• Breaking News

    Wednesday, May 6, 2020

    Killing Floor Been playing KF1 recently and I remember seeing those types of reviews a few years ago. I also just bought Reggie.

    Killing Floor Been playing KF1 recently and I remember seeing those types of reviews a few years ago. I also just bought Reggie.

    Been playing KF1 recently and I remember seeing those types of reviews a few years ago. I also just bought Reggie.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    Fighter's Peak: Brawler (KF event fan concept)

    Posted: 06 May 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Fighter's Peak: Brawler (KF event fan concept)

    Event concept, built around that scraped out «Martial Artist» perk. Not really sure if Tripwire still have any plans for reinventing this idea, so made my own take on this concept, and, to be short, the point is to introduce new perk within arcade beat'em up-themed season event, including perk itself, his complete arsenal, full-scale enemies redesign and new multi-arena map, where you do your typical KF survival\objectives routine with a little difference being thematic boss fights after every single wave, with a secret OC final boss in the end.

    Grenade : pocket sand (pocket glass shards for 15+ level players)

    Concept itself is just an excuse to make bunch of characters' redesigns, so if you think that, gameplaywise, idea completely doesn't work, that's because chances are it's really is. And, even if it's obvious that full-scale implementation of this idea isn't economically feasible, could we all agree that Battle Blocks should be added as an actual weapon in new official update?

    According to the manual, names are: Chris, Alfred, Ash, Bob, Garry, Crawley, Stella, Selena, Edalon, Hank, Craig and Flash, still, the fact that there are so many palette-swaps with exact same first names makes me think that those are more like pseudonyms.

    Master Zed (OC Boss concept, donutsteel)

    submitted by /u/ValentrisRRock
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    Subreddit News: Daily threads

    Posted: 06 May 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Morning Mercs!

    I want to get your opinions on an idea.

    What is happening?

    I would like to implement a themed "daily" thread (it doesn't have to be every day, but you get the idea). It would be a thread that would be automatically posted on a specific day of the week. It basically provides a topic of discussion and a space to do it in.

    A couple of ideas would be Triumph Tuesday (a thread where you can post your achievements from the week; Example: you beat HoE for the 1st time) and Fuck It Friday or Free Talk Friday (a thread where you can just shoot the shit and talk about whatever). It would stay open for a week (or just indefinitely) but most of these threads will see most of their activity on day 1 and 2. The threads would be related to the game in some aspect with the except of something like a Free Talk Friday.


    If you like it, vote "Yay."

    If you'd rather fight the Matriarch, vote "Nay."

    If you have ideas for theme days, then respond in the comments.

    If you have additional feedback or questions, then respond in the comments.


    Why is this happening?

    Daily threads are a form of community engagement and well it's a cool idea.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Kaiyoto
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    Together strong ��

    Posted: 06 May 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    This video will make your butt clench real hard

    Posted: 06 May 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Best perk for playstyle

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Im kinda new to KF2 on ps4 and I'm loving it so far, but I dont know what perk to main. I know people ask perk questions all the time but I really don't know what perk to play. I currently main Firebug and I'm level 9 but honestly I love the medic guns and berserker melee weapons. I play a front-line damage dealing playstyle and have pretty good aim from playing other fps games. My favourite thing to do is get a katana and rush hordes of enemies to shred them, this gives me tons of cash but I literally don't spend it since I always use the katana. Only for the final boss do I stack up. Any help on what perk to play?

    Edit: Another thing, even though I like the medic weapons I don't like to BE a medic. I dont like to keep track of my team at all times and often wander off on my own.

    submitted by /u/Northstar6-4
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    What are the best Endless maps for Berserker?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Asking as someone ready to grind when Finals are over.

    submitted by /u/ScriptGenius12
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    Dear European Servers (PS4)

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Why do you guys and gals only ever play endless on the Prison map? Don't you ever get bored of holding out that staircase?

    submitted by /u/BamMargerasLogofShit
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    Killing Floor 2 crashes when loading in game

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    So I spent my whole light installing the game and I joined a game and everything worked exept I had to quit to organize my keys boring stuff

    And after that every game I joined crashed. No way to fix this ? and I feel it kinda broke my pc

    submitted by /u/Kn3sL
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    Hosting Killing Floor 2 Custom Server, "Camarilla" come on in!

