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    Sunday, July 26, 2020

    Killing Floor Just released Shreks Swamp

    Killing Floor Just released Shreks Swamp

    Just released Shreks Swamp

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    Killing Floor's Toy Master enemy ventriloquist dummy appears as a giant head within/on the lone island far out in the sea on Zed Landing. These guys are also the collectibles on Farmhouse.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    KF2 Economy Fundamentals

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    **Before you read: This is my first time trying to write anything like this. I have tried to be as accurate as possible, please let me know if I got something wrong, missed a good tip or was unclear. Hopefully all the new players can get something out of this!

    KF2 Economy Fundamentals

    General Knowledge and Tips


    1. Do not buy armor until you have purchased most or all of your weapons
    2. Sell and rebuy starter (tier 1) weapons to save on ammo
    3. Prioritize purchasing guns over armor, grenades, upgrades and even filling ammo.
    4. Switch skills to increase early game power
    5. Learn to use every tool in a perks starting kit effectively (Starter weapon, bash,knife, 9mm). Sometimes the starter weapon isn't the most effective way to put down a zed.
    6. Don't be afraid to perk swap if it means an easier/more economical early game

    Full Details

    1. Do not buy armor until you have purchased most or all of your weapons

    Armor is extremely expensive and can set you back many waves from getting tier 3 or tier 4 weapons. The extra tankiness you gain from armor will actually reduce your chances of survival when compared to the killing power gained from tier 3 or tier 4 weapons. Armor should only be bought when you have the weapons you need to fill your role AND big zeds are starting to spawn.

    Early armor is a common crutch for new players that actually makes the game much harder for them.

    1. Sell and rebuy starter (tier 1) weapons to save on ammo

    Starter weapons cost 200 dosh to purchase, and sell back to the trader for 150 dosh (they sell for more when they are purchased as opposed to picked up or spawned with). This means you have a net loss of 50 dosh. Because starter weapons spawn with half their max ammo capacity, this often means selling and buying back a starter weapon is far cheaper per shot than filling the weapon to half capacity.

    In a future post, I will go into details about specific buy and resell breakpoints for starter weapons. A rule of thumb is anywhere under half ammo it is close enough to be worth it or at least break even to filling.

    1. Prioritize buying weapons over armor, grenades, upgrades and even ammo

    Nothing will increase your survival rates more than high tier guns. Everything else you buy just slows your progression towards those key weapons.

    Prioritizing guns over armor and grenades is pretty obvious, but prioritizing them over ammo might seem odd. The main thing to remember is that weapons come with half ammo and resell for 75% of their value.

    Here is a specific example of this.

    A commando's AR 15 can hold 318 shots, and each shot costs 1 dosh when you fill it. At the end of round 1 our commando has emptied the AR he spawned in with. Let's look at the difference between someone who just fills this AR and someone who uses the ideas outlined in the last 3 tips

    Commando 1 fills the AR. This gives 318 shots in the gun and costs 318 dosh.

    Commando 2 sells the empty AR and buys a new one. Commando 2 decides this isn't enough to get through the next wave and also decides to purchase a tommy gun. Commando 2 does not purchase any extra ammo beyond what each gun comes with on purchase. This gives Commando 2 150 shots in the AR for a net loss of 50 dosh and 225 shots in the tommy gun for a net loss of 163 dosh. Commando 2 has a total loss of 213 dosh and has 375 shots (not even taking into account the value of having 2 weapons, and the extra damage from the tier 2 gun) . This means commando 2 has more total power during the wave, and has spent less money.

    This effect compounds each wave. Commando 1 will fall further behind filling guns as Commando 2 advances to their desired weapons.

    Always keep in mind that you can sell back weapons for 75% of their value and they come with ammo. This idea is huge in being efficient with your dosh. The value of this idea falls off with tier 3+ weapons. The lower the tier of the gun, the more value the free ammo has.

    1. Switch skills to increase early game power

    Some perks have skills that are very good early game, even if they fall off hard later. Since you can switch skills at any time, use this to your advantage. A couple of examples: The commando/swat both have skills that increase pistol and melee damage by 85%. The support and sharpshooter's starter weapons do much better with their faster reload skills.

