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    Friday, July 17, 2020

    Killing Floor Killing Floor 2 - Steam/EGS PC Build 1101 Changelog

    Killing Floor Killing Floor 2 - Steam/EGS PC Build 1101 Changelog

    Killing Floor 2 - Steam/EGS PC Build 1101 Changelog

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Source: TWI Official Forums

    Remember, to make sure your game is actually updated please restart your client to force a game update.


    • Players may wish to delete their old launch logs as they may have become quite large due to excessive notifications. Logs are located in: ...Users...\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Logs
    • Steam players who find they cannot join custom maps may need to manually edit kfengine.ini and the value for
    • [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver]

    • AllowDownloads=True (From False) We expect this to be fixed in the next update

    Bug fixes included

    • Improved overall reliability of connecting to servers more efficiently via Find Match and Create Match.
    • Fixed issues with Log Spam when selecting the All tab of the Store page on EGS clients.
    • Improved overall performance of the server browser to ensure it loads faster and more efficiently on EGS.
    • Server Browser will now display connected EGS users within the connected user list.
    • Addressed remaining issues with filters on the server browser from the last hotfix on EGS.
    • Added 10-15 second timeout before reconnecting to previously connected servers in order to prevent stability issues.
    • Addressed purchasing issues with seasonal tickets and ticket bundles on EGS.
    • Removed extraneous colon ":" from Buy Key string on Crate Inventory UI on EGS.
    • Added Horzine Supply Crate Key to the News Carousel on Main Menu for EGS.
    • Fixed issue in which the microphone icon would not display when Push to Talk was disabled.
    • Removed OpenSSL 1.1 dependency on Linux based dedicated servers.


    "As always, thank you for your continued support!"

    For new issues...

    Caused by the update, please report them in TWI's Bug Forum

    You can also check the Support database in the PC/Steam Section for possible fixes before resorting to bug reporting.

    submitted by /u/Kaiyoto
    [link] [comments]

    And it's free!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    Hey Guys! Thanks for tuning into another video on Forgotten Weapons. I'm Ian Mccollum and I'm here today at one of Horzine's labs taking a look at one of their Helios Rifles...

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    New players guide + List of meta loadouts and skills

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    With KF2 recently going free on the epic games store and a lack of updated and digestible information readily available, I took the time to make what is hopefully a somewhat concise guide to basic killing floor mechanics and a list of the best loadout choices for players diving a bit deeper into the game. KF2 is a fairly nuanced game and there tends to be lots of misinformation/misinterpretation that I hope to clear up here. Without any further babbling I'll get to the meat.

    Core Mechanics


    Without a doubt the most important and unique mechanic in the killing floor series is the approach to weak point/headshot incentivizing. Each zed has 2 separate health pools, one for the head, and one for the body. When the body health pool is depleted to 0, the zed simply dies. When the head health pool is reduced to 0 the zed is decapped, preventing them for performing any unique attacks and reducing them to slowly shambling around if it doesn't outright kill them. All zeds that are decapped will slowly bleed out. Any and all damage that's dealt to the head pool will also be applied to the body pool, meaning that you are always contributing if you hit the head. For most zeds, their head health pool is roughly 1/3rd of their body health pool, making it much easier to deplete. This leads heavily into my next point regarding perk(class) synergy.

    Perk Synergy

    With headshots being so heavily encouraged, it is usually in the interest of the player to keep the movement of the zeds as predictable as possible in order to score consistent headshots. Some perks instead prefer to heavily CC the zeds and deal heavy body damage to kill them. Most of these CC effects make zeds move unpredictably and make it difficult to hit headshots. Therefore we can group perks into 3 separate groups: Precision(headshot focused), Chaotic(bodyshot focused), and neutral.

    Precision perks consist of - Sharpshooter, Commando and Gunslinger

    Chaotic perks consist of - Firebug, Beserker, and Demolitionist

    Neutral perks consist of - Support, SWAT, and Medic

    When joining a match, particularly on higher difficulties, it's worthwhile to note which perks your team is running and pick something that works well with that. Playing a chaotic perk into a precision comp is likely to frustrate your team as it harms their ability to aim, while playing a precision perk on a chaotic team reduces your effectiveness as you can't aim properly. While they prefer headshots, SWAT and Support have sufficient bodyshot damage to remain effective on a chaotic team. Medic is almost necessary on a chaotic team due to the inherent danger of being closer to zeds and their typical dependency on kiting, but precision comps can also be helped with a medic though it is not necessary.