    Posted: 06 May 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1531543757 LINK TO MAP COLLECTION

    Hello! Me and a Friend of mine "WorthlessJames" are hosting a server with 100+ custom maps. We take map requests, and ultimately want more players so we can enjoy this game 24/7.

    We have a server for each difficulty and a steam workshop collection for you to download each map for quick, easy loadtimes. For enquires, please contact WorthlessJames or Scotswarrior95 on steam. Our servers are called "Camarilla" you can find it under C in the server browser. We hope to see you there! I mainly play Normal difficulty.

    submitted by /u/SupremeSoviet1917
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    Controlled Difficulty and SOME players who populate those servers

    Posted: 06 May 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    The idea of CD is to have a more "clear" less chaotic gameplay, with precision perks limited to:


    Berserker is considered "not a precision perk" but that's depend on how you play it, as the current "META" (that i don't really like since it's tied to ZED TIME) consist in clean hits with the Zweihander and Nailgun,OR, a simple way is just go with the Bonecrusher and keep spamming Right click + V to stumble almost instantly SC while dealing massive ammount of DPS (and many other but that's can be considered an EZ trash kill build rather than fast takedown)

    Pyro,Demo,Survivalist, are out of the equation.But you can play support Survivalist with the freeze gun, so that's also can be considered a precision perks.

    Now that i explained the main points, let's get to the real interesting part.

    Most of the maps you see in CD servers are usually NUKE, OR, Custom maps where the gameplay it's splitted in LANES to give everyone theyr position.

    Now the gameplay and the fun part:

    Walking zeds approach you in a slow, steady line, while you crouched 1 taps all theyr heads, without any of thems gets the chance to even hit you (if you don't miss).

    FP,SC, they die instantly from Sharp,Gunslinger,DPS Medic, they don't spawn as raged, QP often are removed from those servers for whatever reason, and EDARS that i personally enjoy because they shake things up a little bits (yes i know they don't fit at all in the scenario) are also removed.

    So you end up with a boring gameplay, where you always win because the maps are ez, and this guys acts like pros, while shitting on every other perks because "to ez".

    I often find myself in the situation where this guys spams "TO EZ", well, why you don't change map?why you don't play Farmhouse,Powercore,Descent,Nightmare, maps that are considered the hardest arround, and FUN to play, and still being Hard, even when you have 2 Demo or 2 Zerks or 3 Pyro.

    Anyone has the rights to play whatever they like, that's no doubt, but this kinds of toxicity on most of those servers really make me smile sometimes, i still have to see a CD server that host Powercore.

    There are also different kinds of CD servers, but i would consider them just modded ones, where all classes are allowed BUT with different Spawns with many more FP ecc..ecc..

    This one is a personally rent, but it's how i feel about certain servers, that should be a challenge, when in reality they are not (mainly because HOE need a huge buff on big zeds)

    Hope this little rent doesn't trigger to many people, i just wanted to explain my point of view.

    P.S There are few modded servers, that's allow all classes, and still deliver HUGE challenge while still being fair, fun, and not a spam fest as others. I suggest to try them out if you want to challenge yourself

    submitted by /u/Satanich
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    Guide to the Mosin Nagant

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    I made a complete guide that goes over all the stats and compares them to other Sharpshooter weapons. I also give my personal thoughts at the end. If you want to skip to specific parts, check the description. The damage charts take up about 5 minutes. Let me know if there's anything missing.


    I'm curious about which DLC weapon I should do next. So here's a poll: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2w0XW1seOVZAoPJZSBFnBw/community

    submitted by /u/CabooseDOTexe
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    My match of Airship went weird...

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:15 PM PDT

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