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    Friday, January 29, 2021

    Killing Floor Merc Report - Breaking Out

    Killing Floor Merc Report - Breaking Out

    Merc Report - Breaking Out

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:17 PM PST

    Finally got all my perks to level 20!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:45 AM PST

    After a while, I finally got ever one of my perks to at least level 20... now I just need to get them all to max... this may take a while 😅

    submitted by /u/PosidenSon2020
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    Reloading not filling magazine to capacity [BUG]

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:29 AM PST

    So I noticed over a couple matches that magazines are not refilling to full capacity.

    • Gun finishes animation and ammo count goes up (signaling a complete reload)
    • Ammo count then sets lower the the correct amount upon switching away(?)

    [EDIT]: I'm going to be collecting more clips if it keeps happening. These were just a few I grabbed from the last match of the night


    Reload bug 1

    Reload bug 2

    submitted by /u/MMMMO_O
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    Watch for the flanks, especially on Suicidal and HoE difficulties

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:09 PM PST

    tl;dr thing for you lazy readers - Don't all focus one area - Stick to a lane to defend - Call for help if a FP or a SC is approaching (do not anger it) - Let the big game hunters (demo, support, ss, and gs) handle them - from a 6p game, 2 watch one side, 2 watch the other, 2 alternate between both and dealing with minor spawns - Field Medics rotate between both sides to keep teammates healt in check - call for help if it gets a little overwhelming for your perk to handle/you cannot reload fast enough

    More often then not, I see players constantly focus down all zeds coming from one area and only choose to focus those ones down since that's where the zeds are. As a result, sometimes the other side will be left unguarded and once zeds start to spawn on that side, then it just becomes a chaotic mess like if it were Cabin in the Woods kill festival.

    This leads to Field Medics scambling to heal everyone at once and the player(s) dying. While a healing grenade can be a possible save for the team by killing all the small shrimp with ease and healing, it sometimes won't be enough especially when there is a bunch of medium zeds (husk, sirens, bloats, and E.D.A.R's). If you see a fleshpound or a scrake coming from one side and you're ill-equipped to deal with it (say a firebug or SWAT), quickly call for help and DO NOT ANGER IT UNTIL THE TEAM IS READY TO TAKE CARE OF IT. Instead swap flanks to take care of the zeds that the others were focusing and protect them. SWAT, Firebug, Commando's and sometimes Survivalist are more equipped to deal with trash zeds while they leave the other big game hunters to deal with the threats.

    Even if no zeds are coming from your side, you should still stick to it because zeds spawn in quickly after you dispatch a few of them. Maybe peaking over to sneak a kill or two (also just to catch some XP since one bit of damage grants all the XP from the zed death) isn't too harmful, you should be quick about it so that way one lane isn't left unguarded for too long.

    From a 6-player stance, typically you'll want two players watching one side, 2 players watching another, and then 2 alternating between both while also covering any minor spawns (like a vent) to protect the team. One little distraction can often be fatal to everyone. Field Medics will often want to alternate between watching both sides at all times to keep their teammates health up. If there are 5 or less players in the game, im pretty sure you can divvy that up.

    Have a little trust in your comrades, you watch their back, they'll (possibly) have yours in turn.

    submitted by /u/MrJaxxi
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