    Large zed raging

    Large zeds are the main threat that need to be played around outside of the first couple waves. They have the highest burst damage and the largest health pools. The way they need to be approached is unique due to the raging mechanic. Once either their head or body health pool reaches a certain threshold(dependent on difficulty) they enrage. This causes them to run quickly and allows them access to their most dangerous attacks. This encourages the player to dispatch of them quickly to reduce the amount of time they are in the raged state.

    Fleshpounds will derage after hitting a player once, but also rage automatically 30s after seeing any player. Scrakes only enrage after taking damage, but remain permanently enraged until they are killed. Raging a large zed without a plan to deal with it is one of the easiest ways to lead to a team wipe/player death. Most perks have a way to deal with large zeds at least somewhat successfully without teammate assistance, which are referred to as takedowns. Additionally, fleshpounds and quarterpounds gain massive CC resistance while enraged. This means that if your plan is to freeze, stun, stumble, or otherwise incap a fleshpound it is better to derage it first.


    All weapons have a specific incap power that is applied on every shot and amplified by skills and perk traits if applicable. Zeds have specific thresholds for each type of incap that will be triggered when enough of a specific incap is applied. The most important thing to consider about incaps is that certain incaps cannot be applied simultaneously. Most notably stumble will take priority over freeze and stunning, meaning that if you stumble a zed before someone attempts to freeze or stun it, it will simple ignore the effect. Keep this in mind when playing stumble heavy perks such as support, beserker, and even commando.


    Having played hundreds of hours of pubs, I've seen everything from clueless to inconsiderate and everything in between. On the lower difficulties it tends not to matter, but on higher difficulties there's some unspoken principles that may not be immediately obvious.

    Management of other players weapons - It's obvious that picking up dropped weapons from dead players or otherwise and selling them is looked down upon, but something helpful you can do is carrying dropped weapons to the trader when there are only a few zeds left so it's easy for the dead players to pick up their weapons and still visit the trader.

    Laning strategies - Even on kiting heavy maps, generally you will start in the same location and hold a few "lanes" until you get pushed. Some maps are more geared towards holding with distinct lanes that need to be held. When you're holding a spot, it's important to pick a lane and stick to it for at least the duration of the wave. This allows your team to know what to expect from their lane and the surrounding others so that they don't have to have eyes in the back of their head. It's also important to make sure that every lane has large and trash killing capability. Even if a lane is lighter and gets boring it's important to stay there so that your teammates don't get surrounded and can properly handle their lane, especially if it's heavier. Another important aspect to laning is the aforementioned perk synergy. If your team has a mix of strategies, try to stay with the perks that synergize with your own so that you don't disrupt precision heavy lanes as a chaotic perk etc. etc.

    Economy management - For the most part, it's up to individual players to earn the money for their loadout. Their are a few exceptions to this rule such as demolitionists who may need help affording their RPG, Medics affording a 401, and Sharpshooters planning to purchase a railgun. The main point I want to make here is to try to limit buying guns that aren't going to fit into your final build. Outside of a few perks, staying with your starting weapon until you can afford one of your final weapons is well worth it. Furthermore, upgrading most weapons is expensive and only offers marginal benefits. Unless I specifically list a weapon as being uprade worthy in my loadout guide below, it's a safe bet that it isn't worth the dosh. I prefer to save money to either buy myself a loadout back in case of death, or to do the same for a teammate. Deaths can be extremely pricey dependent on class, but support and SWAT have the most to lose imo.

    Loadout and skill choices -

    This part is going to take up the most significant portion of this guide, so if you are just looking for general information you can feel free to ignore the wall of text below.

    Before I dig into the list, I'd like to point out some terminology I'll be using for the remainder of the guide.

    When referring to upgrading weapons, I'll generally list the tier that they are upgraded to. Simply put, weapon tiers are based on their starting price.

