• Breaking News

    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Killing Floor The Halo Mod Weapon Pack Part 1 has been released

    Killing Floor The Halo Mod Weapon Pack Part 1 has been released

    The Halo Mod Weapon Pack Part 1 has been released

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Favorite sharpshooter weapon?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    What's your favorite sharpshooter weapon and why? :)

    (For the lack of space i'm not adding any pistols or revolvers, so i'm sorry Magnum)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/dirtytrip666
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    New Map incoming?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:23 PM PDT


    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    so um i just came back to killing floor 2 after a while , i notice there are alot of new stuff

    then i saw THE DOOMSTICK , ahhhhhh 4 barrels a shotgun lover's dream , however tho i looked at some video and saw that the doomstick can be upgrade twice when i hop in game i can it can only upgrade it once

    did they nerf the doomstick?

    submitted by /u/kuruakama
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    I’m looking for a custom map that is apparently in the style of 300. Does anyone know the name?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Asking as a Berserker

    submitted by /u/ScriptGenius12
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    Really dumb question

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Am I supposed to post the ticket or am I supposed to wait. Idk what posting does like does it go on a forum or something. It says I've submitted it and I put my actual name so I dont really want to post it anywhere. I'm really stupid, sorry.

    submitted by /u/KillTunnels4Life
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    What does HRG stand for?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Asking as a long time player.

    submitted by /u/ScriptGenius12
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    Hey y'all, just got the game about a week ago.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    I don't have many people to play with and was wondering if anyone would like to join me? I'm on ps4 @ TheFourthColor

    submitted by /u/DesolationNation
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    Does the suicide husk attack actually add ANYTHING to the game? (Audio ques)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    This thing has killed me more than anything in the game, but what really irks me about it is how random it feels and I think I know why: The telegraph has no audio cue.

    The vast majority of the time it begins doing the attack telegraph BEHIND a sea of enemies or worse, when you are running backwards from another enemy, meaning you literally have no chance to react to it. It's just "bang, you're dead."

    Does anyone at all think this thing adds anything to the gameplay? I don't think I've met anyone so far who hasn't found it obnoxious, and it really is. It might be alright if there was some sort of loud beeping before it went off, at least then you'd have a second to react.

    submitted by /u/FilthyTrashPeople
    [link] [comments]

    My server dont show in the list

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    Sonly appears on "Lan" dont show up in the list

    [0020.51] Init: Version: 10897

    [0020.51] Init: Epic Internal: 0

    [0020.51] Init: Compiled (64-bit): Jun 2 2020 18:15:52

    [0020.51] Init: Command line: kf-bioticslab?adminpassword=123

    [0020.51] Init: Base directory: D:\Downloads\steamcmd\kf2server\Binaries\win64\

    [0020.51] Init: Character set: Unicode

    [0020.51] Init: Process ID: 1448

    [0020.51] Log: Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet

    [0020.51] Log: Initializing Game Engine...

    [0020.56] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to

    [0020.72] Log: *** Updating timed game events

    [0020.72] Log: **** Current Time: 2020 6 26 10 4 55

    [0020.72] Log: **** World start in seconds: 1492484400

    [0020.72] Log: **** Current time in seconds: 1593176695

    [0020.72] Log: **** Intended weekly index: 166

    [0020.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture2D FX_GORE_TEX.FX_Gore_Blend_All_D': Failed to find object 'Texture2D FX_GORE_TEX.FX_Gore_Blend_All_D'

    [0020.75] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package ENG_EngineResources_TEX.Dither) for 'ENG_EngineResources_TEX.Dither.dither_pattern' couldn't be loaded [while loading package ENG_EngineResources_TEX]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package ENG_EngineResources_TEX.Dither]?

    [0020.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture2D ENG_EngineResources_TEX.Dither.dither_pattern': Failed to find object 'Texture2D ENG_EngineResources_TEX.Dither.dither_pattern'

    [0020.79] Init: UEngine initialized

    [0020.81] Log: Steam Client API is unavailable (not required for servers)

    [0020.81] Log: [TWAnalytics::requestInventoryItem] Requesting Item Id: 0 but NULL steamuser

    [0020.81] Log: AllocateAPIEndpoint is

    [0020.81] Log: DeallocateAPIEndpoint is

    [0020.81] DevNet: Browse: kf-bioticslab?Name=Player?Team=255?adminpassword=123

    [0020.82] Log: LoadMap: kf-bioticslab?Name=Player?Team=255?adminpassword=123

    [0033.88] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'ENV_OBJ_TWO_EMIT.StartingWake'! Referenced by 'ENV_OBJ_MESH.BioticsLab.ENV_Tentacle_Animations:AnimSequence_32.AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect_2' ('Engine.AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect:PSTemplate').