    Knowing what skills benefit you more in the early waves can make it easier to stick with cheap, economical weapons longer. I will edit this post later, and do a breakdown of each perk that has skill swaps like this.

    1. Learn to use every tool in a perks starting kit effectively (Starter weapon, bash, knife, 9mm). Sometimes the starter weapon isn't the most effective way to put down a zed.

    A perk's starting weapon isn't necessarily the best way to take down the different zeds that spawn in the early waves.

    a. If a perk's weapon struggles against Bloats, the 9mm is often a faster and cheaper option.

    b. Rioters can sometimes be dispatched more easily with overhead slashes from a knife than witha starting weapon (mostly if the perk has extra knife damage).

    c. Edar's and husks can also sometimes be more easily dispatched with shots from the 9mm, depending on your perks starting weapon.

    d. Dual blades are often easier if you bash them first and then shoot their head, preventing them from blocking.

    If your perks starting weapon struggles against a type of zed that spawns in the first few waves, learning to combat it with your other tools (bash, knife, 9mm) can increase your ability to continue using low tier weapons further into the game, which will increase your dosh efficiency.

    1. Don't be afraid to perk swap if it means an easier/more economical early game

    If you have a much easier time with a different perks starting weapon, or really struggle to generate dosh as a particular perk, don't be afraid to spawn in as something else. You can swap perks once each wave, so use this to your advantage. I personally struggle as medic or demo to generate dosh, so I will often spawn in as Commando, Swat, Gunslinger or Firebug. I can easily play those perks with their starter weapons only for 1-4 rounds (depending on length). This allows you to skip right to a tier 3 or tier 4 gun in your desired perk.

    submitted by /u/cclausen77
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    I need help with a graphics mod

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    I jut installed Killing Floor 1 on my pc and found this ENB mod that makes it look beautiful and even boosts FPS, the problem is suddenly it stopped working, I'm placing the files in the system folder and they are there but the game no longers seem to load it, does anyone have any ideas? This is the mod by the way in case anyone knows it:


    submitted by /u/Coyotl_the_k
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    Where buy Ion Thruster on KF2?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I bought the Deluxe edition of KF2 on Steam, and I been playing for some time. I have the Rhinos unlocked and such, however, I can't find where to buy the Ion Thruster on Steam. I can only play with it when someone in the lobby shares it. Can someone enlighten me on this please?

    submitted by /u/PererelsonBR
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    Game worth buying if you want to play offline?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    Long loading time to enter my own Dedicate Server?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    I don't know why it takes so long(almost 1 minute).

    Sometimes when I'm playing on my server and the map changes, people are already playing when the loading screen resumes.

    I remember editing the Server's KFEngine.ini to add the IDs for the ServerSubscribedWorkshopItems.

    I guess it takes so long because I added 8-10 workshop maps and the server checks each one of them for updates after changing maps? IDK at this point.

    Anyone has the same issue?

    OFF topic: Everytime I change current maps to a custom one, people that are already playing seem to not be able to connect and get the duplicated UID error... how can I fix that?

    submitted by /u/Gordyne
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    In KF2, Why is Berserker so hated?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:39 AM PDT

    I started playing this game a week ago and I leveled Berserker up because it was the "default" class and I just kind of liked it over time. I haven't tried other perks (only berserker and support). I came across a whole lot of old 2018 ish posts that hates berserkers and firebugs and I couldnt figure out why? Is it too bad? I read somewhere that its because berserkers do nothing for the team, they just run. I even found some servers that kick you if you go berserker.

    submitted by /u/Killfer8
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    Vosh cashe

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    So i have like 45 vosh cashes and i havent played for almost a year, is there a reason why? I opened them and got like 10 Yellow grades. Like i said i just seen i had 45 of them

    submitted by /u/Thicc_Thlghs
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    So I got Killing Floor 2 on the Epic Gamer launcher and it won't even launch for some reason

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    So I got it on the Epic Games launcher at least a month ago, and I got it on my laptop. but now I just built my new PC and downloaded it there. It worked on my laptop, but I could barely play it. I never played any of the Killing Floor games and I wanna try this one out.

    submitted by /u/bigfatpump
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    I want some friends lol

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    I just got into the game and I want to play with some people, and not just play with some random guys. If you want to play together, hmu

    submitted by /u/NotARussianComrade
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    Looking for friends (EGS)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    Hello. First, let me say I'M SORRY if this is already somewhere out there and someone feels it redundant or whatever.

