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    Saturday, June 13, 2020

    Killing Floor Final wave and there's one clot left

    Killing Floor Final wave and there's one clot left

    Final wave and there's one clot left

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    So many grenades went off the screen stayed tilted for the rest of the game.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    An idea for a new weapon perhaps?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    One thing I have always loved about KF2 is that it has such a great feeling melee system, so much better than it needs to be. So because of that, here's some art I made.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Killing Floor 2 Weapon Concepts part 2!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:50 PM PDT


    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Ps4 inventory glitch

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    Im sure its been posted here before but whatever, anybody got any possible solutions?

    Besides tripwires infamous "turn it off ane on again) solution?

    Edit: thank you for the award!!!!

    submitted by /u/HaidaIsMyName
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    Killing Floor 2 Weapon Concepts!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Are exceedingly rare items common?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    I just downloaded the game yesterday and my first three matches have yielded two summer sideshow tickets and an FN FAL Jaeger Dynamic, and when going into the vault with enough for the first time, I got a crate with HMTech 301 Vault Vosh Precious, so I'm wondering if some serious rng fuckery is going on or are they this common

    submitted by /u/Senpaiisawesome
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    Seasonal challenge

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Hey I need a team for endless hard desolation wave 15. I'm on xbox. Anyone wanna join? Gt: SOS DeViL

    submitted by /u/sosdevil444
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    Question about carrying capacity and general plan for the Firebug

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    So can you ever increase the capacity beyond 15 kg, or is that a hard limit?

    If it's a hard limit, what weapons should I try prioritizing for equipment and upgrading?

    Also is there a trick to getting more cash? I'm working on the seasonal objective.

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/zslayer89
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    SA80 requires a buff

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    Damage of SA80 and Tommy Gun has counted with "Hollow point rounds" skill and 25 level Commando (155%), and the value is 30 * 1.55 = 47 (rounded up#Perks_-_Damage_calculation))
    The main reason why SA80 requires a buff is a Tommy Gun: Thompson can kill Clot-like zeds in 2 hits in body, instead of 3, because it's SMG, it has higher magazine, they both can kill Stalkers in 2 hits, they have almost same reload time and same weight. Thompson don't have holo sight and has lower (not that much lower because of Recoil Reduction) accuracy, but I don't think it matters in early game, because most of Commando's targets fights in close range.
    I think SA80 can be buffed in two different ways:

    1. Add 3 more damage, making him capable to one-shot Stalker and 2-shot Clot-like Zed, just like M16
    2. Reduce weight to 5, making him able to carry with upgraded Stoner 63 as backup weapon, for example
    submitted by /u/Stolaire
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    Advice on weapons per class (newbie)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    So me and 5 friends recently found this game and fell in love mainly due to all 6 of us being able to play. Our individual skill level is all over the place, and it doesn't bring down our experience which is awesome.

    What are you guys opinions on the best weapons per class?

    what would you guys deem necessary?

    any tips for a group of newbies?

    what would you guys say is the best class for the least experienced gamer?

    Side note: we have played quite a bit with a lot of randoms and we have yet to encounter an asshole like in most games. our first few games with fills every extra person we played with was very helpful once I said we were all new. I don't know if we're just lucky (or maybe it's because there are girls in our squad lol) but I appreciate all the chill people we've come across so far

    submitted by /u/jayy093
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    New to Demo

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    I've recently started playing demo (was playing survivalist) and I'm not really sure how to build mine. I've seen some guides and builds but most of them are old. I'm hoping someone could help me out here. I'm not sure what perks I should use. Tips or tricks would be appreciated too

    For what it's worth, I find myself really enjoying the kaboomstick, RPG and the seeker the most.

    submitted by /u/IVIajestico
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    How to access soundtrack on steam?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    I recently bought the deluxe edition and was wondering how do I access the soundtrack on steam? I went in and unticked then ticked the dlc box for the soundtrack and it updated the game so I think it installed but how do I access it?

    submitted by /u/VanillaValhallaIce
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    Trying to decide if I should buy this game

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I just enjoy the free week end on this game! I played a bit of KF1 lots of years ago, and never tried kf2 until today. I have a quick question to decide if I might buy it or just uninstall at the end of the free trial.

    What's the point of the game actually ? Leveling to 25 every class ? I'm already lvl 18 with my berserker after just a few hours of play, will I be done with it at lvl 25? It feels pretty quick ,I remember getting to lvl 5 in kf1 was quite a grind and lvl 6 actually took days to complete, I'm worried the game will fall flat once I max my levels ?

    Is there some kind of grind once you reach lvl 25 to further improve your character or is it over and then all you have left is try to complete the success by beating each bosses on hardest difficulty ? I feel this might be a long term challenge ? But I'm worried on the part that pretty quick you don't feel like your character improves anymore.

    Any thoughts on that matter ?

