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    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Killing Floor Epic Online Services Beta

    Killing Floor Epic Online Services Beta

    Epic Online Services Beta

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Source: Tripwire Official Forums

    TWI Forum Announcement

    "It's been our goal from the outset that Killing Floor 2 can be played and shared with as many players across the globe. To that end, we're happy to announce that Killing Floor 2 will be coming soon to the Epic Games Store. To ensure that we don't divide the PC player base, we've worked hard to enable cross-play and cross-invite between Steam and EGS versions of the game so that the entire PC community can play together. To enable this functionality you may notice there will be updates in-game to our Invite UI and that we have migrated our VOIP systems to utilize Vivox so that voice chat is possible across platforms. Additionally, for cross-play to function, we have leveraged the power of Epic's Online Backend Services known as EOS into the PC version of the game as part of our matchmaking and server logic. We understand that we will raise some questions so we would like to be upfront with some of the big ones."

    You mentioned Epic Online Services. What's that?

    Epic Online Services or EOS is a backend service that allows you to create platform-agnostic multiplayer lobbies that can be connected with different platforms like Steam and EGS. EOS is not the same as EGS, so while EOS is necessary for cross-platform play to be possible, all existing user accounts will be kept distinct in their ecosystems

    How does this change the Steam PC experience?

    The only changes are utilizing Vivox for VOIP and EOS to give you access to the pool of EGS players. There are no changes to Steam specific systems like the Workshop, Marketplace, Inventory, Achievements, etc*

    How does this change modding and community content Steam?

    Modding and Community Content is still a vital component to the Killing Floor 2 experience and we have no intention of changing that for PC. The SDK & Workshop will still be available to Steam users the same as before. Cross-play between Steam and EGS will only be supported on un-modded official servers. Future support for modding on EGS along with cross-play on modded servers will be assessed when functionality becomes available and discussed with our partners at a later date.

    How will the Cross-Platform Invite System work?

    To enable 'Steam to EGS' invites, when loading into the main menu and attempt to create a party in-game you'll have the option to opt-in & sign in to your EGS account. From there, the EGS friends list will be populated and you'll be able to invite friends from EGS into your Steam party. Don't have an EGS account? No problem, you can play with your Steam friends the same as before.

    Does that mean we'll see Console to PC Cross-Play?

    Unfortunately, no. Due to deeper technical limitations with how the content is structured for PC and Console makes this not possible for the foreseeable future.

    Does that mean we'll have Cross-save and Cross-inventory for Steam & EGS?

    Due to larger differences in backend services, each platform will be separate in terms of inventory and progression.

    What's the benefit to the existing community?

    By expanding to EGS, we hope to bring even more players into the mix and expand the KF2 community.

    By expanding the wider player pool of Killing Floor 2, we're able to sustain longer-term support for the game with content updates and patches.

    With the EGS launch, we'll be expanding the capacity of our dedicated server fleet to accommodate the rush of new players.

    Additionally, we'll be looking at refining the match matching experience to handle the larger capacity over the coming year focusing primarily on smoothing out some of the friction points and issues, as they are understood and are actionable to our engineers. Finally, to celebrate the launch of this new platform we'll be giving everyone access to the "DAR Classic Armor" set that previously only obtainable via the Spring 2018 event

    How will you roll this out?

    We recognize this is a huge development for all of you and we want to get this right to ensure the best possible experience for all users. To that end, we'll be establishing an opt-in Public Steam Beta of this new experience before the launch of EGS to ensure we can vet these new systems in the live environment on a large scale than can be done internally. With the release of EGS, we will then fold this into the main live branch. Going forward to maintain cross-play functionality both platforms will need to be in parity with each other.

    We'll announce full details of the coming beta and launch soon and during the beta period we encourage you to provide any feedback or issues at our official forums located here: https://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/index.php?forums/the-bug-report-pc.173/

    Your feedback is greatly appreciated and needed to make this experience the best possible for everyone.

    How does this affect Preview Betas for the upcoming Content Update?

    Community feedback betas for upcoming content release is essential to achieving the best possible experience for the community which it's released to everyone playing which is something we fully intend to continue to do for Steam. For EGS we will work with our partners to investigate how to enable opt-in betas so that will be available to them as well.

    "We hope that helps clarify and allay any fears about our plans for the future of Killing Floor 2. As passionate creators and fans of the game ourselves, we want to be able to share this project of blood, sweat, and tears to the widest possible audience. We believe expanding to EGS will help us achieve that and create an even better experience for everyone. Your ongoing support and enthusiasm are what drives us to continue expanding the world of Killing Floor 2 and hope you share in our excitement for the future. See you all on the Killing Floor!"

    David Amata

    Product Director of Killing Floor 2

    For that one guy who will buy the game on EGS -> https://thumbs.gfycat.com/UnrealisticFilthyBullfrog-size_restricted.gif

    submitted by /u/Kaiyoto
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    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    How often does this game go on sale on xbox?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Been checking in on this game off and on over the last few months and apparently I had just missed a sale about two weeks ago. I already have a good chunk of hours on the game on steam so I know the game would be worth the $40 price tag as it is but im trying to hold out for another sale since I know when I buy my copy ill have to buy it for a buddy of mine who cant really afford to buy any games. Any idea how often this goes on sale or if theres any big summer sales coming on xbox? Steam I could always sorta guess the timelines for sales but xbox is a bit more finicky.

    submitted by /u/Murderdoll197666
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    What's your favourite demolitionist weapon? Comment below why it's your favourite as well.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    Mine is C4 (Sorry, couldn't fit C4 & HX25 into this poll since 6 options are a limitation).