    T1 is starting weapons that you spawn with

    T2 weapons cost around 500-750

    T3 Weapons cost from 1000-1300

    T4 weapons cost from 1500-1700

    T5 weapons cost 2000+

    For example, a T5 M4 Shotgun would be upgraded twice, since it costs 1100 base, it starts at T3.

    For skill listings, I will list their position on the tree in order from level 5 skill to level 25 skills.

    For example RLRLR Gunslinger would mean taking Quick draw at level 5, Rack em up at level 10, Speedloader at 15, Skullcracker at 20, and Fan Fire at level 25.

    I tried to list the in game name for any abbreviated weapons directly in their respective sections.

    Finally, I would like to reaffirm that the loadouts I'm about to list are some of the most optimal. This means that they were designed to be the most effective at the hardest difficulty in a 6 player lobby. Certain weapons, while they may be fun, were not included on the list because they simply are outclassed by other weapons. You do not have to strictly follow this list or risk being burned at the stake. I merely put these together to provide a concise list of the best loadouts and the reasoning for why for those who are interested in diving into higher difficulties. Most suboptimal weapons can still be used to great effect but they must be backed up with superior skill to their meta counterparts. With that out of the way, lets get into the builds.


    Skills: LLLLL with no exceptions. While shooting more darts can increase the total amount healed, the speed at which players can gain health is capped at 10HP/s .The medic buffs are the only way to mitigate more damage than the 10HP/s healing in the game. Taking any right side skills gimps the only unique niche that medic has.

    Loadouts: There's a couple main loadouts, I'll cover each briefly

    401 = HMTech 401 aka medic rifle 101 = HMTech 101 aka medic pistol

    401+101+DBS/Hemoclobber - 401 and 101 provide infinite healing minus swap time due to the fast recharge rate, while a dbs can allow for raged scrake stumbles or raged fleshpound jukes. A hemoclobber can also be taken to reduce damage upon parrying a raged FPs attack to derage it, as well as provide some additional aoe healing.

    401 + 501- Bread and butter aoe healing and trash killing. 501 is stupid strong and this is the best loadout to take advantage of it.

    401 + Freezethrower - Allows for plenty of healing while providing utility through a large supply of freezes. All larges can be frozen with a continuous stream. Raged fleshpounds and QPs should be deraged first otherwise they will heavily resist freeze.

    401 + HRG Incision - Allows for safe killing of scrakes and solid support on FP takedowns. I would only advise taking this loadout if you are confident in your reload canceling and aiming abilities as you quickly become a detriment otherwise. Be careful not to fall into the trap of focusing solely on dps and forget that your team is probably depending on you for healing.

    Support: Skills - RRRLR for waves 1-3ish(until larges start spawning) then swap to RRRRR. The dbs and doomstick are too good to give up a faster reload with, Salvo hits a significant number of breakpoints across the board, tight choke allows you to consistently hit heads even at range for large takedowns and penetrate more efficiently, concussion rounds enables the dbs to stumble raged FPs and allows for HZ12 scrake takedowns, and it should be fairly obvious why barrage is better.

    Loadouts: There's two main categories of loadouts, those that include AA12 and those that include M4, all should take a DBS.

    DBS = Double barrelled boomstick

    AA12 + T4 DBS + 101 + HRG Buckshot - T4 DBS allows for 2 shots scrake takedowns with RRRRR and 3 shot FP takedowns. Buckshot is useful for trash for the majority of the time. AA12 can be used to kill or weaken FPs and clear excessive trash.

    AA12 + Doomstick - Doomstick can 2 shot FPs and decap scrakes with 1 alt and an AA12 shot. Doomstick obviously serves the same role as dbs for stumbles but is much easier to use.

    AA12 + HZ12 + DBS - Foregoes the 2 shot scrake dbs takedown and 3 shot FP takedown for extra ammo for trash killing in the form of HZ12 and improved zed time. AA12 should be saved for larges with this loadout.

    T5 M4 + HZ12 + T4 DBS - The M4 has an extremely tight spread which makes it favorable for longer range large takedowns and precision shots. Your HZ12 is your trash killing weapon while the DBS fills the gaps where needed. You can sacrifice 1 M4 upgrade in favor of a med pistol.


