• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 11, 2020

    Killing Floor Why would you expect me to heal your ass as a medic after you just sold my medic AR when i died?

    Killing Floor Why would you expect me to heal your ass as a medic after you just sold my medic AR when i died?

    Why would you expect me to heal your ass as a medic after you just sold my medic AR when i died?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:30 AM PST

    Literally called him out(he was a support), he didn't say shit. I had to play the next wave with the medic thrower thing only since my team only gave me 500 dosh. He used my stolen weapon to upgrade his doomstick.

    The round begins and i didn't even heal him once. Oh boy, now he wasn't silent anymore. He started calling me a trash medic and that i should kill myself for not doing my part. The rest of the team was kind of confused since they all had full health most of the times and started calling him a noob for taking so much damage (they thought i was healing him :D )

    He eventually died in the middle of the wave and started using cringy insults yet again. I told him to not steal my weapon because this happens and he left after that. I took his upgraded doomstick and sold it. Profit.

    submitted by /u/LynRyu
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    I played a game on normal and people doubted me when I was the last one left (Support main)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 11:53 AM PST

    Anyone else get this? Your whole squad dies with you being the last one remaining. There are still more than 100 zeds left and everyone is already saying gg to each other. Like mate... I'm still alive.

    Funny thing was that this happened two rounds in a row in that game, and at the end of both rounds I was like "Not gg yet"

    Support actually best solo class. I actually had the ammo (from an M4 combat shotty and dual HRG buckshots) to take em all out. Yeah I know... You're either gonna say "its Normal difficulty, its not even that hard" or "Quit upping yourself" but I just had a very good game today (even when people doubted I'd get the job done)

    submitted by /u/The99thCourier
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    Strange message on D.A.R interior

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:07 PM PST

    Some HRG weapon suggestions

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:32 PM PST

    Straight to the point. First for the perks that have no HRG weapons yet:

    • Commando -> HRG Bullet Hell = The Helios Rifle, but modified to shoot steel-balls instead, which bounce after impact.

    • Commando -> HRG M14 Auto = M14 tweaked into a slowfiring heavyhitting fullauto assault rifle (but with Assault Rifle damagetype), with some penetration and more ammo. Think kind of like the MKb, but stronger and slower.

    • Sharpshooter -> HRG L85 Marksman = L85A2 modified to singlefire and burstfire only. Also has a longer barrel, Rifle-damage type, slightly more damage per shot, but less total ammo, compared to the regular L85A2. Meant as a bit of a lower tier spamshooter, to help with trashkilling.

    • Sharpshooter -> HRG M4 Slugger = M4 shotgun with slugs, working as a potential alternative to the M14.

    • Demolitionist -> HRG Demogoblin = Hemogoblin, modified to have small explosive darts instead. Altfire shoots the explosive darts to detonate on enemy proximity instead, with a small delay before they become active.

    • Demolitionist -> HRG Tombstone = Tommy Gun, modified with smokeless, explosive bullets. While damage is now in AoE (and a small amount of impact damage), there's a big reduction in magsize and fire rate. Basicly functions like a fullauto, single-pellet HX25, if you will.

    Now, for the perks that already have:

    • Support -> HRG Spreadfire = Centrefire, modified to shoot with shotgun shells. Spreads almost entirely horizontally, making it rather easy to headshot with for a shotgun, but total damage of all pellets is a bit on the lower side compared to other shotguns, to compensate.

    • Gunslinger -> HRG Static Slingers = Static Strikers, modified to shoot balls of lightning with primary fire (instead of punching). Can aim similar to Husk Cannon, blocks with altfire, and bashing still has the doublepunching attack.

    • Gunslinger -> HRG 9mm Raffica(s) = The 9mm (dualwieldable too), modified to have 3-shot burstfire, slightly bigger magazines and a lot more spare ammo (but also a bit weaker). Counts as a seperate weapon from the regular 9mm(s), not an upgrade.

    • SWAT -> HRG HZ12 Shocker = HZ12, modified into using electrifying slugs. Each slug, aside from decent direct damage, causes a small EMP AoE on impact.