    [0033.88] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'ENV_OBJ_TWO_EMIT': Can't find file for package 'ENV_OBJ_TWO_EMIT' while loading NULL

    [0035.62] Log: Game class is 'KFGameInfo_Survival'

    [0035.62] Init: WinSock: Socket queue 131072 / 131072

    [0035.62] Init: WinSock: I am DESKTOP-PRK3K02 (

    [0035.62] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to

    [0035.62] DevNet: IpNetDriverSteamworks_0 TcpNetDriver listening on port 7777

    [0035.68] DevNet: Spawning: IpDrv.WebServer

    [0035.68] Log: NetMode is now 1

    [0035.75] Log: Bringing World KF-BIOTICSLAB.TheWorld up for play (30) at 2020.06.26-07.05.09

    [0035.75] Log: Initializing Steam game server

    [0035.75] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 1 - GameInterface: OnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks_0

    [0035.75] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 2 - KFGameSettings: KFOnlineGameSettings_0

    [0035.75] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 3 - KFGameSettings.bAvailableForTakeover: True

    [0035.76] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 4 - PlayfabInter: None

    [0035.76] DevLobby: LobbyJoinGame ServerIP=

    [0039.19] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 1 - GameInterface: OnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks_0

    [0039.19] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 2 - KFGameSettings: KFOnlineGameSettings_0

    [0039.20] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 3 - KFGameSettings.bAvailableForTakeover: True

    [0039.20] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 4 - PlayfabInter: None

    [0039.29] ScriptLog: Gameplay events will not be recorded.

    [0039.29] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 1 - GameInterface: OnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks_0

    [0039.29] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 2 - KFGameSettings: KFOnlineGameSettings_0

    [0039.29] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 3 - KFGameSettings.bAvailableForTakeover: True

    [0039.29] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 4 - PlayfabInter: PlayfabInterface_0

    [0039.29] ScriptLog: (TW TAKEOVER LOG) KFGameInfo_Survival.UpdateGameSettings 4.1 - IsRegisteredWithPlayfab: False

    [0039.30] ScriptLog: (TW ZOMBIE SERVER LOG) KFGameInfo:PendingMatch.BeginState - PreviousStateName: None

    [0039.30] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to

    [0039.30] ScriptLog: Web Server Created Port: 8080 MaxCon 4 ExpirationSecs 86400 Enabled True

    [0039.42] WebAdmin: Starting Killing Floor 2 WebAdmin...

    [0039.42] WebAdmin: Creating IWebAdminAuth instance from: BasicWebAdminAuth

    [0039.42] WebAdmin: BasicWebAdminAuth does not support hash algorithm sha1

    [0039.42] WebAdmin: Creating ISessionHandler instance from: SessionHandler

    [0039.43] WebAdmin: Updating news...

    [0039.43] WebAdmin: No OnlineNewsInterface; news desk is unavailable

    [0039.44] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 3.758908

    [0039.44] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 18.616596 seconds

    [0039.44] Init: Game engine initialized

    [0039.44] Log: KF2 VERSION: 1096

    [0039.44] Log: Initializing Game Engine Completed

    [0039.45] Log: Steam game server UID: 90136583924620291

    [0039.65] WebAdmin: Creating team chat proxies

    submitted by /u/Boring_Cardiologist6
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    I have a few ideas 1) new objective style mode similar to l4d with new maps that work with that style of mode, this would just be cool imo 2) weapon customization, being able to customize your own weapons with different attachments would be so cool tbh.

    submitted by /u/KillTunnels4Life
    [link] [comments]

    Feature Friday

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    "Feature Friday" is a thread for posting clips or youtube videos/channels, Twitch streams, and other media.

    Feel free to: * Post videos/streams (Your own or someone else's). * To ask for feedback on videos you're making * To post clips/channels * Post something you liked for that you feel might help someone else like a guide. * Discuss the potsed media.

    Special Thread Rules:

    • Self promotion will be allowed here and only in this thread on this subreddit.

    • The Begging/Marketing rules still applies. Don't post in this thread to ask for gifts, sales, tips, whatever.

    • Content needs to be Killing Floor related.

    submitted by /u/T-R-A-D-E-R_Bot
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    A thing I say when I get my hands on a Dragons Breath

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    "We've got a sale on Incindiary Shells! Come get them while they're hot!"

    submitted by /u/BoomBangBoomBop
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