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    Tuesday, March 31, 2020

    Killing Floor Just a trader marker chasing its tail.

    Killing Floor Just a trader marker chasing its tail.

    Just a trader marker chasing its tail.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    Double XP extended to April 7th!

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Wasn’t expecting it to be �������� easy

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    New classes

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Do you think we'll eventually see one or multiple new classes at some point or just keep getting new weapons added

    submitted by /u/-WaifuHunter-
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    Between rounds, if you see a Support welding 1 door over and over - leave them alone!

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Supports get XP from welding doors repeatedly, don't deny them XP

    Edit to add: All doors are in open/close status when each round begins; I never leave a door welded.

    Some people think it's really funny to come and weld over me. I'm just trying to get some XP!

    Seriously, in a 7 round game you can easily get a few hundred XP by welding/unwelding/re-welding doors in between rounds.

    What SHOULD you do? Unweld the doors for them (so they can be welding more overall) or leave them be.

    This has been a rant/PSA, thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/ROADHOG_IS_MY_WAIFU
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    What are your honest thoughts about the Neon Nightmares update?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    I am making a video addressing the event and I am curious to see what everyone else thinks. So far, everyone does not really care for it from what I've seen in YouTube comments and on the steam page. Do you have any thoughts about the weapons, map, amount of content, etc?

    submitted by /u/JSW12Gaming
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    Were commando perk weapons buffed?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    New player, I see most guides saying to go with the medic rifle and fnfal, the skills they say seem to be different to those we have now which are mostly about perk weapons (15-20-25) which, unless I'm wrong, I understand for them to be weapons specific to the perk you are playing and not the cross ones. Has the loadout for commando changed seeing how 3 of the skills are useless if you're going by the old loadout?

    submitted by /u/Mal-Estorm
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    Having an Issue with the Game on PS4 (Forever stuck "logging in"

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    So I recently purchased the game since it was on sale for like 10 bucks and it finished installing this morning. However when I started the game and got to the login page it froze after "Logging in" for several seconds. The music is still playing but the screen itself is stuck. I have closed and reopened the app several times (around 10 or so) but it doesn't seem to matter. Is there a solution to this problem? Is my data corrupted? Should I just wait? If you have any answers please let me know!

    Also I sent a support ticket as well but seeing as corona is shutting everything down IDK if they will respond any time soon.

    submitted by /u/SharpShooterJew
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    Dosh Vault Crates not showing up.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    This has been a thing for me for a bit now, but getting levels in the Dosh Vault show the crate dropping, but its no where to be found in my inventory. Anyone have any idea whats going on? If needed, I play on PS4.

    submitted by /u/Kikagaro
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    Been on steam for years and never bothered to finish all the achievements for a game... until now. Little did i realise this was the kinda game to add 3 locked achievements per patch :C

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Is there a reason why there's never anyone else when I join a lobby

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Whenever I join a lobby it's always just me... That's it snd idk why. I play on PS4 if that means anything and I just don't know what to do

    submitted by /u/cryoconjurer
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    Game crashes whenever gun is shot

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    So I posted a few days ago about it, turns out my buddy's game is crashing as soon as he shoots. Has anyone encountered this before/know of a fix for it? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Wolfssenger
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    Anyone know Hardsuit's Role in KF2?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    Their website doesn't have much, it just says that they worked on KF:I & KF2 in their about section.

    submitted by /u/bashreborn
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    Has anyone tried the HRG Incendiary Rifle yet?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    and if you have, what are your thoughts on it? It literally looks like a reskin of the M16

    submitted by /u/JSW12Gaming
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    Questions about Support

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    Every info I find is old, so i'm here for some fresh

    1) Double boomstick or doomstick ? Can you jump backward with them ?

    2) Is the combat shotty still useless ?

    3) Is the AA12 still the best shotty ?

    4) Which skills are best?

    Right now i'm going for AA12 and doomstick, and I upgrade them both once. Is that good ?

    submitted by /u/PowerfulVictory
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    Gorefiend's spin attack

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    When a Zed's weapon glows, the Zed can't be stumbled and his attack can't be interrupted.

