• Breaking News

    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Killing Floor How do I keep finding these damn glitches??

    Killing Floor How do I keep finding these damn glitches??

    How do I keep finding these damn glitches??

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Wait for me guys

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Funniest moment in KF2 i've ever had

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    We were in a wave 49 endless match and everybody died except a Berserker. He managed to kill every zed except one husk. He got too cocky and started slashing him with a Katana only for the husk to suicide and kill the Berserker instantly. The chat was very active until that moment. When he died,everybody went silent for a good minute. I guess they were dying of laughter (as i did) and couldn't type anything.

    Imagine soloing an entire wave for 15 minutes only to die like that.

    submitted by /u/LynRyu
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    Biolapse Collectible Locations

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    New here

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    I just began playing killing floor 2 and it feels like there are to many classes to choose , what are some good beginner friendly ones that will help me learn the game?

    submitted by /u/ShermanTheMajor
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    Whats the name of this outfit?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    Updated Digital Artbook?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    I'm a long time fan of the series, and having bought the Digital Deluxe edition of the game after the Early Access, I just remembered of the Digital Artbook (located in the game files). I took a long look at it, and I'm thinking, wouldn't it be great to have it updated? I'd love to see more of the processes that has been made to create the post-release enemies, perks (only Berserker, Commando, Support and Medic are featured) and the weapons!

    submitted by /u/syncioz
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    Precious Ion Thruster barely looks precious

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Is there any point in keeping duplicate crates that are earned?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Such as cosmetic crates. If they always give you the same thing if you buy one, I'd rather just recycle them. I have multiple duplicates of the same crates.

    submitted by /u/BamMargerasLogofShit
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    Biolapse traps make Neon Nightmares 2020 seasonals probably the worst seasonals yet

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    The traps on Biolapse are absolute dog shit. They're super tiny, have ludicrously long cool-downs, and are incredibly inaccurate and often don't work. Add in the fact that they're very likely to kill you when you try to use them (instant death pits that you can walk into) and it makes it so that you're far better off not bothering with them.

    These ineffective traps being restricted to only one of the RNG rooms on Biolapse (combined with the Blood Blender achievement seemingly being bugged) makes this event's seasonal objectives needlessly difficult and obnoxious to complete. I've already gotten the seasonal for doing the map on Weekly as well as on Hard, and the seasonal for killing all the Zeds I needed. I even got the achievement for beating the map on HoE and finding all the collectibles.

    But my seasonals for trap kills are at 5 and 7 respectively, because I can't get the trap door room and the blood blender is bugged. I was playing around on normal as Sharpshooter and using the frost bombs to freeze Zeds to then push them into a trap, but the game wouldn't count it even though I literally hit them with the freeze bomb (which does do damage, so it should give me an "assist" or whatever!) before dropping them into the trap.

    It's kinda annoying that it seems like Twi are going to have to give people this seasonal's weapon skin for free again because the seasonals are bugged. The Matriarch kills seasonal from Yueltide wasn't that bad it was just tied too heavily to RNG. But this seasonal is flat out bugged and if they aren't fixed soon Twi will probably just have to give stuff out for free, and that isn't even mentioning the fact that the traps are still obnoxious to use even if they did count for the seasonals.

    submitted by /u/TigerKirby215
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    Zed spawned in a wall on Biolapse can't progress through match as a result

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    Battlefield 3 UMP-45 Sound Mod

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:53 PM PDT


    Made a sound mod for KF2 that makes the UMP-45 use the firing sounds from Battlefield 3's UMP-45.

    submitted by /u/FunkyFung22
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    Where do you actually get the DLC weapons??

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I've somehow stumbled into getting them as 'shared content' here and there, but I can't seem to figure out where to actually GET them? They were announced like 8 months ago and are plainly in the game, but there's nowhere to actually purchase the DLC from what I can find, am I blind or are they really not publicly released yet?

    submitted by /u/Wasabistrike
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    Does seasonal event content return each year?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    I remember in KF1 the events would return each year and I'd be able to get any content I missed, but I can't find a concrete answer for KF2. I hate it when games have time-limited content so it'll probably help sway my decision on whether to pick up the game.

    submitted by /u/Unperfect__One
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    Is there Still a free Webhost for KF2 Maps?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    I would like to add some new Maps to my Server and want to enable "FastDL".

    Is there some Webhost Full with Maps that i can use for that?

    I found one YT on this but the Webhost ist offline.

    submitted by /u/DirtyButterBrot
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    Biolapse traps not killing Zeds

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    As per the title, some traps on biolapse aren't killing Zeds. The main one being the circular-room with the traps that push the Zeds into the viscera/ recycle, spin-cycle thing. They still live after being pushed in, which is really unfortunate since there's no easy way to kill a scrake that gets stuck in the pit.

    submitted by /u/_Trepan_
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    Just started commando

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    Hello, I'd like some tips on how to improve as commando and builds while we're at it.

    Right now I go LLLL and kill with knife and 9mm as much as I can until I get the HMtech 501 and M16.

    I love the HMtech-501 for its braindead thrash killing grenade and I've paired it with the other grenade rifle and it works quite well. The explosive grenade benefits from all damage boosters and it has insane DPS when spammed on cooldown and you can knockdown scrakes with 2 shots.

    I do switch to the Stumble skill but I haven't seen much difference, is it relevant?

    submitted by /u/Unfair_Pally
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    Early game feels like there's no skill involved

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    The game runs very smoothly and the shooting is great. It feels very DOOM-ish in that regard. The problem is that in DOOM there's actually some level of player skill involved, whereas in this game enemies are coming in such large numbers and so quickly that nothing matters except how many rounds you can get off.

    Great Co-Op horde games like Vermintide present players with a chance to display some skill, this game does not seem to do that at all. Does this change at all as you progress?

    submitted by /u/kajidourden
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