• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 29, 2020

    Killing Floor Truly, the most precious skin of them all

    Killing Floor Truly, the most precious skin of them all

    Truly, the most precious skin of them all

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    Incendiary Rifle is ridiculously good (Prison, Survival mode, 10 waves, 6p HoE)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    What will Tripwire work on after the shark game?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Once the shark game releases and fizzles out because no one is really asking for it, what will they work on next?

    submitted by /u/Miserable_Gofer
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    Is it safe to edit the KFSystemSettings file?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Can i get banned for tweaking the KFSystemSettings file? i usually have around 60fps but sometimes i have frame drops or the game freezes which is very annoying.I'm asking this because there are some games (for example rainbow six siege) that will ban you for that.

    EDIT: I forgot to ask if there is a way to reduce the wait time on the splash screen since it takes a few minutes for it to load

    submitted by /u/Water_Bottle123
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    Fleshpounds in endless

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    So with the double xp weekend upon us, I decided to prestige everything and level it all back upon endless. Am I crazy saying that an FP spawned in raged while I'm on hard? I swear that's what happened or the more likely scenario of it had line of sight of me when I couldn't see it happened and I'm just dumb.

    submitted by /u/imfluttershy666
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    Game crashing on first wave

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Does anyone know what might cause this? Whenever a friend of mine joins, his audio goes haywire after the wave starts and his game just crashes. Happens online, solo, you name it. On almost every map. Haven't found a ton online so I was hoping someone else might have seen a fix.

    submitted by /u/Wolfssenger
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    Complete Survivalist Redesign

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Complete Survivalist Redesign


    Hey, all! I'm fairly new to reddit, but I noticed that this subreddit seemed like it might be more active than the official Tripwire Forums. I thought I might transfer a couple of my ideas over to here (especially because the recent update was a bit sparse), the first of which being my personal take on the ever-popular "rework the Survivalist" thread!

    I wanted to move away from the "mimic" design of the original; simply buffing damage numbers won't cut it, as that will just run the risk of making the Survivalist better than the copied perk rather than different. By focusing on the gameplay concepts of "ZED Time" and "Dosh Economy" rather than pure damage numbers, I feel you can give the Survivalist a unique identity that works with any weapon, has a valuable role in a team, and has a high skill-cap for those willing to get intimately familiar with game mechanics and damage thresholds. Survivalists would be strong by the choices they make rather than the numbers they stack.


    • Heavy Body Armor
    • 50% Weapon Swap Speed
    • 20% Increased Dosh Earned
    • 75% Real-time During ZED Time (All Actions)


    • Dual 9mm Pistols
    • Goreshiv
    • Adrenaline Shot *

    \ Adrenaline Shots replace the Survivalist's grenades: Using an Adrenaline Shot immediately activates ZED Time. Players can only carry a small number of Adrenaline Shots, and they cost more to replace than traditional grenades.*

    [Run-N'-Gun:] Move 15% faster. You may reload, swap weapons, and use the syringe while sprinting. [Dexterous:] Increase reload speed with all weapons. Attack 20% faster with melee weapons.
    [Gun Kata:] Bashing has increased force and a larger area of effect. Gain 20% increased weapon damage for 5 seconds after a successful bash. [Guarded:] Gain 20% global damage reduction and 30% additional damage reduction if holding a melee weapon. Self-inflicted damage is reduced by 50%.
    [Custom Calibration:] All upgrades cost 25% less but also sell for 25% less. You are unaffected by the weight of upgrades. [Weapon Stockpile:] Increase carrying capacity by 5. Begin each game with a random Tier 1 weapon.
    [Trusty Sidearm:] Increase damage with your 9mm pistol and goreshiv by 85%. You also regenerate 1 point of health every second and move 5% faster when holding either weapon. [Spontaneous Zed-plosion:] Zeds you kill have a 30% chance to explode, damaging and knocking down nearby Zeds.
    [ZED TIME - Controlled Reaction:] Whenever you would normally trigger ZED Time you instead regenerate an Adrenaline Shot, if able. (Does not apply to ZED Time triggered by others.) If full, nothing happens. [ZED TIME - Scavenger:] During ZED Time, your weapon recoil is reduced by 25% and you earn 15% extra Dosh from kills, assists, and healing.

    EDIT: For those who actually like the current Survivalist, you could rename it "Mercenary" and release my idea as an entirely separate perk. And, as much as I hate to say it, you could make one of the two a paid DLC (to make it more likely to be created).

    submitted by /u/TheWaywardKid
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    In the spirit of the event I bring you: DJ Green-Cyberpunk Samurai

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Played one game, got disconnected, now can't play?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    I played one game that crashed halfway through (Was with two friends and they disconnected at the same time), and haven't been able to join a game since. My girlfriend on the same internet, different computer, has also been unable to join games.

    If I switch internet to the town's local internet I'm able to connect to games however.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this? Come up with any fixes? I've tried some solutions I've seen online like deleting stuff from the Documents folder or clicking join then hosting a solo game etc, but haven't found anything that works.

    submitted by /u/Najda
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    Is there any way to play with the seasonal zeds i missed?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    I was looking for a way to do this as I only play this game occasionally and I don't know if there is.

    submitted by /u/mrcelophane
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    Biolapse bug: stuck at the elvator

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Just starting out on PS4. Why did all of my friends (7 of them!) get 50 free crates while I didn't get any?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    We all started sometime this week. Some bought it on sale some, including myself, got it when it was a free PS+ title. I'm the only one out the crates. What gives? Any fix for this?

    submitted by /u/KojiKensei
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    Interesting Class Ability Concept (Survivalist Maybe?)

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    I've been thinking about this for a while I've frequently found myself listening to the character's reaction to the Siren's screams and thought "Well, why aren't they actively given earplugs when purchasing armor?"

    I mean, I get it, gameplay mechanics and balancing of course, but I think it'd be really cool (and a unique ability solely to the Survivalist or just readily available to the heavily armored classes) that when purchasing armor, they would gain either negation or mid-high level resistance to the siren's screams, with the downside being that the earplugs would muffle the in game sounds, making it a little tougher (in reality, not much so) when listening for distinct audio cues?

    It's not much and it's kinda gimmicky, but I thought it was an interesting idea!

    I'd love to hear thoughts, discussions and feedback any of you guys might have and hopefully the Devs end up seeing this and consider it!

    submitted by /u/KLucky1Broadcasts
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    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Does anyone know what the outfit with the hood that mr/mrs foster is wearing in the new background animation I need that in my life

    submitted by /u/-WaifuHunter-
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    Why doesn't PS4 have sale going on, but PC does?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    I really enjoy Killing Floor 2! Since the recent turn of events I have been putting tons of hours into it, however I won't lie I am disappointed that steam received a sale but console didn't.

    I want to support the developers but I can't see myself spending 10$ for 5 loot boxes. Can console have a market place?

    submitted by /u/Alliseeisgold24
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