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    Wednesday, April 1, 2020

    Killing Floor XP Efficiency - I was curious about the XP difference per difficulty for bosses. Hard is by far the best difficulty to grind on. Suicidal and HOE XP gains do not warrant the time, health, or difficulty increase they bring.

    Killing Floor XP Efficiency - I was curious about the XP difference per difficulty for bosses. Hard is by far the best difficulty to grind on. Suicidal and HOE XP gains do not warrant the time, health, or difficulty increase they bring.

    XP Efficiency - I was curious about the XP difference per difficulty for bosses. Hard is by far the best difficulty to grind on. Suicidal and HOE XP gains do not warrant the time, health, or difficulty increase they bring.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    This song is perfect after a fantastic game in Zedternal. I wish Elena Seigman did a legit song for KF2.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    The problem with Sharpshooter: Railgun build is good but everything else seems to be second rate/subpar/inferior.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Railgun/Magnum or Railgun/SPX is probably the best Sharpshooter build right now. It works both in low level and high level difficulty. It works both in chaotic pub and in coordinated play.

    On 6-player Hell on Earth - You can reliably kill Scrake and Fleshpound with 2 Railgun headshot. With 1x Rack-Em-Up stack and all left skill, T5 Railgun can oneshot Scrake.

    • For a more flexible/comfortable build, you can take LLRR (Sniper/Stability/Tactical Reload/Always Prepared) for faster reload and ammo. You can still quickly kill Scrake with 2 Railgun headshots since the Railgun reload so fuckin fast with Stability and Tactical Reload. Magnum and SPX clear trash extremely well thanks to Sniper, Stability and Tactical Reload.

    • In a chaotic pub where you cannot get a headshot because everyone just wants to spam RPG explosion and AA12 followed by Firebug flame and Berserker M1, bodyshotting with Railgun is not really that bad (also auto-aim can assist you at the cost of lower damage). Quarter Pound dies after 3 bodyshot. Scrake dies after 4 bodyshot. Fleshpound? Just don't waste your Railgun ammo. Let's the Demo spam RPG and Berserker spam M1

    Okay now let's take a look at other weapons and their builds

    • M99: Railgun with more damage but slower reload, slower firing speed, heavier weight, less ammo and no auto-aim. Also expensive as fuck (both the gun and the ammo). The highlight of this gun is that you can oneshot Scrake and Quarter Pound while using Tactical Reload. But the trade off is not really worth it imo. You have to carry Magnum with this gun since you only have 3 weight left. This gun kills Fleshpound slower than Railgun. Ammo is limited and expensive so you don't have the luxury of missing shots like Railgun. It also performs worse than Railgun during Boss wave due to slower shooting and reload.

    • The mobile Sharpshooter build with upgraded M14/SPX or M14/FAL: This build is either RLLR (Maskman/Stability/Rack Em Up/Always Prepared) or RRLR (Maskman/Ballistic Shock/Rack Em Up/Always Prepared). Stability helps you deals with trash zeds thanks to bonus damage and faster reload but you lack the stun of Ballistic Shock to take down Scrake safely. But even if you take Ballistic Shock, you cannot stun Fleshpound. Also, on Hell on Earth where you have like 3 or 4 quarter pounds swarming in, Railgun is a better choice to kill multiple QP compared to M14/SPX/FAL. Playing mobile Sharpshooter is like playing a worse version of Gunslinger

    • Speaking of FN-FAL, this weapon feels more like a Commando weapon that got crossperked with Sharpshooter than an actual Sharpshooter weapon shared with Commando. Commando actually has a better time with FN-FAL (higher mag, less recoil, slightly faster reload, stumble power)