    • SWAT -> HRG Phalanx = Stoner LMG modified with a much smaller barrel, utilizing pistol munitions and a hi-tech shield-gadget attachment. For the gun, this means SMG-type damage, far less recoil, a slightly lighter weight and slightly quicker reload. The shield-gadget is a device you can toggle on/off with altfire to project a frontal energyshield, giving similar protection as the G18+Shield. However, this shield runs on rechargable energy (similar to healdarts), but also protects against more damage. The shield will automatically toggle off when it runs out of energy, sprinting or switching weapons.

    • Berserker -> HRG Seal Shock = Seal Squeal, modified to create an EMP blast upon detonation, instead of an explosion. Is also cheaper, slightly faster-firing and reloads a bit more quickly.

    • Firebug -> HRG Incinerator = Eviscerator, heavily modified to launch burning blades with primary fire, and has a shortrange intense flamethrower on altfire. The two firemodes use different ammo (like the Eviscerator). Carries more ammo, the ammo is cheaper and the blades ignite enemies it pierces through and leaves groundfire on every bounce (including its final landing), but the blades cannot be picked up and have much less direct damage. Bash also ignites enemies.

    • Survivalist -> HRG Frostwind = Dragonsbreath, modified to shoot a cryogenic swarm instead, capable of freezing and all.

    • Medics -> No suggestion for now, since it already has 3 HRG weapons.

    What do you think? Anything you'd like?

    submitted by /u/Daurakin
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    I need help finding a gun

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:08 AM PST

    So a couple of games ago I bought this like cannonball shooting gun that would also shoot like a shotgun as a secondary fire. I really enjoyed using this gun but now that I've went back to other games to buy it I can't find it. So I was just wondering if any of you know what this gun is called and where to buy it. Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/ImpartualSilver
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    Petition To Change Frostfang to Chillaxe

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 06:08 PM PST


    submitted by /u/Garresh
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    Husk Cannon

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:54 AM PST

    I've seen a few posts on reddit and elsewhere that the husk cannon is bad. However, there posts tend to be quite old and with updates things change (eg the dragonsbreath has gone from bad to very good). Is husk cannon still seen as bad? I like it on a firebug and even on demo if there is another demo who goes rpg. It clears out lanes well, very good at stumbling scrakes and good on headshots for scrakes and FPs. Once you are used to the timing of the firing delay that doesn;t become an issue.

    I assume the explosion animation and stumbling isn't great for GS and SS but what is the current thinking? Playing on suicidal btw. [I understand a few may think "well if it's not HOE it doesn't matter" so let's take that opinion as read].

    submitted by /u/dux_v
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    Halloween event zed evolution/comparison between Killing Floor 1 & 2.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Killing Floor 1 community server/discord

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 01:38 AM PST

    Miiukade's Killing Floor Community Server is a passion project that takes the best custom content from the games hay day as well as a bunch of brand new unique content and adds it all together to create a brand new yet familiar experience.

    We have nearly 200 weapons (more to be added in the future) all refined to be balanced and fun to use. We have new enemies, new bosses, maps, classes, and more.

    We strive to make the game challenging but fair and give players a new experience as we grow a community of fans who all love Killing Floor as much as we do. This mod is way harder than vanilla and the learning curve might be a bit steep, but we are here to help.

    Our version of the game is still in beta as well so over time as we get feedback from players we will also be adding more content, re-balancing, and do some community events as well.

    We hope you will join us in our endeavors and help us make new fun memories together.

    Discord server: https://discord.gg/rzE35E85Cy
    Please read #new-recruits-check-here and #role-assignment.

    To download the modpack, check #modpack.It might not include every mod right now, we are working on a full version. Join the server and it should download everything.

    If you have any questions or problems, feel free to dm us on discord: Raxor#0054 Miiukade#9267

    submitted by /u/Raxorh
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    Coming Back After Two Years Away. What’s Everyone’s Favourite New Content?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 05:13 AM PST

    I stopped playing after the Season's Beatings event almost two years ago, but the desire to shoot some zombies in the face dragged me back in. So what's everyone's favourite new content that's been added since then?

    Which of the new maps are the most fun and which ones get the thumbs down?
    Which classes changed the most, for better or worse?
    Are any of the DLC weapons worth buying? Not necessarily for power but just the most fun to use?
    Do any of the HRG guns switch up the meta or are just a blast to blast with?
    Is the Survivalist still far and away the best class?

    submitted by /u/GeneralConfusion
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    "back to it Meza...???"

