• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Killing Floor Is it possible to increase amount of zed kill tickers and chat lines,fading time?

    Killing Floor Is it possible to increase amount of zed kill tickers and chat lines,fading time?

    Is it possible to increase amount of zed kill tickers and chat lines,fading time?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    i just go through all config files but dont have any clue

    submitted by /u/haza19
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    Swat Vs Hans is always a fair fight

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Any chance they can make it so the music and character chatter is synchronized with each other?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Honestly it will ruin immersion and just the fun when you and your friend want to listen to the same song or when you ask if your friend heard your character say the same thing but they hear something else.

    I've played others games that have synced music and audio so really questioning why its not working in here?

    submitted by /u/AfroFlower
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    How much time has passed between the Zed Invasion of London (KF1) and the spread of the outbreak to Paris and the rest of Europe (KF2)?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Asking as lore deprived scholar.

    submitted by /u/ScriptGenius12
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    Invisible zeds, zeds rendering 5m away (previous wave), couldn't see players, couldn't see dropped money and couldn't access any weapon. Syringe kinda just switched for a fraction of a second before I started recording, but I couldn't do anything with it.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    (PC) Buying the game right now how is the progression and state of the game in 2020 for a new player?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Basically title.

    Is it very team oriented? I love to play solo pve but also love team aspects of games in general.

    My main concern is just progression. Will this game be a game I play for a while? I tend to spam the crap out of games once I get them but most get boring after a while. That's why I'm a fan of CSGO / LoL.

    Also deluxe or standard edition? I could give two craps about skins lol.

    submitted by /u/autoimmunesystem
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    Hidden achievements?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    They cant be a teaser for the future content, i only have 3 of them unclaimed, any idea what are they?

    submitted by /u/10629
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    Nothing quite as satisfying as not being able to fill up on ammo and just barely making it through anyway

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Hell On Earth Survival is getting easy for veteran players and we need a harder difficulty! PlayStation 4 community looking for HoE endless wave players for what looks like the last real challenge.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Hell On Earth Survival is getting easy for veteran players and we need a harder difficulty! PlayStation 4 community looking for HoE endless wave players for what looks like the last real challenge.

    Hello all,

    A message from - Hell On Earth Steam Rollers - a PS4 community. To start not to talk smack but for our communities veteran players HoE survival is too easy and we would like to see a new difficulty mode to keep the game interesting maybe "Sudden Death." Killing Floor 2 is a great game and much beloved by us but being able to beat the hardest difficulty near every time as a team is boring and hopefully Tripewire will take a note of this issue and add one last harder difficulty.

    For many in our group the only two challenges left are as follows:

    1. Join a public HoE lobby with a team of random players who die at the start of the round and carry the game killing a 100+ zeds.
    2. When it comes to a private team game there isn't anything left besides HoE Endless which isn't exactly the most fun mode.

    In all truthfulness survival does need a new difficulty setting because 4 waves in particular is far too easy for the hardest difficulty setting for many of us.

    On that note if you are chill, like to joke, play HoE avoiding maps like Prison and other easy maps hit us up! We have mics and just want to have fun being challenged.

    Community name Hell On Earth - Steam Rollers.

    Attached a screen shot of the community and we have around a 100 players request an invite if you would like to join the group as it is locked.

    I know at of people here are on the PC version and I also have a gaming PC but chilling on big screen and playing a co-op game can be a lot of fun.

    *Maybe we should make a poll for a harder difficulty and see what other players think*

    - Regards All

    Hell On Earth Steam Rollers


    submitted by /u/achtung360
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    I don't know how it would happen but I would love to see like 4 versions of the mauser c96.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    There could be a version for Commando that has the full stock, carbine barrel, and removable box magazine. There could be the base version in single and dual wield variants. There's a lot of options they have with this classic gun and wouldn't it be dope if we just had a bunch variants of this versatile weapon.

    submitted by /u/TheAnomalyZach
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