    • Also playing a Maskman/Ballistic Shock/Rack-Em-Up means there is no bonus damage for bodyshot and this games just constantly spam EDARs into your face. For comparison, Gunslinger passive damage applies to both bodyshots and headshots while Sharpshooter passive only applies to headshots. And God forbid this game keeps constantly spawning EDARs and they can live through headshots. How do you feel playing a headshot focused perk and the game forces you to bodyshot just to be effective? That's how it's like to play Ballistic Shock Sharpshooter. This is why I prefer Railgun/Magnum build just for the massive bonus damage from Sniper and Stability that can be applied to bodyshot

    I think the problem with Sharpshooter is that Tripwire balances this perk as a standing still turret. That's why everything leads to Railgun being the best. Playing other build makes you feel like a lesser version of Commando and Gunslinger. Due to the way the skills are set up (picking between Rack Em Up and Tactical Reload), using high damage single shot fast reload build with Railgun is better than average damage multiple shot slow reload with other rifles.

    submitted by /u/minh1265
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    Effectiveness as a Berserker

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    How can I be more effective for my team? Should I be more tank oriented and choose the left side perks or right?

    Do I just need to play more to get used to parrying?

    Any tips let me know.

    submitted by /u/TheSkidz
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    Update server not working?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    I've updated my server but the new map isn't appearing, even when I use the validate command. Anyone else having this problem?

    submitted by /u/SilkSk1
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    The mother clucking Matriarch

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Is she possible during duos on the new map? Me and my little brother were playing and I doomsticked her and it did a comical amount of damage

    submitted by /u/Tkl071924
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    Is Audio important?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    I understand that you can hear Fleshpounds and Scrakes more effectively but is it worth listening to the narrator or the Patriarch for the 500th time?

    submitted by /u/TheSkidz
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    Discussion about Sharpshooter and why it's so unpopular

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    So i recently came across a steam thread called " what perks do you struggle with most" ( https://steamcommunity.com/app/232090/discussions/0/2144217547137949759/ ) and about 99% of the answers were Sharpshooter. Now, i know that sharpshooter is an invaluable part of a coordinated team but you can't have a perk solely based around highest level of play. Infact, i have close to 600 hours in this game and i've almost never seen anyone play sharpshooter on suicidal and hell on earth (excluding myself). The only time its picked is bosswave. The skillset of sharpshooter imo is a bit too janky and overly complicated. You can also manage with every perk in an unreliable team but sharpshooter just straight up doesn't work in random HOE. I suggest the following changes to make the perk a bit more appealing on Random public games-

    Switch places of Ballistic Shock and Tactical Reload skill

    A big reason sharp is unpopular seems like not being able to pick both rack em up and tactical reload. Its understandable since most sharp guns (excluding EBR and FNFAL) have extremely slow reload. For example, use the SPX and magnum on gunslinger and then try them on sharp. There's a massive difference in their usability. And yes i know that you can crouch to reload slightly faster but that's gimmicky as hell. its also only 20% boost whereas actual elite reloads are much faster. There are no other perks where the principal reload skill competes with principal damage skill. Gunslinger can have reload and Rack em up, Commando can have reload and HPR, support can have reload and salvo. The artificial limitation is only placed on sharp. Also some builds like EBR+ Crossbow isn't viable because of this limitation

    Better recoil reduction

    Currently sharpshooter has 25% recoil reduction (35% with deadeye). Compare that to commando which has 50% passive and gunslinger who has 75% with quickdraw. Anyone that tried using the FAL on sharpshooter knows what i'm talking about. Full auto FAL on sharp is barely usable outside point blank range ( yes i know there's semi auto but that's a worse version on EBR so might as well use that). Sharp needs atleast 2% perk level recoil reduction. around 50%

    Adjustments to weapon weight

    A lot of sharp guns are unnecessarily heavy. The crossbow has no reason to be 6 weight. should be around 4. Same goes for EBR. Unnecessarily heavy at 7. I'm gonna compare EBR stats with dual desert eagle for gunslinger. Desert eagle- damage - 91 ROF - 545 Ammo- 112 weight - 4. EBR- Damage- 80 ROF - 272 (a bit more with marksman around 350) Ammo - 150 Weight- 7. So EBR is worse than desert eagle in every single way but the ammo and yet it's double the weight pretty much. Doesn't make sense. EBR should be around 6 weight