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:03 PM PST

    What is the French lady saying when you start a new round? It's driving me crazy and I can't find anything with a Google search.

    submitted by /u/Prettyokuser
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    Is hearing other people microphones bugged?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Yes I have voice chat recieve volume set to the max but I've had multiple people use their mic in game and not once have I ever heard someone talk. Is the voice chat glitched in this game?

    submitted by /u/orange_sun20
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    Weapon ideas - EDAR weapon

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:00 PM PST

    Since the battle-axe was added, I've started putting together that they've been adding weapons that Zeds use. I know the Husk cannon was added before this, but I only thought this was a one-time thing. In turn, I've always wondered if they will add anymore, which they "kind of" did with the addition of the mine gun. So I've been thinking on a possible addition of EDAR weapons. However, not as 3 separate weapons, but as a more so "Rig", merging the 3 EDAR types into one weapon. Obviously, since this would make it an amalgamation of as many perks I could put in, such as the Demo (Bomber shoulders), Commando/SWAT/support?/Sharpshooter? (Blaster), and Berserker (Trapper), this weapon is going to be a survivalist weapon.

    Since this is a one-of-a-kind kind of weapon, where it's essentially 3 weapons in one, I figured that the player model would be actually wearing some form of rig. Now I unfortunately don't have a sketch nor 3d model of what I'm thinking, however from what I've written, it's basically the merging of all 3 types of EDARs, with Trapper having an additional "Baton" for blocking to make sense. However I want to I guess advance the design (since it is a prototype rigged for human use). I'll be describing what I can from head to toe.

    I thought of 2 versions. First was a full body, second is a "Prototype" (the other 2 were second thought, meaning they popped in my head but nothing was really expanded)

    Note: I used an assorted pages from the wiki to calculate the values shown below (including the technical section)

    --------------- Mrk V "Teseo Tesei" EDAR Chassis ---------------

    Version 1 --- Full body

    Tier 5 weapon

    15 Kilos

    3k or 4k

    ----- Passive Buff -----

    Converts current armor to Heavy armor

    ----- Passive Debuff -----

    *¼ Speed Reduction

    Cannot Sprint

    0.4* durability reduction

    --------------- Mode 1 – Range ---------------

    - Primary: Auto energy blasters

    30 mag

    300 reserve

    Can overheat if continuously used

    DPS: 65

    FR: 550

    ACC: 68

    Pen: 1 Zed

    Alt: Rocket shoulder cannons (press swap weapon for this).

    16 mag

    64 reserve

    2 shot Burst (with .3 sec delay in shot)

    DPS: 350

    FR: 170

    ACC: 96

    Pen: 0


    Possible ADS Mechanics


    ----- Button tapping fires shotgun-like shots

    DPS: 90

    FR: 320

    ACC: 70

    Pen: 3 Zed

    *uses 5 ammo

    *0.25x range

    ----- Holding button emits a railgun like attack
    4 second charge
    DPS: 250
    FR: 50
    ACC: 100
    Pen: 15

    *takes 15 ammo

    *5x range


    -----Lock on Barrage

    When the fire button is held, the User can paint Zeds and once the button is released, an immediate Barrage occurs

    -----If Crosshair stays on a Zed longer than a 3/4 second, rockets will stack (up to 5 for one Zed, 0.5 seconds per rocket after initial wait time).

    --------------- Mode 2 – Melee ---------------

    Primary (Light) - Taser Baton - Damage = 85 (40% chance of electro stun)

    Secondary (Heavy) - Energy Whips - damage = 150 (Baton) 180 (Whip - 20% chance of electro stun)

    ---if you had to T pose Patty, about him hand tip to gun tip.

    Bash – Energy Buckler Shield - Damage = 50 (100% chance of electro stun)

    Special - Arc trap - damage = 600 over 5 seconds (125 a second), arcing over a total 10-20 Zeds (100% electro stun if any survive)

    --- Arc radius of whip is the Length of 1.5 the Trader's height - Zed arc jump is height of Trader (up to 3 zeds per arc participant)

    ------A small arc radius around player is generated - length is the width of Trader - damage is 100 over 5 seconds (20 damage)

    ---Zeds can walk into arc radius and be affected (up to 3)

    --------------- Technical Information ---------------

    ---------- Mode 1 ----------


    Damage = 65,

    Damage Type = Energy?

