky, but not in a way that's helpful to the team like zerk, and its damage is decent but heavily outpaced by gunslinger, and without the utility offered by commando. Kinda seems like its only value to the team is flashbangs. How do I explain this to her without making it seem like she can't pick SWAT? Or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Catbahd
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    Halfway there, lads.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 06:06 PM PDT

    Friendly Fleshpounds.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 05:19 AM PDT

    Hey all.

    Has anyone else encountered any Fleshpounds yet that don't enrage? Last night I had a game at Farmhouse where I was running around outside (everyone else was in the house) and I was treated to two Fleshpounds following me around, as a Commando with the SA80 I thought I was screwed.

    But they didn't chase me at all, they got close and all I'd do is run around them and then leave them harmlessly plodding behind me. It was only when the third cunty Fleshpound turned up that I died as unlike his two peaceful brothers he decided to get pissed off at the most inconvenient time.

    I've never seen this before, but I've been given faith that not all Fleshpounds are evil.

    submitted by /u/dannaryan
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    Killing Floor 2 KF-BIKINIATOLL New Spongebob Square Pants Map Solo

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    Advice thread: but it is all wrong.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    Give advice, but it has to be wrong. Such as:

    If you dry fire your empty gun 3 times, the zeds leave you alone long enough to reload.

    The static strikers let you give a staticy tickle hug that makes EDARs your friend.

    submitted by /u/hobopoe
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    Why Point-Blank?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    I understand that rockets from the RPGs can one-shot a scrake if you get the headshot.

    What I don't understand is why do people go right up to their face to get the headshot?

    Wouldn't it be tactically better to get the headshot from a distance and have the rocket explode and kill (or at least hurt) lower zeds with the resulting explosion?

    submitted by /u/Briianz
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    Pick a primary and secondary! (Maybe tertiary?)

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 04:43 PM PDT

    Pick a primary and secondary weapon for each class. Tell me why. I have played a few classes.

    Berserker for me is battle axe for the nasty light swings, and that massive damage with the heavy swing. Secondary for me is the nailgun (I love that thing.).

    Commando: still exploring this, but stoner and a tommy gun has done me good. Loved the grenade rifle.

    Demolition: still learning what weapons I like, but I have enjoyed the husk cannon, keeping the original starter as a secondary. I am about to explore the seeker six tonight. I avoided RPG because I was told it is "so good that it is unfun". I will see about that tonight. I do love the imploded weapon. So pretty and decent damage. I like the way the harpoon gun works.

    Swat: P90, medic smg, kriss or the fire smg. The kriss was used for the first time today... so good. Sometimes I would use the swat special nailgun. That thing is absurd in both modes.

    Medic: I use the medic grenade rifle, and the healthrower, the smg until I can afford the rifle.

    Survivalist: I have no idea. At all. I want to though lol.

    Sharpshooter: again, no idea. I disliked a lot of the weapons, but! It may just not be my playstyle. I liked the bow, and the lever action you start with.

    Support: doomstick (that penetration and damage!) And the pump/semiauto large magazine shotty. Though sometimes, I prefer the dual buckshot pistols.

    That has been my experience so far. Share yours?

    submitted by /u/hobopoe
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    Will KF run into obscurity without a consistent lore ?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    A lot of popular horde based survival games have a consistent storyline. But that's not the case since kf2 and the lore has been almost non existent. Is that a problem ? It seems weird how less popularity kf2 has compared to kf1 when vanoss etc used to play it.

    submitted by /u/r6siegefanboy00223
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    Vibration setting?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    I was midgame and cannot find a vibration setting to turn it off. It hurts my wrists and I really think it drains a modicum of battery.

    submitted by /u/hobopoe
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