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/Sartopia
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    Has this game gotten harder over the years?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    Some of my friends recently bought KF2 and we have been playing it as of late. I've been on a hiatus from the game for what feels like ages now, at least a year or so. I mained commando and made most of my perks at least level 15 or so, racked up about 120 hours or so on the game in the past.
    I distinctly remember being able to complete long, suicidal, solo missions as commando, but coming back to the game and playing it now it feels like I get pinned and shredded by crawlers or stalkers way more often than not, at least while playing support. Kiting feels less useful since enemies just spawn in front of you when you're running or worst, behind you when backpedalling and I get the impression that a lot of my deaths aren't my fault. I don't know if it's because I'm out of practice or something else but suicidal in singleplayer feels much harder than it used to. And sure, maybe I'm remembering things wrongly and I could have struggled equally much back when I played the game more actively, but, having 15 enemies on screen at once with nothing but 8 loaded shells followed by a scrake spawning behind me hardly seems fair a lot of the time. And I don't remember there being so many large zeds either._In case nothing really changed, sure, I'm bad, whatever, who gives a shit, I just need to know whether or not I'm still playing at the same level I used to be.

    submitted by /u/xThunderDuckx
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    Scythe for berserker

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    Would anyone else love to see a scythe for berserker

    submitted by /u/-WaifuHunter-
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    Anyone want a Firebug buddy?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    I just got the game for my PC and think it would be nice to have a fairly consistent group to play with. I'm a pretty shy fella so I might not use my mic at first, but I'm a team player. Just pm me if you're interested.

    submitted by /u/ActualTeddyBear
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    Outside Trader on Desolation

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    The outside trader on Desolation is too far away from the central part of the building, or at least when it's open, it's too far away from me. Almost half the times it's the trader, I end up not reaching it in time and have no armour and almost no ammo. It's absurd that I can't even think about straying from the path to the trader to pick up ammo or armour without risking being late to get there.

    submitted by /u/TNTNuke
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    Survivalist Buff Ideas?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    Hey guys. As you all know, there's a lot talk about how the Survivalist needs to be buffed, and how they're not an ideal perk on HoE, and the occasional Suicidal match. So, as a result, I'm gonna be listing a few ways the Survivalist could be buffed, starting with their skills, so they can somewhat feel more like a Jack of all Trades kinda perk.

    •Tactical Reload and Heavy Weapons Training

    -In order to make these 2 skills a little more useful, what the devs could do is add, say, a recoil and damage buff to each skill, and maybe add Medic and Firebug weapons to each skill. I'd also say Berserker but their only perk-exclusive ranged weapon is the Eviscerator. The VLAD Nailgun benefirs from Heavy Weapons Training as it is a Support weapon as well, and the Hemoclobber could benefit from Tactical Reload if Medic weapons are added under this skill. Now, back to the recoil and damage buff I mentioned. With these 2 skills, I feel a 15-20% damage buff, with a 25% recoil reduction for their respective weapons would definitely increase the Survivalist's damage output when using ranged weapons, as well as offer them the same recoil buff that Commando, Gunslinger, and Sharpshooter have to help make them more accurate.

    •Medic Training and Melee Expert

    -With the way the game is at the moment, people will really only use Melee Expert for the speed boost. The damage and attack speed bonus is relatively useless, since a Survivalist will easily get shredded on HoE if they try and use a melee weapon. As for Medic Expert, it's really only use is to make up for an incompetent Medic on the team, or to use a Survalist in place of a Medic on Hard and Normal. With Melee Expert, i personally think it should also offer the Survivalist a 20% damage reduction to all forms of attack, with a 40% reduction against Poison and Sonic damage, so that way Survivalists may feel more inclined to give melee weapons a try on Suicidal and HoE. With Medic Training, it should also give the Survivalist access to the Coagulant Booster and Focus Injection skills that the Field Medic has, so they can more effectively utilize Medic equipment and more easily keep their team alive.

    •Ammo Vest and Weapon Harness

    • I think Ammo Vest is okay for the extra ammo and the Medic grenade. However, I believe this skill should grant you the same carry weight bonus as Weapon Harness, so that way Survivalists aren't currently burning themselves alive with Molotovs, which brings me to Weapon Harness. Keep the carry weight buff the same, but maybe make it so that you have, say, a 80% reduction to fire damage, with the same 100% immunity to your own fire as a max level Firebug, so Survivalists can tank Husk shots for the team and secure choke points if a Firebug is not available. Again, feel free to change this up a little in the comments, since I'm just spitballing here.

    •Spontaneous Zed-plosion and Make Things go Boom

    -Seeing as how Spontaneous Zed-plosion functions exactly the same as the Firebug's Zed Shrapnel skill, I think the Barbecue skill should also apply to this skill and give the Survivalist, say, just a 75-100% increase in afterburn duration, for any players that commit to using fire-based weaponry. I'd say the base 150% bonus but at that point, Survivalist would just be Firebug 2.0. As for Make Things Go Boom, I believe the bonuses are just fine, however PLEASE, TWI, make the Survivalist's explosives Sonic-resistant. This would be especially helpful is a Demo is running Fragmentation Rounds and isn't able to kill a group of Zeds with a Siren, seeing as how their shots would otherwise get destroyed by the Siren. This could make the Survivalist more effective at helping to secure a choke point or any other area where Sirens are present.

    •Madman and Lockdown

    -In order to make Madman a little more handy, this skill should allow the player to shoot in near-real time and not run out of ammo, same as the SWAT and Firebug. HOWEVER, this buff in my opinion should ONLY apply when using magazine or clip-fed weapons. Let's face it, exosive spamming during Zed Time would make this skill broken, and the game a little too easy. Lastly, Lockdown could also apply a speed and damage reduction to any Zeds that are stunned. This could be especially helpful, and a Survivalist could easily target any Scrakes or Pounds that are nearby and pose a threat to the team.

    That's all I got for the Survivalist, the forgotten 10th perk that is often underutilized, as well as ignored many skilled players. If you have any other suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments. This is all off the top of my head, and I'm sure there are a few points that can be improved upon.

    submitted by /u/Aesthetic99
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    KF2 glitch please help

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    I've tried redownloading killing floor 2 on PlayStation I've waited hours to play it Ian's I even deleted it and redownloaded it and it keeps saying to wait until it's fully installed but it already is after hours of waiting please help I just want to play kf2 again

    submitted by /u/tiscdta
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