    Rate of Fire = 4550 RPM.

    Damage over Time: None

    Type = Energy?

    Weapon powers: Burn power (projectile) = 10.

    Burn power (DOT tick) = 8.5.

    Microwave power (projectile) = 30.

    Penetration power = 5.

    Stumble power (projectile) = 10.

    Projectile speed = 290 m/s,

    Spread factor = 0.0055.

    Bash: Damage = 30, ROF = 58.

    Reload (half / dry) = 3.01s / 3.51s.

    Force Reload Time (reload delayed for) = 0.7s.

    Time (equip) = 1.0s,

    Time (put down) = 1.0s.

    -----ROCKET CANNON-----

    Damage (projectile impact) = 130.

    Damage (explosion) = 350.

    Damage (backblast explosion) = 170.

    This weapon does three types of the damage - direct hit that only affect initial target, AOE explosion of the rocket and cone-shaped backblast explosion that comes from the rear of the weapon.

    Damage Type Group: Ballistic_Shell, Explosive.

    Explosion Radius (rocket) = 1m.

    Explosion Falloff (rocket) = Exponential (power or 2).

    Explosion Radius (backblast) = 4m.

    Explosion Falloff (backblast) = Linear.

    Rate of Fire = 170.

    Rate of Fire (elite reloading) = 20.

    Reload Time = 2.5s.

    Reload Time (elite) = 1.0s.

    Force Reload Time (reload delayed for) = 1.0 s.

    Weapon Powers: Gun

    Hit power (rocket direct hit) = 220.

    Knockdown power (backblast explosion) = up to 200.

    Knockdown power (rocket direct hit) = 100.

    Knockdown power (rocket explosion) = up to 175.

    Stumble power (backblast explosion) = up to 350.

    Stumble power (rocket direct hit) = 280.

    Stumble power (rocket explosion) = up to 290.

    ---------- Mode 2 ----------

    Maximum Hit Range:

    Baton = 1.45m.

    Shield = 1.3m.

    Rate of Fire:

    Primary (combo) = 160

    Secondary = 60

    Bash = 40.

    Parry: Strength = 9.

    Duration = 0.75s.

    Block damage decrease = 50%

    Electro Stun Block Chance = 40%

    Weapon Powers:

    Knockdown power (Baton heavy) = 90.

    Knockdown power (Baton light) = 30.

    Knockdown power (Whip heavy) = 20.

    Knockdown power (Whip light) = 10.

    Knockdown power (shield bash) = 150.

    Melee hit power (all attacks) = 100.

    Stumble power (Baton heavy) = 200.

    Stumble power (Baton light) = 100.

    Stumble power (Whip heavy) (stunned) = 400.

    Stumble power (Whip heavy) = 50.

    Stumble power (Whip light) (stunned) = 280.

    Stumble power (Whip light) = 50.

    Stumble power (shield bash) = 200.

    ---------- Aesthetic ----------

    "The main look"

    Since this is a full body rig, the look for this, I first thought it would be as if the player model is completely under a set of armor, however I believe this would be unfair, since it would mean the addition of extra armor


    ---The head would be the easiest; nothing.

    --- for the front, there would be metal bars from 2 shoulder plates, then down over the chest. There would be breastplates signaling where the bars would split into 4 under these plates, and would be jointed toward the groin (which is covered)


    --basically the front but shoulder blade plates, as well as the middle two bars would hide under a middle-of-back plate. What different is that the rocket cannons arms would come out of the shoulder blade plates, and over the shoulder --- Rocket Cannon would contain 9 barrels for 9 rockets, as well as the box containing these barrels be longer (kind of like the Xbox Series X meme)

    ---for this, it would be similar to how an arm brace would be, around the arm, connected to the shoulder. On the forearms would be fully plated, with the underarm be storage and "over the hand" area of the forearm be the active weapon --- blasters would be a longer barrel than that of a normal EDAR blaster. --- Batons are basically what the Trapper has; just slap then on top of the forearm. The only difference is the ends would be a ball, much like the baton from Watch dogs, under hand however would be a joint with wires that feed to the hand, where there would be something similar to the glove the Husk cannon has, where they would grasp handles that have triggers for blasters, buttons at the top for Rocket Cannons, and a twisting-of-the-handles to switch the modes

    ---Thigh armor plate in the front, bars that joint on the knee, and plate for the shin which slightly join for the top of the foot.