    Make 5% chance to trigger zed time a passive

    Commando has zed time extension as passive. No need to lock such an important part of sharpshooter behind level 25. Early level sharpshooter won't feel as useless to the team

    Better zed time skills

    Every perk has skills that increase their DPS in zed time. With Sharp, you actually lose DPS when you trigger zed time. Stun is okay but its only really useful for scrakes. Just imagine this, You're in the middle of a fleshpound takedown and zedtime trigger, with sharpshooter you actually kill the fleshpound slower since sharpshooter weapons shoot really slowly in zed time. That's why i think sharp needs a slight ROF boost in zed time. Not as much as GS or SWAT but around 2 times faster will do.

    Better self defense when using railgun/m99 build

    Right now only weapons you can use with railgun/m99 are spx and magnum. Both of which are terrible for killing trash. Crossperking single pistols like desert eagle/ af 2011 should solve this issue

    Make damage bonuses less gimmicky

    I understand that you can't give out all damage bonuses for free. But they should be on some form of cooldown like berserker parry skill. Like if you crouch for a second you should get the benefits from stability skill for next 5 seconds even if you aren't crouching.

    Make incaps more consistent

    Sharp currently has the best incaps in game (stun and freeze) but they rely too much on RNG. Sometimes they freeze grenade freeze 3-4 larges, sometimes they walk right through it. sometimes the crossbow stuns, sometimes it doesn't. its annoying and should be fixed.

    These tweaks should make the perk much more attractive to play in public HOE.

    Please let me know your thoughts and any other suggestions you may have

    submitted by /u/Tim_36_op
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    Alright I need some help

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    I'm trying to solo the weekly tiny terror and it's on suicidal difficulty. This is my first time playing on suicidal and it's kind of tough. I'm playing support as I pretty much main that perk and almost have all the skills for it. I'm doing the weekly on biolapse to also complete the seasonal stuff and the furthest I've made it is to wave 4. That's when things got tough as a flesh pound was introduced with a swarm of zeds. So do you guys have any tips on how I can beat it? Or do I just have to keep playing it to improve?

    submitted by /u/MILF-_-Hunter420
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    I need help.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    I'm new to the game and i can't quite figure out how to deal with the big zeds, Like fleshpounds for an example. They always kill me. How do i deal with them?

    submitted by /u/DeadMemeGuy0
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    I just had to face Matriarch 5 times consecutively (died at level 28) while playing endless on survival difficulty in nuked.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Sorry about the weird title. Is this just an unfortunate coincidence? I hate Matriarch and am hoping it's not some strange glitch.

    submitted by /u/Pleaseshitonmychest
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    Is this game buggy?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    Just bought killing floor 2 today and so far the game has soft crashed my pc twice and crashed once when a try to change my graphics settings then not opened when I click run probably about 5 times now, is this game buggy as fuck or am I just unlucky?

    submitted by /u/nuclearfork
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    game goes to not responding while loading the game

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    i havn't played the game since 2016. I came back to the game today and the game doesnt seem to load when i have steam overlay enabled. I dont have fraps or shadowplay installed

    submitted by /u/ryous123
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    So I just noticed the COMPOUND BOW is inaccurate when hipfiring. Lol.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    The arrow doesn't fire in the middle of crosshair. Just noticed it in ZEDTIME. No, I wasn't moving. Yes, the arrow was pulled back.

    The arrow goes wherever it wants to. This needs patched or else this weapon is absolutely useless.

    submitted by /u/Whirrlz
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    Blue, pink, and white mohawk cosmetic

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Does anyone know how to get the blue, pink, and white colored mohawk cosmetic in the neon nightmares update video? Trying to get it for my BF, thank you!

    submitted by /u/MajesticFrancobird
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