• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 27, 2021

    Killing Floor I like my Demos how I like my Fleshpounds: Way the fuck over there.

    Killing Floor I like my Demos how I like my Fleshpounds: Way the fuck over there.

    I like my Demos how I like my Fleshpounds: Way the fuck over there.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:17 PM PST

    Elysium is a really, really bad map that needs repairing beyond a hotfix

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:08 AM PST

    There are many invisible obstructions / walls that lead players to believe they can walk through those areas. This causes players to take unnecessary damage or get them killed if the zeds behind them were too close. If this is unintentional, QA has failed. If it's intentional, it's some of the worst map design ever.

    Zed pathing is laughable. It's most notable with big zeds, but happens with all of them. In the main map, you'll be amazed at just how bad it is when an FP goes all the way around a huge object when it had a clear and direct path towards you. In the castle submap, sometimes the big zeds will turn around and go around half the map even though they were close to you. The main map and every submap has pathing issues, fwiw, I'm just listing some of the most obvious ones.

    The grid submap is an absolute abomination that should be removed. Zeds spawn from every corner and cut you off. Once you reach late wave, this map is where the game ends because you'll get multiple QPs/FPs that blindside you and either trap you or knocks you back into the trash you were kiting, or something else like turning a corner to find a Husk that uses his flamethrower. There's not much of a defense against dumb crap like this. I'm guessing that the spawn system in KF2 works using LOS and the design of this map allows it to be abused so that you're always trapped. There's difficulty and there's unfairness; this is a good example of unfairness.

    They changed the spawns in one of the submaps (the brown one with rocks floating) and now the zeds spawn everywhere from ABOVE you as you're kiting, whereas before, they would mostly spawn from one area if you went to that area. You won't find this change in the recent hotfix thread for some reason. Considering all the other problems with this map, it makes you wonder why they took time to make this change instead of fixing all the other issues.

    The toxic submap doesn't guarantee the game ends like the other two, but it's also bad. Zeds don't have to be too far from you and they will not be visible due to the fog. Also, rolling this submap can teleport you near the acid waterfall, so if you're moving forward as you teleport, you'll walk right into it and take damage.

    Tripwire/Saber, we deserve better than this. This map is so bad that many people refuse to play it, which means that its almost as if we didn't even get a map at all. This map needs more than a hotfix, please take a closer look at it and fix things to make it enjoyable.

    submitted by /u/user97131
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    Anyone wanna play on Xbox sometime

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:00 PM PST

    Me and my friend just got killing floor 2 and I was wondering if anyone would like to play with us sometime I can add you if you want 🤷🏽‍♂️

    submitted by /u/yonashay69
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    Messing around and found this cool cosmetic combo

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:48 PM PST

    Steam Market Ticket Price irregularities

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:44 AM PST

    The prices of the Tickets such as the Cyberpunk ticket have been having irregular price bumps lately, with it even reaching 20 dollars at some point. Do you think these prices are caused by people doing money transfer? Why do people even do money transfer if they have to pay the same tax you would on any other popular games items.

    submitted by /u/lolmom3
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    Is it safe to play KF1 online on PC?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:26 AM PST

    I've heard of other games having issues where joining a server can give you a virus. Especially with older games such as KF1 that may have unpatched security exploits.

    I just hosted a listen server and had random players join. Can they somehow inject a virus on to my PC as I'm locally hosting the game? Or should I be pretty safe?

    submitted by /u/RAYGUN117
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    How to access the webadmin without being connected to the local network ?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:28 AM PST

    Hi, currently I have to connect via the address if I want to access the webadmin of my server killing floor.

    But I was wondering if it was for example possible for friends to connect to it remotely from their computer, for example simply by typing my IP address, for example: 45.178.325.98:8080 ?

    Thank you in advance for your answers =)

    submitted by /u/69_BABATUNDE_
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    Is hosting a listen server for randoms to join safe in KF1 PC?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:50 AM PST

    I hosted a listen server to play with my friend and didn't realise randoms could join. When they did we just played the match through.

    I remembered that in other games, other players can do things such as inject viruses into the host. Especially in older games like this which could have security exploits.

    Am I safe and just worrying over nothing?

    submitted by /u/terraria_goty
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    What is the ideal Team for a 6p HOE Nuked map on Endless in your opinion..Rules: No more than 2 of the same perks

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:01 PM PST

    Mine: Gunslinger lvl25 Gunslinger lvl25 Gunslinger lvl25 Gunslinger lvl25 Gunslinger lvl25 Gunslinger lvl25

    submitted by /u/perzhaon
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    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:33 AM PST

    So the map has its issues we all know, but also it's the only thing to ever hardlock my ps4 pro (screens frozen, power button not responding) and elysium does it maybe 1/10 times I play it, anyone else experience this? Or have a solution besides pulling out the power cord, (the system starts to overheat badly and refuses to function) it's literally the only thing to do this to my system. Only map on only game.

    submitted by /u/Sadboi813
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    Worst wave modifier

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:43 AM PST

    I'm adding this poll to know which do you guys consider it to be the worst wave modifier in the Endless game mode. If you feel I should have added another one, please let me know it the comments.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/ClassyTF2
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    Kicked for having an ion saber at round 5

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:55 PM PST

    I've been playing this game for a while, at least to the point where my medic is level 12. I didn't like running out of ammo on any other classes so I decided to go with beserker level 0 on a normal survival game. Around round 5 I saved enough money to get the iron saber, keep in mind that this is my first game as beserker so I just wanted a stronger weapon.

    All of the sudden I got kicked for having it, they straight up said "I was cheating, ion saber 2 grand on round 5". All I did was save my money and sell my previous weapons for better ones. What did I do wrong?

    submitted by /u/Demo-The-PAN
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    Is it wrong to play with a 25 lvl perk casually on difficultys lower than HoE?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:23 PM PST

    I always feel pressured to play high difficulties like HoE, but Im a casual player, Im always most comfortable playing on lower difficulties like mostly hard, sometimes normal, and occasionally suicidal. I prefere using my 25 perks so I have all the skills at my disposal.

    submitted by /u/Baconater2531
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    Parry Spam on Consoles

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:25 AM PST

    So i see a lot of people not knowing how to parry spam on consoles. You have to heavy attack and parry at the same time. So on PlayStation thats L2+R1 simultaneously. Same on Xbox. If you spam those two buttons together you can parry way faster and their is no delay. As you can see in the video i can parry King FP's every attack.


    submitted by /u/SummitRampage
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