    Bits n' Bobs
    --- Here I wasn't too sure what to add to make it any more aesthetically pleasing
    --- Blood Red with fade to black on weapons, and limb ends

    Version 2 is much easier to explain. States wouldn't change much, however there is only 1 of each weapon and no shield. This means that the FR of each would decrease by 1/3, ACC increased by 1/3, DPS does not change, and zed pen would not change
    the look is where the right arm of the user is used. Only the right breast plate, right shoulder plate, middle-back plate, and thigh plates are here. The theme is shabby, put-together pieces of EDAR parts

    There is a 3rd Version but basically it's take out the shield and add another baton. Frankly this was the first idea before I figured a new shield.

    ---------- Flaws ----------

    While taking the time to write this, I found that there are a lot of issues regarding balancing this weapon. Some ideas I had was a movement penalty; no sprint and a possible reducing speed to ¾ (1/4 lost). I'm also thinking MAYBE have it where you gain a durability decrease as well, but @ this point I'm at a "have to debuff this somehow so it's not over powered" whether it's an ammo count reduction, armor debuff, taking out the Heavy Armor buff, etc. Hell if I might revamp this and expand on the second version since 1) it's not entirely a full rig and would go from the end of the right hand all the way to the right shoulder blade and right breast plate. Another thing for aesthetic is to change for the look is ripping the lower half away, only cause it might be much (even though this idea is pretty over the top, but this is Killing Floor; the game where you have Electro Gloves, Microwave gun, Railgun, Zweihander, etc.)

    I am open for any suggestions. Whether tweaks, additions. Let me know if this is way too much as well. This is a survivalist weapon, and I thought the melting pot of every perk would work well to some degree.

    submitted by /u/Onside94
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    Did I miss something? When diff these change?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 05:17 PM PST

    KF2 Custom Main Menu Background

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:30 PM PST

    I've wanted a similar menu BG video from KF1 in to KF2, so I have made the video myself. THese clips are taken from KF2 Meed the ZEDs trailers.


    submitted by /u/magik_koopa990
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    A few questions:

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 10:05 PM PST

    1) How are you supposed to use the Hemogoblin? Is it worth using?

    2) Which is better: dual spitfire or dual winterbite?

    3) Is the Helios Rifle even good? It doesn't seem all that good but maybe Im wrong.

    submitted by /u/oCrypto13
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    What are your favorite community Christmas maps?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    After returning to the game from a 2 year break I was looking forward to two new official Christmas maps to be disappointed there hasn't been a single one. One of my favorite aspects of the game is killing some zombies on Christmas maps. So I decided to go look for some good community ones and wanted to know if there were any good maps I was missing. So what are your favorite community Christmas maps? Here are mine:

    KF-SilentNight: A fun map where you are toy size in a highly decorated Christmas rooms.

    KF-ThrillsAndChills: A remake of a kf1 map. Fairly large place to run and gun.

    KF-YuletideTown: A little Christmas village.

    submitted by /u/kolipoki7
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    Anyone want a copy of Killing Floor: Incursion? I got an extra code from a Humble Bundle

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 03:30 PM PST

    I bought the Humble Killing Floor Bundle in August and the Humble Fall VR Bundle today. Both contained Killing Floor: Incursion so I have an extra code. I don't like my codes going to waste and I didn't have any friends that were interested.

    submitted by /u/11101101110011000111
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    If Medic has a +1 penetrate skill, that would be nice

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:16 AM PST


    submitted by /u/ngkn92
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    low-effort,scrake inspired halloween costume repurposed as wall-decoration that spooks me when i wake up

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:45 PM PST

    Dunno how I managed to live through this!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:37 PM PST


    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:52 PM PST

    Does anyone reckon Tripwire will port kf2 to the newest unreal engine and implement lumen lighting?

    submitted by /u/lesmiserablesss
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