• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 17, 2020

    Killing Floor PSA: If you need to contact the mods, use the "Message the Mods" button

    Killing Floor PSA: If you need to contact the mods, use the "Message the Mods" button

    PSA: If you need to contact the mods, use the "Message the Mods" button

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Pretty straightforward message. If you need to contact the mods of r/killingfloor or any other subreddit then please use the "Message the Mods" button in the sidebar (typically also in the sidebar of other subreddits). Don't private message or request a chat because it will be ignored.

    You can also click here -> Message the Mods

    Now back to your regularly scheduled shitposting.

    submitted by /u/Kaiyoto
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    Best map for HOE?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    I am going for a win on HOE for my last trophy for the platinum but I don't really know what the best map is to try it on, I've had attempts at a few different ones but none of them seem to be working so far, the prison has by far been the easiest for me but I was wondering if there was an easier map. I'm also a Commando 25 Update: Got some luck with the bosses and got abomination and won with ease :), thanks for the tips guys

    submitted by /u/Banxed
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    Question about terminology such as T4/T5

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    I'm having some trouble following what people are referring to when they say things like T4 Deagles

    Does that mean dual deagles with the $1500 upgrade (so dual deagles +2)?

    submitted by /u/bosstweed3
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    I really do hate Hans.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    He's the only boss that will ruin the match for my team. Doesn't seem to matter what we all play as he always kills us.

    submitted by /u/logiclair38292
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    Any recent Medic guides?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    I'm looking for something more in depth, but have trouble finding anything recent, like stuff that includes the railgun. I'm just trying to learn situations where each weapon has a use beyond just use 401+501 every match.

    submitted by /u/Iron_Revenant13
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    Looking for server that has certain maps

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    Is there a server that has london map or defensethyself was it called, i couldnt find it anymore. Why is no one else playing those older maps anymore ? Dont you get bored of the same 1-2 maps over and over...? KF2 btw

    submitted by /u/psymix
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    Whats a good class/loadout to cover all bases?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    i normally play medic. i play healer/supports in every game i play. want to try some other things out so i tried berserker but i dont think its for me

    i guess im looking for a class that can effectively clear trash and also handle large zeds in 6 man suicide and HoE

    submitted by /u/titsequalthumbs
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    Is it normal that I find HS much easier from the hip?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Not new to shooters but also not exactly a pro. So far every shooter I played, ads was the way to go for HS but in this game, I find hipfire much more accurate and easier to aim for the head on.

    Basically new to this game but Gunslinger is friggn awesome so far. I mean, dual AFMs with REU? Now thats a lot of damage.

    submitted by /u/Error_X
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    My friends Plunder seasonal challenge progress reset?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    We got on to do the weekly, he was almost done with the Dosh challenge and 1 boss away from 15. After completing the weekly they both jumped back to 0, is there a reason/fix for this?

    submitted by /u/DDRHaloChief
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    Welcome Wednesday - 6/17/20

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    If you're a new/novice player and have questions -- any questions -- this is a great place to ask them.

    This is a place where everyone in the r/KillingFloor community can answer questions that new players might have. This could be anything from advice on which class to play, what guns to buy, how to take down specific zeds, how certain perks work, etc. This thread is geared towards new players but anyone is free to ask questions and answer questions.

    If you are looking to find people to play with feel free to say so but also check out the LFG post below.


    Relevant Links:

    • Subreddit Wiki FAQ - Answers a lot of basic frequently asked questions here (which we'll add to over time). Includes a lists of crates and what's in them. Also includes a basic guide on DLCs and how to test drive the DLC weapons (command codes are pc only).

    • LFG post - LFG stands for "looking for group". You can put yourself on the list, add people to your friends list from it, and look for servers (servers are pc only)

    • Big ol' Doc of Everything - Lists numbers of everything. Basically a mechanical reference for KF2 and explains a lot of stuff. I promise it's worth a look.