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Big_Boi_Redditor_445
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    Summer Archivements not working or i am doing it wrong?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Hello, so basically, i decided to get some archivements from KF1 (Specially the Summer ones who unlocks Steampunk Mr Foster)

    But after a while of testing while i have a guide on my side. I noticed that the archivements are not popping, despide the fact that i was doing correctly what the games is asking me to do.

    I have a lot of mods installed on my game, is becuase the game have some kind of weird "anti-cheats" system that blocks the archivements or is just my game that is broken?

    submitted by /u/European_Enginner
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    Visuals of the maps

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    Anyone has overview maps of the levels? I still have some pb finding my way on some of them.

    submitted by /u/BelgianSum
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    Vault Crate Bug 2020

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    Anyone else have an absurd number of vault crates that just appeared out of the blue? Is the infamous bug back in town?

    submitted by /u/Pooty_McPoot
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    When you're playing ss and using your granades to takedown some big zeds, chillin in your own space doing your thing and then EVERYONE else comes to shoot your fps and scrakes includding the fb and the demo with the RPG pretty much blowing them up to icy pieces ;-;

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    [Looking For] - KF/Adventure Time Mashup (Youtube Video)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    Hello there - there was a Youtube video I stumbled upon years ago which was a hilarious mashup between an episode of Adventure Time, with KF sound effects matched to it seemingly perfectly.

    It was a hilarious video, and I used to come back to watch it numerous times.

    I'm pretty sure it was called: "Killing Floor - FINAL WAVE", but I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore.

    Does anybody remember this video, or by any chance have a link to it somewhere else?(Or even downloaded it to their PC someday) - I'd love to be able to watch it again!

    Edit: Found it after spending years thinking it was lost - enjoy for those interested!

    submitted by /u/tsoukinator
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    skully goes mad

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    I feel stupid...

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    So my dumbass read these outside leveling system ( "30% extra exp for thew first prestige, then 5% extra with each prestige level) as I would get the 30% but if I wanted to prestige again I would only get 5%. So i waited weeks before deciding to prestige my Demo again; only to realize it's 30 + 5.


    submitted by /u/StudMuffinNick
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    Welcome Wednesday

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    If you're a new/novice player and have questions -- any questions -- this is a great place to ask them.

    This is a place where everyone in the r/KillingFloor community can answer questions that new players might have. This could be anything from advice on which class to play, what guns to buy, how to take down specific zeds, how certain perks work, etc. This thread is geared towards new players but anyone is free to ask questions and answer questions.

    If you are looking to find people to play with feel free to say so but also check out the LFG post below.


    Relevant Links:

    • Subreddit Wiki FAQ - Answers a lot of basic frequently asked questions here (which we'll add to over time). Includes a lists of crates and what's in them. Also includes a basic guide on DLCs and how to test drive the DLC weapons (command codes are pc only).

    • LFG post - LFG stands for "looking for group". You can put yourself on the list, add people to your friends list from it, and look for servers (servers are pc only)

    • Big ol' Doc of Everything - Lists numbers of everything. Basically a mechanical reference for KF2 and explains a lot of stuff. I promise it's worth a look.

    New Player Guides:

    • Suicidal and Hell on Earth: A Guide - "what's" and "why's" of optimal play, but includes a thorough examination of the meta concepts and the thought processes that arrive at those conclusions.
    • Richard Dangles - A youtuber that covers various aspects of the game such as loadouts and tips/tricks.
    • (suggest any good written guides or videos you've come across so we can add them to the weekly thread)

    Killing Floor 1 Related:

    • Exiled Coalition - A discord gaming community based on Killing Floor 1 that strives to bring a sense of gaming companionship in this decade old game. You can connect with KF1 servers and other players here.
    submitted by /u/T-R-A-D-E-R_Bot
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    Got a question for you guys

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    In your opinion, if you're trying to get a specific item from the vault crates, is it better to scrap all the other items you get, or save them so you don't receive them again?

    submitted by /u/ICFAOUNSFI
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    Steam CMD Custom Server Causes Lag

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm running my own KF2 server using Steam CMD and I connect fine with very low ping. My brother who is in the room next to me in my house is trying to play as well, but his ping is around 270 which makes no sense.

    Does anyone know what's causing this and how to fix it? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ExpertTheAmateur
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    Beginner KF2 player here

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    I just started playing KF2 a week ago and I'm thinking of moving up to hard pretty soon. May I have some tips?

    submitted by /u/ImmaBun
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    Killing floor 2 dlc

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    So the new dlcs came out for kf2 and I did not purchase them one of the new weapons is the Glock 17 and I was able to play with them online and they were great but the next day I tried to play with them and I don't have them anymore but I never purchased the dlc? Maybe it's somekind of glitch ? Does anyone know

    submitted by /u/Simonas1997
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