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    Sunday, August 9, 2020

    Killing Floor When you barely beat poundamonium just to be greeted with this... (LOUD)

    Killing Floor When you barely beat poundamonium just to be greeted with this... (LOUD)

    When you barely beat poundamonium just to be greeted with this... (LOUD)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Too often

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    Global perks for Prestiging classes, an update idea

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    I think there should be some sort of incentive to prestige multiple classes outside of the dosh/fun aspect. I've been thinking of a sort of "global perk" system that could give you a good reason to prestige multiple classes for slight benefits.

    Berserker: Increase Global Health by +5 (could scale +1 or +2 per prestige) and maybe make parries deflect 5% more damage?

    Commando: Unlock Health bars globally within 7.5m (could possibly start lower, like 5m and then get +1m per prestige?)

    Support: Increase carry weight globally by +2 (could start lower and maybe scale for like 0.5kg per prestige)

    Field Medic: Decrease syringe cooldown by 10% and possibly make it heal more? Again, could be scaled with prestiges

    Demolitionist: Increase Grenade AoE by 10%, could again be scaled based on prestiges

    Firebug: 15% Global Fire damage resistance? Really hard to come up with an actually useful one for this.

    Gunslinger: Could be a lot of things. Global Increased weapon swap speed, or reduced sight bob when ADS, or maybe slightly less movement speed penalty when ADS?

    Sharpshooter: Hard to come up with a good one for this as well, maybe just globally increased reload times? Or possibly stun/stumble power increase

    Survivalist: Impossible to come up with a good one, could just have minor buffs to everything, like +3 HP, +3 Armour, 5% faster reloads

    SWAT: global +5 armour, could again scale with prestiges

    Thats what I came up with. Like I mentioned you could easily spice it up by making the starting values lower but make them scale with the prestige level to further incentivize prestiging multiple classes. You could spice it up even MORE by making two "prestige perks" for each class, making you choose between 2 good ones, say like global +1 zed time refreshes or Global Health Bars for Commando, etc etc. Personally I think this would make it a lot more interesting to play multiple classes and maybe give some long needed buffs to allow people to actually have a chance at completing HoE missions outside of very coordinated groups.

    Suggestions? Thoughts? I personally think it would fit the game just fine

    submitted by /u/C_ore_X
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    Perk Suggestion: Sapper

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    It's a perk that is similar to that of the medic and support combined, where this perk can construct and lay down rudimentary structures to help the user and their teammates. Many perk weapons would be a 1-handed weapon on the right hand (like a 1-handed shotgun, a pistol, a grenade launcher, or a submachinegun), and the other would carry the other item (barbed wire, heavy mine, tesla mine, turret, gun emplacement), where the player would press MMB and it would deploy the item. As the character progresses in perk, it will increase in weld capacity, reload speed, ammo capacity and health.

    Tier 1 Starter Weapon: 9mm pistol and Barbed wire.

    Knife: Closed Pliers

    Grenades: All-Purpose Mine

    The barbed wire would require the zeds to destroy it before attacking you if it is in the way, much like how they would attack an escort drone. While attacking it at close range, they would suffer damage until its health depletes. Other players can pass through it. 4 charges.

    Perk Weapons:

    Tier 2:

    • Reinforced Barbed wire with Sawed Off Boomstick - 650 Dosh, 3 kg. Has more spread than the normal boomstick, and can only fire 1 shell at a time. MMB is to deploy the reinforced barbed wire, which is like the one in the starter weapon, but with more health and deals more reflected damage to zeds. 6 Barbed Wire charges.
    • Tesla mine with Uzi Submachinegun - 650 Dosh, 3 kg. The Uzi is similar to that of a mac 10, with 32 rounds and a faster reload time. The Tesla mine is similar to that of the Berzerker's tesla grenade, but in a form of a mine. 6 mien charges.

    Tier 3:

    • Teslathrower - 1100 Dosh, 8 kg. It's like a flamethrower, but instead of throwing flames, it throws tesla. Compared to other thrower weapons, the Teslathrower deals slightly more damage and has more stopping power, but no damage over time ticks.
    • Minelauncher - 1200 Dosh, 7 kg. Grenade launcher that forms self-planting mines. They are similar to the mine in the grenade slot for this perk, but they have increased damage but less blast radius.

    Tier 4:

    • Briefcase Turret with FN F2000 - 1500 Dosh, 8 kg. Standard assault rifle, but with no semi-auto fire. MMB deploys a briefcase which deploys a turret, which fires 1 consistent laser that does damage over time and slows the 1 zed slightly.

    Tier 5:

    • 50. cal Emplacement - 2000 Dosh, 12 kg. Heavy machinegun that takes 2 seconds to set up, similar to that of Tachanka's LMG from R6S. MMB deploys the weapon, which is attached to a shield that absorbs damage before collapsing (something like the boss's forcefields). Shield points have to be repurchased at trader pods like ammo.

    There might be more plans to put more weapons in for this perk, but that's it so far.