    New Player Guides:

    • Suicidal and Hell on Earth: A Guide - "what's" and "why's" of optimal play, but includes a thorough examination of the meta concepts and the thought processes that arrive at those conclusions.
    • Richard Dangles - A youtuber that covers various aspects of the game such as loadouts and tips/tricks.
    • (suggest any good written guides or videos you've come across so we can add them to the weekly thread)

    Killing Floor 1 Related:

    • Exiled Coalition - A discord gaming community based on Killing Floor 1 that strives to bring a sense of gaming companionship in this decade old game. You can connect with KF1 servers and other players here.
    submitted by /u/T-R-A-D-E-R_Bot
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    Friend needs help with Platinum on PS4

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    He plays on PS4 and is looking for people to help him with Hell on Earth on PS4. He's a level 23 field medic. I'm a level 25 commando who already platinum'd the game but he wants more guys as the two of us are just decent at the game and don't play it often. His PSN is SnoopyPoopy1 and just say that Shock sent ya for KF2. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Shocksterr
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    Sorry to brag, but I have the swats prestiged tactical knife skin without having prestiged the swat class, also can someone please explain to me why I have this skin? I don't know how or why I have this skin without prestiging the swat class.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Who moderates the moderators?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: this could be considered a sob story. Request: still hear me out because the main point doesn't really have anything to do with me pointing fingers at specific people, even though I'd dearly like to. People are scared of paragraphs, so I'll condense them into steps of sort while also trying to be as accurate as possible to the event (at least as memory lets me). Hell, I'll even put a tl;dr at the end for maximum reader engagement.

    1. So about a month ago I got into an altercation of sorts with two moderators on the Killing Floor Discord server over a stupid joke. For transparency, I specifically mentioned the firing delay on the compound bow was "objectively gay". I saw it as obvious joke, I believe many others did and a tiny portion of people actually didn't, but it so happened that 2/3 of this tiny amount (I have not seen anyone else but three whole people display discomfort or offense by it, with two only saying something after being pinged) had absolute power.
    2. It was fine, sort of. I definitely was a bit annoyed that they decided to take one single guy's word for it, who I'll add had an altercation of sorts² (it's a pretty expression; sue me) with me in the past that didn't need mommy and daddy to slap someone on the wrist for being rude, as these things die out and people aren't going to be flinging shit at each other on a daily basis, as that truly wasn't the case and I basically had the individual blocked after that and did not interact with him at all.
    3. I pinged the mods to make a slightly sarcastic remark on how I'll make sure to ping them if I also personally feel offended by something minuscule or whatever was the phrasing I used at the time. By a message or two after that ping, only one moderator had actually responded so far.
    4. It developed into was essentially me insisting on how it was just a completely obvious joke and the moderator condescendingly telling me how offensive it was just because "I'm right, you're wrong, if you disagree you're not being nice :)". I'll say it here and now that I dislike this person as a moderator and that it certainly influences what I write, despite me talking of accuracy. True lack of bias is bullshit, after all.
    5. A certain time after, a second moderator joined in to provoke me by trying to incite a ban while also acting like a yes man for the first moderator. Honestly, it was pure circlejerk material and it makes me severely doubt about the integrity of these two people.
    6. This is where it gets hot. I confront the moderator who tried to incite a ban with a sarcastic comment (I'm not going to play innocent here, of course I was annoyed and of course it influenced my actions at the time, as I personally believed I was being treated disproportionately harshly at that point). The comment was paraphrasedly "thanks for your input, guy that I never saw talk in the long time I have been here". He claims he "is always watching", to which then I ask: why was the moderator who claimed to be "always watching" tried to incite a ban on someone who has not talked to a moderator in that server at any point before? Before the event, no moderator ever warned me, kicked me or banned me. I will stress this was a first "offense". I also never saw the moderator in question talk in the chat during the time I was there.
    7. Eventually my Discord just exits the server. Obviously I was, at the very least, kicked. About a month later and Discord still claims the link I'm trying to use to get back into the server is "expired", which means that I got, at the very least, a one-month ban on a first offense.

    This is the part where you ask why I made the thread. I'll lay it down simply to you: I have tried contacting Yoshiro on Discord through DMs, on Steam through a friend request, I have contacted a moderator on this subreddit very normally asking for his help in DMs, which he ignored for days and still remains ignored and I have emailed Tripwire themselves, because why the fuck not. I have had complete silence from the community manager, a subreddit moderator and, so far, from Tripwire's support, all of which I tried contacting in good faith without any intent of trying to shit on anyone. All I cared about was having some fucking chance to appeal the ban, which was never given to me.

