• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 4, 2020

    Killing Floor Every. Time.

    Killing Floor Every. Time.

    Every. Time.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    KF2 Map Alignment Chart

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    Dual 9mm should cost 1 weigth instead of 2

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    When i build my gunslinger and i have made 2 dual guns upgraded, the weight always gets to 14/15. Of course, you can have a single gun and upgrade it to get to the 15/15, but its not the idea.

    I suggest that the upgrade should cost 1 weight to make it dual. It could be a nice filler.

    submitted by /u/UnForastero
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    Health Thrower

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Well, I'm a relatively unexperienced player and i couldn't find guides on this topic. I recently started playing medic, and everyone says that 401 is a god tier, one and only medic weapon to use, which i agree with - it's really good. I always play all-left medic and recently bought a health thrower a couple of times.

    My question is: Is it any good on HoE? I usually play on hard and rarely suicidal (not medic on suicidal since its not even lvl 15). It kinda works for me on hard since i can just chain heal zerks who have no regard for their lives and keep them tanking, but i noticed it deals posion damage which causes zeds to kind of panic (?) and start twitching around, which could disrupt the team's big game hunters.

    So is Health Thrower not-meta good or is it bad and vote-kick material on Hoe?

    submitted by /u/Kumitsuuu
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    Vs survival won’t load on PS4

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Stuck on infinity loading screens no matter what everytime someone help me out smh

    submitted by /u/hellrider124
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    Carrying suicidal games - They never even tried

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    Carrying suicidal games - They never even tried

    Can't play suicidal without carrying most of the waves nowadays

    They all died at wave 2/4 and 3/4


    submitted by /u/humam2104
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    Old school KF1 player on steam (hundreds of hours), got KF2 on epic, anyone play with a headset UK? Wanna add me, I have zero friends on epic :(

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    I recently built a gaming PC after 10 years out of the, um, game (lol). I installed the opera gaming browser and first thing it shows me is KF2 for free and I don't think I've been outside since (I've started to look like a cyst). Anyway after a week or two of playing I pretty much own the normal difficulty setting, I'm looking for some people to play with that aren't just total noobs flailing about and understand team play etc. I'm sure people on here will be much better than me but would like some people to play with on the reg.

    Epic name: JayEffArr

    submitted by /u/jfr4lyfe
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    Least favourite zed to fight?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Imo it has to be the fucking robots or the fucking siren, what's your least favourite?

    submitted by /u/megumeme_thighs
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    Is the swat good? Any tips?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    So I started to play as zero and just stated the game and I got the hang of it moving to suicidal already but back to the point I wanna play as a class with guns as well so that I don't suck with guns later on

    So I heard it's smg based which peaked my attention so is it good and any tips

    submitted by /u/Psychological-Ad-541
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    Precious Scullyphones

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    I just wanted to know from the people who have gotten the item before, how did you get it?!?! (Without purchasing it through the community market)

    submitted by /u/XxCandyKattxX
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    Getting disconnected from servers (PC, Steam) after round 1 if trader is skipped. Ever happened to anyone else?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I haven't tried to reinstall yet, it's only been happening over the last 24 hours.

    submitted by /u/KILLERSPELLINGBEES
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    Psych0gamers and the trader pausing, and insane amounts of dosh

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Is this a common thing people do? I've been trying to find tips and videos for finally moving to HOE, but I'm curious how in those videos they will have 5 of the same gun all beside them with the trader paused. Is this considered cheating? If it's not a common thing why do people do it?

    submitted by /u/jayy093
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    {Opinionated}List of (over-powered) weapons that significantly changed the role of different perks and/or the easiness to take down big zeds (SC/QP/FP)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    I certainly welcome the new addition of various guns to KF2. However, I just want to point out that certain guns introduced to the game have made particular perks has almost no weakness against all zed types.

    Berzerker: The haemoclobber basically makes zerk an immortal perk

    Commando: The FN FAL allows mando to take down FP within a single mag

    Support: The Doomstick, which trivializes scarkes and even raging Fleshpounds

    Medic: The HRG incision

    Firebug: The helios rifle

    Sharpshooter: Railgun spam + reload cancelling

    Gunslinger: T4/T5 Dual Deagles

    SWAT: The HRG Nailgun (similar story to the FN FAL for the commando)

    Survivalist: N/A

    P.S. It's just my personal opinion and you can entirely disagree what I sad. The main point I want to bring out is that certain guns has made certain perks basically can handle everything themselves in which IMO contradicts the core element of co-op in this game.

    submitted by /u/Serious-FIRE-POWER
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    Are Commandos still weak?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    It's been a while since I played this game, but are the Commando class still weak? Being of the older generation where machine guns were actually cool, I like firing them. However while it's not as bad as say Resident Evil, the machine guns in this game were weak.

    I looked up the wikia of this game to see weapon damage, and no wonder they feel weak, because machine guns are indeed the weakest weapons in this game. I can't remember if any of the perks obtained when you lvl up helps with that either.

    Seems like a Commando's usefulness begins and ends with being able to see cloaked enemies and that's it. The other classes can kill hordes better. Not surprising I found out the gungslinger is overpowered, because of course they are. Gaming is now about handguns being the shits. I see the gungslinger's starting handgun does more damage than the Commando's most expensive weapon. Wow turns out playing Commando automatically makes the game an extra difficulty harder for you. Surprised I survived as much games as I did using the LMG which has like a 20 second reload speed while still doing piss damage that is only higher than a few of the SWAT's SMGs.

    I'm tempted to just try out gungslinger now to know how it feels like to 1 or 2 shot every enemy and send them flying back like they just got hit by a semi truck. I'm sure I'll get the classic Golden Eye dual grenade launcher noob tube feeling where it doesn't take much skills to play that class.

    submitted by /u/TekkenWarrior
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