    Well then, when parrying the Gorefiend's beyblade spin as a Zerker he gets interrupted and stumbles, when parrying with an other class he doesn't.

    submitted by /u/Unfair_Pally
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    Game settings won't save

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    I am tring nto change my default settings ( Video , controld , binds ) but they always get back to default . What should i do ? I already checked game files integrity and restarted steam & my PC .

    submitted by /u/F1ldW1ZZ
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    "UL70 Nimbus" (Tier 5 Shotgun)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    "UL70 Nimbus" (Tier 5 Shotgun)

    Ever since Tier 5 weapons have been creeping into the game my mind has been trying to picture just what a Tier 5 shotgun for Support would look like. Support has some really nice Tier 4 weapons to choose from as well as enough weight to carry both, and there aren't too many more roles the Support really needs their shotguns to fill! How, then, would you design a shotgun that's worthy of being a Tier 5 without simultaneously making the Tier 4 guns obsolete? My theory: Make it a one-stop-shop that balances the roles of the Doomstick and AA-12 at the cost of some drawbacks compared to running the Tier 4s separately.

    In that vein I'd like to bring you... The "UL70 Nimbus"! The UL70 would feature two vastly different firing modes and run off of a unique heating/cooling system (based off of the game logic currently used for healing darts). Please excuse my rudimentary modeling skills!


    Flavor Text: "Originally considered the most poorly conceived mining tool ever invented, Horzine has 'enhanced' the UL70 Nimbus with railgun wizardry in order to create a tool of indiscriminate destruction!"

    2500 Dosh - 15 Weight

    Heating/Cooling: The UL70 Nimbus has a single magazine for its entire ammo pool, never having to reload ammo in the traditional sense. Instead, firing the shotgun fills up a Heat meter which predictably prevents the user from firing more shots once filled. Just like with healing darts, the Heat meter naturally cools over time regardless of whether the weapon is equipped. Pressing "reload" plays an animation that quickly cools a portion of the meter. (I had a GIF of an animation example, but I am relatively new to Reddit and couldn't figure out how to get it to accept the image.)

    Firing Mode #1:

    • Fast rate of fire.
    • Largest pellet spread of all shotguns.
    • Largest pellet count of all shotguns.
    • Weaker per-pellet damage compared to the AA-12.
    • Consumes more ammo than the alternate firing mode, but costs less Heat per shot.

    Comparable to the AA-12 yet less versatile, the first firing mode's wildly inaccurate spread and massive pellet count aim to deluge crowds with a horizontal monsoon of lead! The less-condensed damage is naturally worse against tougher Zeds than an AA-12 with "Tight Choke". It also lacks the ability to be upgraded.

    Firing Mode #2:

    • Mediocre rate of fire.
    • Low pellet count.
    • High per-pellet damage. (Slightly weaker than a single-barrel shot of a Doomstick.)
    • Incredibly tight pellet spread.
    • High stun power on headshots.
    • Consumes reduced ammo than the first firing mode, but costs significant Heat per shot.

    Comparable to an un-upgraded Doomstick, the second firing mode trades raw damage (and quad-shot capability) for some utility with its ability to potentially stun. The Heating mechanic is a double-edged sword: "reloading" in the background is a very nice bonus, but sharing Heat between firing modes can be trickier than carrying an AA-12 + Doomstick (which can be reloaded separately) and is less effective at each individual role. However, the UL70 Nimbus costs 500 less dosh and is weighs 5 less than carrying both of those guns.


    • The name "UL70 Nimbus" is based off of the word "cumulonimbus", a massive type of cloud known for its severe storms which rely on warm, moist air and high pressure. Appropriately, the UL70 is huge in size, relies on a heating system, and has two firing modes which are similar to a downpour and a lightning strike.
    • Although the UL70 Nimbus was designed for the game as a weapon, the "mining tool" backstory is also meant to make at least a little sense. Whereas a "wide" setting would be better for clearing softer material such as gravel or dirt, a "condensed" setting would be better for carefully drilling out valuable ore from tough rock.
    • The word "wizardry" in the weapon's backstory is a subtle nod to the Harry Potter series, where Harry Potter (a wizard) uses a broomstick model named "Nimbus 2000".
    submitted by /u/TheWaywardKid
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