    If these moderators really cared about doing their job, they would've muted me and maybe told me "take it to DMs with us and we'll sort this out without drama flooding the chat". It's what I would've done, as I've volunteered as one myself for a time and my objective during it was honest comprehension, not knee-jerked censorship and banning. I did ban people, but I had the decency of keeping a fucking line of contact where they could reach me at any given time and I would reply back with no attempts to just avoid the problem. I liked discussing bans with people, honestly; no one likes being booted out without warning and then being ignored like the problem just stops existing the moment you ban someone and you move on as if the person's existence just stopped by magic.


    1. First offense in the KF2 Discord, joke's taste is debatable but I'm of the mind that it was clearly a joke.
    2. One person gets offended, everyone else doesn't.
    3. Got greeted by a self-righteous moderator and a yes man moderator trying to incite a ban on me while I somewhat annoyedly tried to explain it was a joke.
    4. Have never been warned, kicked or banned before, with no interactions with any moderator before the incident.
    5. Get a ban that is currently slightly above a month and still counting. Emphasis: first offense.
    6. All my attempts to contact someone that I believed could help have been completely ignored, and I really hope it wasn't on purpose.

    I ask, then: if the moderators are capable of gleefully banning someone for a first offense while antagonizing them and then giving the person no clear line to reach someone for an appeal, where is the line drawn? Who oversees what they do? All I wanted was a fucking appeal and I haven't gotten that for a whole fucking month. I'll keep the flair as "discussion" because that's what I want. I want people asking themselves if complete isolation on first offense is fair and to wonder who, as the title says, moderates the moderators.

    Delete this and I'll have it saved on a text file, ready to post it again until I get a concrete answer from someone who gives a shit. That's all I ask.

    submitted by /u/YangXiaoLong69
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    Big daddy

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Can't help but see a big daddy whenever I see the new update's boss, bit of a rip off? ://

    submitted by /u/im-on-36-battery
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    Why Was This Removed? Recently Started Playing Again

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    There used to be an option in matchmaking where you could select to join games that haven't started yet, and if there were none... You would get put into a game in progress.

    Why was this removed?

    Sorry if this has been answered before.

    submitted by /u/estrangedrabbit
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    Yo someone needs to make roblox crossroads as a killing floor map

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    The map is a classic and would be a good kf2 map because of its design

    submitted by /u/SirDezgamer
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    Mestive play

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a mate or a group of people into group play or duo consistently to work our way up the difficulty latter and become pro at game. I'm in the na region(after the bomb)(Angel of death here)

    Steam: 1040638149

    submitted by /u/UnlovedLucifer
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    Looking for Group

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a group on pc. Add me on discord: nathollandn #2005

    submitted by /u/nate7403
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    Gunslinger's Rack 'Em Up is not worth it.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    You need to maintain 3 stacks or more to be better than the alternative perk. In a team game, you're not going to be able to maintain that because

    1. Team mate steals your kill before your headshot lands.
    2. Team mates draw the mobs in different directions so they're not coming straight at you, making it harder to headshot.
    3. Team mates like demo kills all the mobs and there's is a lull in the wave. That means you're dropping stacks.
    4. Your overall dps is lower when you aim for the head. There's a thing in this game called bullet spread. Since the head is such a small target compared to the chest, even if your cursor is on the center of the head. You will have missed shots that fly over the head or to the side, doing 0 damage. On the flip side, if your cursor is at the center of the chest, the spread is not big enough that you'll completely miss shots even though you aimed perfectly.

    Once you reset your stacks, your first 2 shots are not going to do more damage than the alternative perk even if they're headshots. And if you don't get that 3 headshots fast, then you're just using a inferior perk.

    Thus, in a team game, Rack 'Em Up is not worth it because the amount of time you have 3 stacks+ is less than the amount of time you have do not have 3 stacks+.

    submitted by /u/JackIsNotInTheBox
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