    Skills: RXXLR Hi cap mags is necessary to hit several mag breakpoints on scrakes and allow for breathing room on takedowns, fallback is better wave 1 and then is up to personal choice afterward as impact rounds allows all rifles to stumble scrakes. Tenacious and always prepared is also up to personal choice but the FAL benefits greatly from always prepared imo. HPR is hands down the better option over eat lead. It massively improves your ammo effiencency and gives a faster time to kill on scrakes in particular. Eat lead might have some niche uses but should generally be avoided. Machine gunner allows you to extend off medium trash much easier, and "juggle" large kills with extensions with enough practice. If one rifle needs to reload simply swap to the other to extend.


    401 + FAL - This is the preferred meta loadout for commando. 401 has a massive mag size and the highest stumble power of the rifles making it the best for general trash killing/extensions as well as scrake takedowns. FAL has access to the rifle damage type which allows it to fill commandos weakness of poor fleshpound damage. FAL has relatively limited ammo so try to limit it's usage to fleshpounds and quarter pounds if possible

    401 + (T4/T5) AK12 - The 401 is taken for the same reasons stated above. The AK12 is a fine subsititute rifle that can be upgraded for faster scrake kills and an extremely tight FP takedown at T5. If you choose not to upgrade the AK12, the extra weight can be filled with a deagle or med pistol

    401 + Scar + Deagle/Med pistol - Fills the same niche as the above loadout but the scar has a much larger total ammo capacity and quick medium trash takedowns. The scar also performs well at earlier commando levels due to it's high base damage without HPR.

    Gunslinger: Skills: RLRLR Quick draw cuts all recoil while hip firing by 75% and increases switch speed. REU is necessary for slingers damage, speedloader makes reloads while both pistols are empty nearly instant. Skullcracker slows larges significantly during takedowns and fan fire allows you to pretty much destroy any larges in sight during extended zed time.

    Loadouts: Gunslinger is a bit different from the other classes in that loadouts are very modular and most of their weapons are strong enough to warrant purchasing. Instead of listing set loadouts I'll list weapons and their strengths in a loadout. Each loadout should include one trash killing weapon and at least 2 large killing weapons generally speaking. Avoid the spitfires and HX25 on slinger.

    Dual Magnums - Magnums have the highest burst damage among slinger pistols with above average range as well. They have excellent ammo efficiency and a large ammo pool. They are generally harder to use than other slinger pistols due to the long reload and smaller margin of error for taking down larges in a single magazine.

    Dual Deagles - Probably the strongest weapon in gunslingers arsenal. They scale to overpowered levels with upgrades, have a lightning quick reload when empty, and a fast rate of fire with low spread. Their sole weakness lies in their low ammo count which can punish inefficency and missing.

    Dual 1911s - My personal favorite gun of choice for trash killing. They have a fast reload and a large magazine while still being viable for large takedowns in a pinch.

    101 Med pistol - Provides a small healing volume and some of the most bang for your buck upgrades. A few upgrades on a medic pistol makes it a solid trash killing weapon.

    AF2011s - Best used for killing larges at close range as they are one of the few weapons with horizontal recoil as well as rather intense spread. They are more forgiving than their magnum counterparts and they shred through groups of trash quite efficiently if needed.

    SPX - The best gun for long sightlines. While it sports an incredibly long reload and slower fire rate, it's low recoil and spread make it great for long range zed time and a great large killing gun on a budget. Upgrades are also generally worth it.

    Sharpshooter: Skills: RLLXR for EBR, FAL, and SPX builds. LLLRR for railgun builds. Marksman is better for REU reliant guns, stability is a massive increase in both dps and the reload speed is nice, however if scrakes are a particular worry then ballistic shock is an option. REU is too much damage to pass up for the rifles, always prepared and deadeye are mostly up to personal taste, and the damage bonus from assassin doesn't hit any significant breakpoints so ranger is taken instead.

    Loadouts: There are two main loadout archetypes, M14 sharp and Railsharp. As my flair implies I'm not a very big fan of the latter but I'll outline the builds regardless.

    M14 + FAL - Both all purpose rifles are used to combat the M14s low reserve ammo when used alone. If you don't feel comfortable with full auto FAL takedowns, or the map doesn't lend to them very well, then use it mainly for trash and save M14 for larges.

