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    Saturday, July 4, 2020

    Killing Floor Good call

    Killing Floor Good call

    Good call

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    Will the DLC weapons ever be available outside of the in-game store? A plea for more accessible currency conversion

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Currently the in-game store sells only for US dollars, this makes items sell at an absurd flat fee conversion for other currencies, a single weapon costs more than the full price base game for me.

    This makes it incredibly inaccessible for most people to purchase any DLC, buying all the guns will cost more than a triple-A game on release.

    submitted by /u/BathrobeHero_
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    Actual Berserker loadout meta?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    I just got back to the amazing world of KF2 and i'm unsure what is the meta with the Berserker class right now. I'm talking about 6m HoE cause i like to play at max difficulty. Back in the days the "best" loadout was katana for trash + eviscerator for FP and SC but, don't know if it's me or something got nerfed, looks like it's not that effective anymore. There are way more weapons now to choose from and would like to know what is the meta loadout or your favorite loadout in general.

    submitted by /u/C3ncio
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    Ima noob

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Ima noob and just bought KF2. Any advice and tips?

    submitted by /u/This_is_honesty
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    Two questions ..

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    1: I got the golden horzine suit, where do u get the golden helmet?

    2: are there gold weapon skins to go with them and if so where do I get them?

    submitted by /u/gimpy_72
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    Are any of the DLC guns worth the money, and if so which ones?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Title more or less gets my point across

    submitted by /u/Taftist
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    Character/Character Costume DLC

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    Seeing the little amount of characters that are available for killing floor 2 and how a lot of items that belong to these characters are made as separate cosmetics. with very little characters being added to the game, the only examples i can think of are D.A.R, Badass Santa and Mrs.Foster. i personally feel there should be more characters to return or at least the cosmetics they worse. so here are some suggestions:

    Captain Sir Richard Wiggens. The Queen's Guard character from London's Finest DLC. In general i'm surprised there hasn't been anything similar to a queen's guard uniform, especially in lore that Killing Floor 2's Classic Masterson is his Cousin. either having the character, or in this case a queen's guard uniform in memory of him, would make a perfect addition.

    Rob "Shadow Ferret" Allan. probably the edgiest in design but also the youngest character i know of the killing floor character roster. having a young adult aged character would make sense for the lore and give more character diversity, and how his cosmetics can be separated by his mask and a hood up option, unless his identity will be hidden like the fosters and skully.

    Security Officer Thorne. The heavily disfigured and scarred Horizon security worker. His overall design in Killing Floor 1 speaks a large story just looking at him, and it was somewhat jarring that such a unique character wasn't added to the game. this one definitely deserves to be its own character because hof how unique of a look he has and how his voice lines can be done interestingly.

    Martel Halliday. The owner of the Fright Yard from the more recent version of the Hillbilly Horror Event. The character presented with visual and mental cues similar to Colonel Sanders was a pretty fun and unique idea of a character for even a halloween event. but the idea of him being playable would not only be funny but also unique. Im surprised in general how they didnt add Hillbilly Horror in general to Killing Floor 2, as it was the most hilarious and most stand out of the holiday themed events for the first Killing Floor.

    The Trader, the very original trader from the first killing floor game. it was abit odd of her absence in killing floor 2 being replaced by the trader pod A.I and no real say of waht happened to the Trader. it would be a fun way to bring her back as a playable character for her to have remarks making fun of or mocking the trader pod and the A.i Within it

    these are just some of the ideas. i'd love to hear other ideas the rest of the community has.

    submitted by /u/BlakeTheGamblingHero
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    Map ideas

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    Hey uhhhhh what are some map ideas you would want in the game?

    (They could be remakes of old maps or entirely new ideas,I would like to see the Hell and Hell Ride maps almost squished into one since they both have hell in the name i would call the map Hellish ride)

    submitted by /u/Garlic_Shan
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    DLC Weapons

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    Hi. I really wanna buy the Mosin Nagant, but it's really expensive. Do DLC weapons get discounts during certain events? Let's say from $10 to $5. Or will it stay forever at $10? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/NoveTheLiggers
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    Platinum trophy

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    How hard is it to get platinum trophy for ps4?

    submitted by /u/nickmatrix
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