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    Saturday, June 27, 2020

    Killing Floor Firebug is underrated

    Killing Floor Firebug is underrated

    Firebug is underrated

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Idk how unpopular of an opinion this is since I'm kinda new to the community, but Firebug seems really underrated.

    Everything I've seen of this sub, steam forums, and YouTube has told me that Firebug is among the worst of the classes; often held in comparison to Survivalist and SWAT. This obviously made me avoid the class entirely, instead choosing to level more popular classes like Support and Gunslinger before even considering it. But inevitably I found my curiosity peaked, and I gave Firebug a try.

    It sucked. I kept dying super quick from getting cornered bc I didn't have enough stopping power and the fire felt weak. I didn't click with it and quickly moved on. It wasn't until I picked up Firebug a second time that I really figured out how to use the class effectively, and holy hell is it fun.

    Firebugs perk weapons are some of my favorite in the game; between the Flamethrower, Mac10, Helios Rifle, Dragonsbreath (my personal favorite) and all the other ones I won't list, he has one of the most diverse arsenals in the game. He feels a bit more malleable than a lot of the other classes while still having a strong focus across them all (unlike Survivalist). Mostly though, he's just fun. Maybe I'm a sucker for pyros but laying down a line of fire in front of a Scrake, smacking him with a molotov, and unloading a Dragonsbreath into him never gets old. The only consistent issue I have with Firebug is that he really struggles with Fleshpounds and Quarterpounds, but everybody has a drawback, and he handles every other Zed just fine.

    I understand that his fire panic can make aiming more of a struggle for Gunslingers and Sharpshooters, but they aren't really designed to be compatible in the first place. It's not a flaw in either class, just don't pair the two or keep them seperate.

    Idk, maybe I was just dumb for underestimating it but Firebug shreds way fuckin harder than anyone led me to believe. So, why do most of y'all not seem to like it? I'm curious what you guys think. :)

    submitted by /u/Actual_Trash_Can_34
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    What I Wish The "HRG Incision" Actually Was

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    So the Incision came out as a response for players wanting a sniper rifle for medics? Fair enough. I just wish it was a repurposed SPX 464 Centerfire. There's a few reasons why, in order of importance:

    1) A single-load weapon doesn't benefit from the increased clip size from the combatant doctor skill.

    2) Field medics only have one second tier weapon.

    3) The damage of the acidic rounds skill is determined by the weapon's base damage, making the DOT effect insane.

    4) It could still be balanced with an EMP affliction. You'd need high control factors to compensate the lengthy reloads.

    5) It could use the awesome name I came up for it: The HRG 202 Centrifuge.

    6) Lever-action rifles are cool.

    Share your thoughts with me. Maybe you think it should've been a redone M14 or FN FAL? What would its name be then?

    submitted by /u/intothevolcano1
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    What characters do you use when playing Firebug?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    Asking as a Pyro fan

    submitted by /u/ScriptGenius12
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    Strange model warping? Bug?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Never receiving Vault crates?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I'm pretty sure this is something several people have been dealing with, but I've earned 4 or 5 vault crates in the past few days and am seriously upset that I haven't gotten any of them. What's going on and why am I not getting them. I'm on PS4 by the way.

    submitted by /u/Phantom265
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    New to FPS games- HELP!!!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    I'm not new to gaming, but new to fps games on the PC. More of a handheld or controller-based gaming person. Specifically, I want to be able to play Killing Floor 2 without being sad and embarrassing. What can I do to get better? I've been playing Portal and am okay with the general WASD, but my aiming and ability to use more than just the WASD keys is awful. Any browser games, Steam content, reading, or other suggestions? I really love the game but am not ready to play with others :(

    submitted by /u/LikeTheHurricane
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    Next update Halloween map or Moonbase

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    What would players prefer? I did like Monster's Ball map a ton. That said I'm kind of leaning toward a moon map.

    submitted by /u/LLAMA_on_a_unicycle
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    What days and time do you usually play?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    I know COVID days have everyone up to something different so let us know

    submitted by /u/rocketgum
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    The day I get the Mosin

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    Is the day a Russian character is finally added to the game.

    submitted by /u/ScriptGenius12
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    Making "RACK EM UP" for Sharpshooter less inferior to Tactical Reload.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Instead of the multiplier being on a timer like Gunslinger, why not keep the multiplier up until you miss a headshot? I suggest this because the multiplier becomes pointless when you are reloading perk weapons. For instance, once you get the x5 multiplier, you start reloading and it goes back down to zero. Gunslinger, you can keep it at x5 easily with the Tactical Reload skill. I don't see how this would break the game or become unbalanced. It still rewards headshots only. If you miss, goes back to zero.

    EBR, FAL, and 9mm are the only weapons that make full use of the multiplier. The others weapons, you basically finally get to x5 and have to reload. By the time you're done reloading, it is back to zero pretty much. I think this would be a great change imo.

    submitted by /u/cybercism
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