    T4 M14 + T3 SPX + 101- Returns both the M14 and SPX to their former glory, but SPX must be used whenever possible for larges to preserve M14 ammo.

    T5 Rail + SPX and LLLRR skills - 2 rack em up will one-shot scrakes, and calm FPs will always stumble on the first headshot. Deletes larges but is relatively weak to trash, laning with a commando or swat fixes this issue.

    Demo - T5 RPG + C4 + Deagle - The meta demo loadout. One shots scrakes and has the fastest double and triple FP takedowns if performed correctly. The C4 and Deagle may be replaced with an M79 if you don't trust your team, but don't attempt to engage multiple FPs without C4.

    SWAT: Skills: LLLLR wave 1 then XRLRR afterward. LLLL gives you a ton of starting armor and another 9mm to sell, while tac reload and cripple are obvious picks later on.

    Loadouts: I believe there are only 1 or 2 obvious selections for SWAT loadouts.

    T5 Kriss + T5 HRG Nailgun + 101 - This gives you the most large killing power but sacrifices ammo due to the lack of a 3rd smg. Kriss is your go to scrake killing while the nailgun covers pound varieties. This loadout is also quite expensive.

    Kriss + HRG Nailgun + 201/MP5 - This loadout sacrifices some large ttk for extra trash killing ammo with a 3rd smg. Otherwise apply the same usage as the loadout above.

    Theres a few other perks I didn't cover because I'm not familiar enough with them to comment on the best builds available.

    I hope this guide helps any new players hungry for information the same way that I was. Feel free to ask questions and add any information that you feel I may have missed in the comment section below. If you are looking for an even more in depth but out of date guide on conquering suicidal and hell on earth difficulty I would recommend reading this guide that covers nearly every aspect of the game.

    submitted by /u/xXTOPWOLFXx
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    Issues with Epic Games release.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    I got the game on Epic and decided to play with a friend. When i go in the game tho, where my name is supposed to be it just says Player0. When i go in the server browser/try to add him in a prty nothing comes up. As if i was offline (I wasnt. I was talking to him at the same time). Its like the game isn't connected to the servers. If anyone can help i would appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Denkata121
    [link] [comments]

    Weekly challenge

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    I read on the weekly challenge that it's 15+ perk level so I grinded until I was perk lvl 15 medic. But when I joined I got matched with level 0-3s. And if I got lucky 1 other person with perk lvl 15 or higher.. How am I supposed to beat this challenge if I get places in a team who's level isn't even half of what's required?

    submitted by /u/Peacefull_Pete
    [link] [comments]

    Friends perks got reset to 0 after logging in this morning

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    A friend of mine that i play with had his perks all reset to 0 today and we're not really sure why. I've seen people say it's a server or connectivity issue but he has waited about 3 hours now and he has been able to connect to servers but is still level 0. We got the EGS version so I know shit is buggy but i'm just confused if anyone has any sort of quick/easy solution to this.

    submitted by /u/-Leonian
    [link] [comments]

    Demo keeps using HX25 Grenade Pistol

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    So I play with same group. And we have a demo who uses nothing but the HX25 Grenade Pistol. I also play as demo and get double the kill twice as much zeds as him. I'm killing most of the big zeds to using the RPG. He keeps dying, and needing rescued.

    I even suggest he trys to kaboom stick.

    Am I being mean trying to get him to change weapons, or even class. Has he got a valid strategy?

    submitted by /u/Theknottyfox
    [link] [comments]

    On Swedish

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Dedicated server setup using Epic clients

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Flipped through the FAQ, didn't see a clear path here. Apologies if this is a recurring question.

    I have three other friends and we're hoping to all play together (by ourselves -- we're total noobs, don't want to F up other folks' games). I have extra hardware that I could use to set up a dedicated server, but I only see instructions to do so in Steam.

    • Is there a way to set up a dedicated server from Epic? (assume not)
    • Are Steam dedicated servers visible from within the Epic client? And if so...
    • Do I need to own the game on Steam to set up a dedicated server?

    Appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/vectaur
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    Why are there so many different reload animations with different speeds for the GS, and how do I perform the best one?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    I struggle a lot with GS when it comes to reload, sometimes it's really fast and sometimes it's slow as hell, I'd like to improve that so I always reload fast but I have no idea how.

    submitted by /u/andresma7
    [link] [comments]

    Dedicated server only shows on LAN

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Ok, so... I have followed all the steps to set up SteamCMD, download and update the KF2 server.(Didn't set up webadmin though)Also:

    - Did all the port forwarding(7777, 27015, 20560) in the router(using my local static ip:

    - Enabled DMZ for the same IP

    - typing netstat -a(command prompt) will show many ports as ESTABLISHED but the 7777 and 27015 ports are like this:



    On his computer, my brother can only see my server in the LAN tab, but the thing simply REFUSES to show up on the internet tab, no matter what I do.

    I can enter my server using console command open but I wait forever and no one else seems to join.

    Do I have to Install UE3Redist.exe?(doing that right now)Do I need to have SteamCMD open before starting the server?

    Do I absolutely need to set up webadmin?

    Is there an easy and quick way to test if the server will go online?

    It's a very frustrating task.

    submitted by /u/Gordyne
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    I gave up.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    So, the people at Epic and Tripwire are very clever. I finally figured out their objective. Break the game so bad on epic that people go buy it on steam. Mission Accomplished.

    submitted by /u/BookInWriting
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    Upgrades have hidden features

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    I tried playing this game with various weapons... Upgrading weapons seems to improve aim on both joystick or mouse and keyboard.. it improves the accuracy and the penetration of weapons.. anybody noticed this?

    submitted by /u/humam2104
    [link] [comments]

    What if all zeds are made from cake? (Christmas Gorefasts are not included)

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    yes. instead of spewing blood and meats, what if the zeds spew maple syrup sauce and a bits of doughs. and also their insides are made of bread like you cut a cake and see the layers of it...

    submitted by /u/miekuah
    [link] [comments]

    All my perks have been reset to 0. All my 135 hour of progress? Gone.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Love this game but I might as well just stop playing at this point. I didn't do anything besides starting my own server on my own dedicated server and I added a few Workshop maps. And we played on them, we had fun, that's about it. Today I wanted to just go up and play - only to realize my perks have been reset to 0. :(

    Is it possible to get them back? What do I do?

    submitted by /u/cspjohn
    [link] [comments]

    How to invite friends to play when one is on Steam and one is on Epic Games?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Killing Floor 2, btw.

    I just started playing Killing Floor today. I can't invite my friend (he doesn't even show up on my friend's list in the game) to a party, nor can he invite me. We had to resort to playing together by both searching for a server and joining it at the same time. Does anyone know why this might be? We're friends on Epic Games and Steam, and both have our Steams linked to our Epic Games accounts. He plays it on Steam and I play it on Epic Games.

    submitted by /u/Kyomei-ju
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    Can you link your epic account to your steam account?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    I'd like to know if there's a way to enjoy some of the extra features from games like Chivalry (which I have on steam) and apply them to my Epic Games copy of Killing floor. If not, is there a way to transfer my progress in my epic games copy to my steam account should I choose to buy Killing Floor 2 on steam? Im already thinking of buying the game on steam (because of the multitude of problems Epic games presents) but I just want to be able to share my progress across accounts.

    submitted by /u/Lullypawp
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    Custom RPG Servers

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    Are there not any custom RPG servers left? Only one remotely close to modded is HappyCat's custom maps/weapons.

    Used to play a server where it had custom levels, weapons, maps even zeds. Unable to find any on the browser list anymore.

    submitted by /u/MissBammy
    [link] [comments]

    I Need Help

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    I Need Help

    Has this been happening to anyone? When I got it I was able to play it. But one time in the game froze so I shut down my PC and then when I got back on it gave me 2 options. It said upload to save data cloud or save data to the machine. I chose to upload save data to the cloud. It would do this every time I opened the game so I didn't think much of it. But one time I accidentally upload it to an older cloud save. So I played the game and I when I left and exited the game. When I cam back it gave me this error. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. And verifying the files nothing worked. So help pls?


    submitted by /u/Mr_I_Got_Deleted
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    Which boss is your favorite?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    What Are Your Hopes for a Halloween map?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Since it's the next thing which setting would you like to see

    Personally hoping for a Halloween party themed grave yard or haunted forest

    submitted by /u/NordicWeapon
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