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    Friday, September 25, 2020

    Killing Floor Killing Floor 2 - Infernal Insurrection Announcement Trailer

    Killing Floor Killing Floor 2 - Infernal Insurrection Announcement Trailer

    Killing Floor 2 - Infernal Insurrection Announcement Trailer

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    I always had Rack'em Up for sharpshooter, But now I'm In Love With Crossbow's Tactical Reload.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Game Announcer

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    I wish there was a way to choose who announces your games, at least on Endless. I love playing on Monsters Ball because I think Volter's hilarious (and yes, I know that's technically not Volter. It's Volter as Dracula). He gets so cheerful in criticizing you. I don't mind listening to the Patriarch but especially on longer games he gets annoying. He sounds like that guy you knew in high school who thought he was a badass because he was obsessed with death metal.

    submitted by /u/k1n6jdt
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    soo matriarch went 100% invisible... anyone else encountered this?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    Anyone else frustrated with the absolute ineptitude of medics in pubs?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    For starters, I'm a level 25 medic and I dedicate my entire existence of a match to making sure everyone is at 100 health the entirety of each round. I play left skill tree. I am aware of my surroundings and I'll make sure that you're buffed with damage resistance before that FP hits you, and the millisecond it does, I'm hitting you with another healing dart.

    I also like to play other classes, and when I get a medic for a teammate, I almost always find myself having to work harder than if they had chosen any other perk. They seem to think that their contribution to the team as a high level medic is to:

    • Throw a random medic grenade every once in a while.
    • Heal the entire team only after the round is over at the trader.
    • Be completely oblivious to the entire group of allies sitting at less than 20 health right next to them while they happily fire away with a medic SMG at a FP.

    Even in teams of 3 I often won't get healed at all during a match. I'll have to spam "Request healing" and maybe then I'll get a single pity dart from the medic. It's extremely frustrating to see medics played by people who have no intention of, well, being a medic.

    At this point forward, I will assume that any medic that joins my match will provide no healing and I'll play cautiously. Sucks to say, but it's my only choice now.

    submitted by /u/AnomicNonentity
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    Why do many people don't have profile pictures when I play killing floor 2?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    I'm the only one with a profile picture and everyone else just has a killing floor pfp

    submitted by /u/Cowlixthememewatcher
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    Grim treatments home screen with summer event items?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    can't find any servers with open filters, but is a badass home screen song. du****

    submitted by /u/untolddeathz
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    Zeds shooting through open doors

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    I'm talking about the doors themselves, not the doorway. Most doors that allow you to open/close them do not double-back against the wall, but rather just rotate 90 degrees and stick straight out. This creates times when a player can't remotely see out the open doorway because the door itself is blocking vision. The player is standing "behind the door" or even just in that section of the room which cannot see into the open doorway. However, zeds can not only see right through the open door, husks and edars can shoot through it and sometimes they can even walk through it.

    Surely others have noticed this issue. Obviously the zeds can see the door itself when the door is closed. Please make the door a physical barrier that cannot be shot through, whether the door is open or closed.

    submitted by /u/firebirdude
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