• Breaking News

    Monday, June 15, 2020

    Killing Floor Sorry it took so long, but here’s my friends original copy of Killing Floor on PC given to his dad by Tripwire Interactive President John Gibson! It’s signed by all the developers who worked on the original game, it’s so crazy to actually be able to have held this.

    Killing Floor Sorry it took so long, but here’s my friends original copy of Killing Floor on PC given to his dad by Tripwire Interactive President John Gibson! It’s signed by all the developers who worked on the original game, it’s so crazy to actually be able to have held this.

    Sorry it took so long, but here’s my friends original copy of Killing Floor on PC given to his dad by Tripwire Interactive President John Gibson! It’s signed by all the developers who worked on the original game, it’s so crazy to actually be able to have held this.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    A simple suggestion on improving the trader menu

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Killing Floor 2 Weapon Concepts part 3!

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Literally unbuyable, uninstalling

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    Bone crusher parry modifier

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Both the block and parry on the bone crusher make you take 30% (0.7x) damage. The parry skill makes you take 40% (0.6x) damage on a successful parry, does this apply to the bone crusher? I've looked for about an hour and came to no conclusive answer.

    submitted by /u/Gob659
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    Disabling Voice Chat on Ps4

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    I was wondering if you could disable the Voice Chat (your mic basically) on Ps4. I didn't find anything that could turn it off in the settings. I think it's pretty annoying for my teammates to hear the background noise of mine.

    submitted by /u/Unruh_
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    What an abomination...

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    Weekly challenge difficulty solo

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Just curious how difficult it would be doing it solo as a firebug?

    submitted by /u/zslayer89
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    CDKeys Authorized Seller?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:38 AM PDT


    Is CDKeys an authorized/safe seller? I was going to buy buy KF2 Standard since it's on sale on Steam. However, someone had mentioned it's $5.09 on CDKeys.

    I googled around, and it seems no one has been banned for it in the last two years and some responses from them that the keys are legit.


    submitted by /u/BestSelf2015
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    Falling under the map

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    So what happened suddenly? Yesterday played a bit of outpost and nothing happened. Now played it 2 times in a row where everyone fell throu the map. So we qent to the next map called biolapse and in the second wave we all fell again

    submitted by /u/usiim
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    Modding Monday - 6/15/20

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Feel free to talk about modding Killing Floor.

    • Did you try a new map or mod this weekend? What did you think about it?
    • Is there a mod that you think is great that you want to get noticed?
    • Do you have suggestions for a mod?
    • Are you working on a new mod? Got something in production you want to show off?
    • Got a question about adding a mod?
    • Got a question on how to mod?
    • Got a question on how to start creating mods?

    These are just some examples. If it's related, talk about it.

    Special Thread Rules: * If a mod is specific to Killing Floor 1, remember to mention it.

    • Self Promotion in regards to mods/maps is allowed here.

    • Rule #1 still applies here, so please don't suggest exploit mods or killbox mods.

    • Rule #2 still applies. Treat your fellow mercenaries like humans and save the hate for the zeds.

    submitted by /u/T-R-A-D-E-R_Bot
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    Matriarch harder than i remember?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    Did matriarch get buffed since last time I played? or did i just never see her full attack set?

    Played a few games yesterday (nice to see even with 20k+ players theres only 15-20 odd HoE servers lmao) and got matriarch while playing on lockdown, thought it wouldnt be too bad since her most dangerous attack is the beam that you need to break LoS and on lockdown its lots of smaller spaces so breaking that LoS shouldnt be too hard.

    She starts charging to shoot what i think is the beam so i get into cover but she then shoots a team mate with a more lightning esq projectile and that proceeds to bounce and hit myself and other players.

    I dont remember this attack when she was introduced (granted normally bosses got nuked playing in a 6 stack) but this single attack hit 1 person and then hit myself for 72 hp and i think 2 other players that were in cover - if they took the same 72 damage i took thats 288 in a single attack that 3 people were in cover from - all because 1 person didnt avoid it.

    I mean we still beat her but that attack seems insanely strong, especially on larger maps with less cover where someone is likely to eat it often.

    submitted by /u/DDrunkBunny94
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    I’m confused about something...

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    So according to the lore, the EDAR were designed by the Patriarch's daughter (the Matriarch) in order to hunt and kill the zeds. However, the EDAR thought "hey, you know, these Zeds are pretty chill, fuck it, let's kill all humans together". That's fine, but the Matriarch is, I believe, still trying to stop the Zeds, but just hates the players and the company they work for. That's also fine, but there's a bit of a plot hole. Does the Matriarch, who I believe wants to kill the Zeds, know that her robot army is failing to do the very thing she created them for? Or am I misinterpreting the lore?

    Edit: okay, I feel like this plot hole could easily be filled by saying that, in her partial Zed transformation, the Matriarch no longer wants to slaughter the **** out of her father, but rather have a peaceful discussion in which a compromise is reached. This would also explain why she sends the EDARs to kill you, since you're basically mass murderers at this point. I know this sounds stupid, but let me remind you that Hans Volter is "best friends" with the Patriarch and he literally threw a halloween party that one time.

    Edit 2: Actually, I feel like a lot of Hans Volter's voice lines imply that the Zeds have higher thought capabilities and something of a culture. Maybe like in Plants vs Zombies? Makes me wonder if we're the bad guys. I mean, we are fighting for our lives, but...

    submitted by /u/ICFAOUNSFI
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    Game not working/ Support not answering

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    Is there any way to turn off the event Zeds?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    These Sirens are the absolute worst and I hate them.

    submitted by /u/xRizux
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    Anyone know any easy ways to complete hell on earth mode?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Trying to get platinum on KF2, just wanna see if there are strategies or anything else to help.

    submitted by /u/shittyred
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