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    Thursday, May 28, 2020

    Killing Floor Killing Floor 2 Perilous Plunder beta 2 is now live

    Killing Floor Killing Floor 2 Perilous Plunder beta 2 is now live

    Killing Floor 2 Perilous Plunder beta 2 is now live

    Posted: 28 May 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Would you buy a hypothetical Killing floor 3?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    I have seen many grievances on this sub, about update schedules and the implementation of DLC weapons. But as much as I dislike these things I can't deny I got my money's worth for this game, hundreds of hours ago.
    Say in a year or two, after keeping killing floor 2 alive and going, they say "hey guys we're going to make a killing floor 3". What issues would need to be addressed for you to consider that purchase?

    Personally, I'd like to see a revamp to the class system, change the way milestone perks work.

    submitted by /u/Akkator006
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    I know you all tired seeing this kind of thing. but here is my Survivalist fix attempt.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    Tripwire: Allow us to test the new DLC weapons in beta for free.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    So the purpose of a beta is to test out the new content, right? It seems a little counter-intuitive to make us pay for weapons that aren't even released yet to test them, considering far fewer people will end up testing them because of that. Yes, you can just edit them into a solo lobby via console, but you don't get to see how they perform in actual matches with people.

    Tripwire should grant all beta players the DLC weapons for free, but in that weird dark-red quality that denotes a base item/cosmetic. Then, once the beta is over, simply take them away. This way we can help balance the weapons for release and provide more feedback. Not to mention that getting to try them out in actual games incentivizes more sales later.

    submitted by /u/HerrShaun
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    The Kaboomstick isn't a cross-perk weapon with Support?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    How is this even possible, its a shotgun!

    I'm so sad.

    submitted by /u/MwHighlander
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    Seasonal objectives

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Hey where can I check/look where the seasonal objectives are? I can only find the weekly and daily :/

    submitted by /u/MopManSuperPAC
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    Seasonal reward issue

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    I completed seasonal objectives, and now I need to delete game to free some space on my hard drive. Will I get a reward in future, or I need to wait for the release?

    submitted by /u/Stolaire
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    wich one to buy? KF1 or KF2?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    i remember i played KF1 a long time ago in an 1-week trial and loved it, and now i'm eager to buy it, but i'm afraid if there's still people online there. would i buy KF2 instead?

    submitted by /u/idiotlizard
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    POSTCARD from BURNING PARIS | Killing Floor 2 action montage

    Posted: 28 May 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    To everyone posting surv rework

    Posted: 28 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Survivilist is fine as it is. This upcoming patch seems to better round off the perk. Perk is pretty well balanced with its ability to cater loadouts that are needed for the team. It serves the purpose of being jack of all trades and master of none, and further balancing would make it too strong or completely destory the perk rendering it useless. The perk idea in it of itself doesn't fit very well in the first place in a coop class-based shooter game, but Surivialist is still able to perform a part of every aspect of clearing traah, healing, tanking, and killing big zeds with little to no problem at a lower capacity when compared to their respective dedicated perks with the bug difference being more flexible. To be honest, at this point in the game, every perk is able to do all (aside from healing). Commando has FN Fal, Firebug has Helios rifle, Medic has Incision, and Swat has Kriss and Nailgun to deal with big zeds. But the big difference is that still those perks can't be as efficient and quick in killing big zeds compared to Demo, GS, and SS. I think these frustrations naturally come from being more effective when playing other perks rather than survivalist, and really that's the whole point of the perk. It's not ment to replace a FB, GS, SS, or medic but rather to suppliment what is needed with greater flexiblity. As much as I also want things added or skill locations changed, I would hate it more than it is for being too effective at the same time being so flexible.

    submitted by /u/officialmilkiss
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    Is there like a nerf on the pulverizer or a bug? Playing on beta btw

    Posted: 28 May 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Stop posting survivalist reworks, or your opinion on it if you haven't played enough time both with the game, or with the survivalist itself.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Seriously, some of these "reworks" I have seen over the years make me extremely frustrated. Nearly none of them adress the problems that were endemic to the perk, nor care for the original design and role which was intended for it. These posts seem to originate from players who have not played the game enough to figure out the meta/balance of the game; and always come up with outlandish solutions that are only going to create more problems down the road.

    The perk was meant to be able to use all weapons in the game seemlessly, right now, it functions more or less like a SWAT with more flexibility, because lacks a few things for it to truly be the case:

    • penetration bonus, without which shotguns feel extremely anemic
    • recoil reduction, without which Gunslinger and Sharpshooter weapons feel horrible to control (ex: FNFAL)
    • fire duration (and possibly some nerfed ground fire + heat wave with longer cooldown)
    • self-fire resistance
    • possibly a life bonus
    • possibly a very small damage increase, not necessary in my eyes
    • more ammo to compensate for the lesser damage
    • Possibly some sort of headshot bonus, not sure about this one however

    Path of Exile managed to make a "jack of all trades' kind of class in the Scion, borrowing parts of each other classes, and making you choose your poison; I don't get what's so fucking hard in reproducing it. The Scion isn't getting the same bonuses the other perks get, yet is able to be shoe-horned by the player into a very specific role if they wish to. That's what the survivalist should've been about. They could've even removed its ZED time abilities and passives to make place for other buffs, making it a survivable and flexible perk, completely configurable by the player, yet one that lacks raw damage and ZED time potential present in other perks.

    I'm disappointed with Tripwire because it's still a problem however, had the survivalist been fixed, you know, FIVE YEARS AGO, we wouldn't have these threads.

    submitted by /u/Jorrick_
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