    With that out of the way...I need to find "friends" to play KF2 with ASAP because lately I've been seeing a disturbing trend: people playing together that KICKS YOU OUT when you join "their" server. 5 min. ago I joined 2 guys that immediately "voted" to kick me out...which they ofc did. And these kind of things are multiplying. Needless to say it sucks.

    So I want to have at least 1 more person to be able to create a squad to prevent it from happening again and be able to...you know, play. And between Epic and Tripwire...there's no way to send friend requests to strangers (i.e. a list of "recently played" or something).

    So here I am. I'm not a competitive player and I'm not trying to start an E-sports career. I just want cool people to hang out with and play some matches here and there. Nothing fancy, just having some fun killing Zeds while avoiding all the nonsense and the pain of having to constantly find random matches.

    I usually play 5-10 matches (min) a day, every day. I'm currently mute, since my headset died on me a week ago so no mic, if that's important to you. I'm not the most seasoned KF player but I have around 60-80 hours in on PS4 (ancient history, I'm not a console player anymore) and 31 hours since I jumped back, thanks to the Epic Games Store. So I'm not a n00b either. I also don't use $team nor FB, so everything will have to go through Epic's platform (sorry).

    TL;DR: I'm looking for anyone kind enough to want to share some of his/her time with me, playing some daily matches and having some good ol' fun.

    Anyone interested please leave your Epic ID here and/or send me a PM to make it happen. ;)

    THANK YOU all for your time. See you on Horzine's grounds. >:)

    submitted by /u/MagickObscura
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    Custom Maps

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    Is there a way to install custom maps for KF2 epic games edition? If so lmk

    submitted by /u/Jewcee-
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    Thoughts on Survivalist

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    The Survivalist is kinda the laughing stock of the game. Its a class I really enjoy personally, but it can get you straight out kicked from a server just for playing it. I've been thinking on why it is considered so bad but why I personally enjoy it. The main downfall of the survivalist is its lack of damage. .6% extra damage per level is awful, and you lack a damage boosting skill. This means a level 25 Demo with a RPG can one shot a scrake with the right perks. A Survivalist with the same weapon will take 3-4 hits to kill it. These damage breakpoints are the intended downfall of the Survivalist but the problem lies with how bad it is vs how much you gain to compensate. Survivalist heavy armor is worse than the Swat version. So really the only upside is that you get damage reduction with extra heavy armor. So here is my suggested fixes.

    Perk bonuses.

    Raise the per level damage bonus to 1% per level. Survivalist will still under preform for damage due to a lack of skills that offer a +20 or +30% damage boost.

    +1 Capacity per 5 levels. Similar to the support perk, I feel like being able to carry 2 tier 5 weapons is important to the identity of the perk and shouldn't be bound to a skill.

    +1% Heavy armor per level is fine as is.

    +1% Damage resistance is also good as is.

    +3% Zed time reload speed should just be added to the level 25 skill.


    Level 5

    Both reload skills are fine as is.

    Level 10

    Brawler- Melee attack speed increased by 20% and increases damage by 60%. While wearing armor stagger Zeds that hit you.

    Sport Shooter - Increase weapon penetration and reduces shotgun spread by 50%.

    Level 15

    Medic training- +30% healing and 50% reduced cool down for med darts and syringe. Your grenade becomes a healing grenade.

    Riot Training- 15% more movement speed. Grenade becomes Molotov.

    Level 20

    The level 20 perks are fine as is.

    level 25

    Add 100% reload speed to each level 25 perk.

    I feel like buffing the damage, combining the medic perks, and giving all survivalists the extra 5 capacity would really let them spread out a bit and actually be effective.

    What fixes would you make to make the survivalist a less hated perk?

    submitted by /u/dizuki
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    [Question] Dosh Vault Unlocked Crate #1

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Why do I get like 11 of them daily?

    Is there a way to speed open them coz waiting for the whole animation is kinda fucking boring.

    I tried opening and switching to perks to cancel the animation and go back to inventory but 1/2 times it glitches and I have to open again. Also who at tripwire thought the inventory navigation and management is in an acceptable state right now?

    submitted by /u/BlizzardWasTaken
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