    Perk Abilities:

    1. Level 5 - Repairing: Deployed entities will slowly heal over time when not attacked OR Increased weld time.
    2. Level 10 - Defense: Using the HMTech Healer will replenish 15 armour along with health OR You and nearby teammates take 25% less damage when together and stationary.
    3. Level 15 - Minelaying: Changes all-purpose mine into anti-vehicle teller mines OR changes all-purpose mine into incendiary mine.
    4. Level 20 - Personal Equipment: Perk weapons grant 30% more damage OR Perk weapons get 30% higher capacity.
    5. Level 25 - Zed Time: You and all equipment become invulnerable during Zed time, and deal fire damage OR You have unlimited item charges and deploy them at 2x speed, though they only last for 10 seconds.
    submitted by /u/YandereTeemo
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    How to Download Custom Maps from Steam Workshop for KF2 through EGS?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    I've been able to download custom maps from https://www.gamemaps.com/kf2/maps , in *.zip format, and then place the folder in the relevant directory (KillingFloor2 -> KFGame -> BrewedPC -> Maps).

    However, there are only 6 maps on that site....I see that there are many more custom maps on the Steam workshop page for KF2 ( https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=232090&requiredtags[]=Maps )

    Steam states that to download the custom map, you hit "Subscribe".....but I can't get any farther than that.

    How am I able to directly download the *.kfm folder/files from the KF2 Steam Workshop, so I can place them in the Epic Games -> KillingFloor2 -> KFGame -> BrewedPC -> Maps folder?

    I've searched this sub and the internet at large, and can't find any info regarding it, other than this: https://www.reddit.com/r/killingfloor/comments/hr6klq/custom_maps_in_epic_games/ , however, the answers there do not tell me how I can download the maps from Steam Workshop.

    -BONUS QUESTIONS (if you all would be so kind to a relative noob):

    1. are there any other sites besides gamemaps.com where I can directly download maps?
    2. from the research I've done thus far, it seems that you can only play these custom maps on SOLO MODE (offline), unless you are running your own server - any way that a friend and myself can just download the same exact custom map and play online without setting up my own server?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Geodesic22
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    A Bug in Boss wave

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    So the map was Steam Fortress, Difficulty: Normal, Mode: Endless.

    When a boss wave would start my character could still move (Happens sometimes in other games too, where you move in a cutscene) and my HUD would disappear. I can still damage, heal, you know. HUD would come back after the boss wave. The (Cutscene name "sticker" where... well, the name is, stays during when the HUD is disappeared. )

    Furthermore, when I died, it seems I didn't spawn back at all. Dead all the time.

    Also, yes... I'm playing from Epic Games..

    Though it seems someone else got it too, I guess it was two bugs in one match?

    Also, one funny(?) clip from the same map.

    submitted by /u/Nikolasonsa
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    Is there anyone out there?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    Hi guys! I am someone who came to the KF series when the second part came out. However , I have KF1 too, since I got a bundle and hear now a lot of people talking about how great it is. I am very curious to try it, but have this question bugging me, is there anyone playing it?

    submitted by /u/csmswaford
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    Butterfly knife

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Dual butterfly knifes would be super cool imo or literally any type of dual melee weapons. Ik we have the static strikers but those are blunt.

    submitted by /u/KillTunnels4Life
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    Well, this is the story of how one of our teammates got us all killed, I call this masterpiece "the rage".

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Any idea how to get my dedicated server to be seen by others?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    I managed to get a KF2 Ded server running, with survival and even a custom map I downloaded. Pretty cool.

    To join the server, I pressed F3 for the console and typed open port that i chose in the KF2 bat)

    So, I can get in no problem. Other people though are unable to join. So what I did for two friends was to connect with them through hamachi (we use Hamachi for lots of other games too, though we prefer for them to work without it)

    Though all of us were able to connect and play, one of the two players I invited had a ping of nearly 900. This doesn't happen when we play using the Create Match option (which, from what I understood, randomly chooses an existing server for us rather than actually hosting a match)

    I am no tech wiz, and blaming Hamachi for the high latency is easy, but I don't know what other reasons there'd be. He lives only 20 mins away from me with a bike and his ping is just fine in other servers. I feel like the answer is pretty easy and I am asking a dumb question, but how can I make it so my server can just be found on the Server Browser? It would make it so my buddy can connect to it without sloppy, unreliable virtual LAN.

    Help would be much appreciated!

    EDIT: I am on Steam btw! My friend is on Epic.

    submitted by /u/orig4mi-713
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    Will payed DLC guns be the death of Killing Floor 2?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    Killing Floor 2 anime mods

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    Anyone know any good anime mods for PC? Gun skins, maps, music, etc. Nsfw or sfw entries welcome.

    submitted by /u/PumpkinCake25
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    Does anyone know how to get emotes besides crates?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    I'm new to the game and want to get new emotes but I don't want to spend money

    submitted by /u/Hughheffnur
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