• Breaking News

    Friday, February 28, 2020

    Killing Floor What do you guys think about allowing the SWAT class to reload while sprinting? Right now, it's widely regarded as outclassed by Commando on almost all fronts, and I think this would be a nice little boost to suit its more run and gun playstyle.

    Killing Floor What do you guys think about allowing the SWAT class to reload while sprinting? Right now, it's widely regarded as outclassed by Commando on almost all fronts, and I think this would be a nice little boost to suit its more run and gun playstyle.

    What do you guys think about allowing the SWAT class to reload while sprinting? Right now, it's widely regarded as outclassed by Commando on almost all fronts, and I think this would be a nice little boost to suit its more run and gun playstyle.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:43 PM PST

    This would allow it something more unique going for it, which I think is needed since Commando is widely regarded as just better than SWAT in general. It doesn't really have much right now other than the ability to take just armor damage. (Assuming you even choose that perk.) SWAT revolves around a very run and gun playstyle, and I think this would be a great fit for the class without being too overpowered considering the other drawbacks the class already has.

    submitted by /u/It_is_Luna
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    Is the next event happening?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:46 AM PST

    If it is, when is it and whys there no beta test for it yet?

    submitted by /u/almighty_turon
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    Most Fun Weapons

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:54 AM PST

    What do you think are the most fun/satisfying weapons to use, regardless of overall strength or alignment to the meta?

    I know the SCAR is out of favor, but it's been my favorite weapon since KF1 (the sight is perfect imo).

    Hip firing the M4 into a group of Zeds never gets old.

    M14 makes you feel like a boss when you decap Scrakes and FPs and get those headshots lined up. Sexy, deadly, kinda flash, love my M14.

    Static Striker feels like you're playing a completely different game where you're the boss.

    Bone Crusher vs Scrakes is just playing Dark Souls.

    What else is a top tier fun weapon?

    submitted by /u/themikesem
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    Finding a main perk

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 11:26 AM PST

    So I recently just got back into KF2. I used to main SWAT but after reading a lot of tier list, it seems that SWAT is looked down upon. I'm looking to find a perk that can deal with HVT and still be able to deal with trash. I also got a friend to get the game so at some points the match becomes a carry for him and other player in pubs. Open to suggestions and loadouts, thanks to everyone that replies!

    submitted by /u/AceTrainerL1Nk
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    10 X Crates Special Event ?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:09 PM PST

    I started playing KF 2 a bit more than a week ago. The last couple 3 days, I've been getting 10 crates (almost) every time after launching the game. Even without starting a match. Is there some kind of event going on?

    submitted by /u/edenSwitch006
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    Railgun SC/qp/fp breakpoints on sui/hoe?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:17 AM PST

    if sharpshooter takes sniper + stability but not deadeye and reu. 1 to 6 players. just wondering.

    submitted by /u/Shubishu
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    Help figuring out bosses.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:02 PM PST

    Hey, kf community. This might start to sound like a rant, which it might partially be, but I find this game to be frustratingly inconsistent and I need some insight. A little bit of background: I play kf2 on console. Have had it for ps4 for a few years, stopped about a year and a half ago, came back to it when I found friends on the Xbox with the game. I found a good amount of success playing on the ps4- I'd play hard mainly, and near the end I was dipping my toes into suicidal. I was pretty regularly beating the bosses, both solo and in pubs, and I never felt like i had a whole lot of trouble. So I come back to this game on Xbox after a bit and yeah I'm rusty, but with as much as I used to play it, I warm back up quick. And I am getting my ass handed to me by the bosses, and not just any single one in particular (patty's a bitch, but patty's always been a bitch). I can make it to them just fine, and then... I don't really know what it is particularly, but they just fuck me up. I hate it. It's killing my joy for this game, especially since I'm only playing on normal. This is both in solo and with a friemd; the number of people doesn't determine anything besides how many people's time is being wasted. Is there some update I missed, or what the fuck is going on? I'm damn near ready to drop this game, and I really don't want to. I don't even know what I'm asking for, maybe advice? Maybe confirmation/denial? And please, save the standard 'git gud, trash.' I already know that.

    submitted by /u/Sifter401
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    You get to be a KF2 perk IRL, which one will it be?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:49 AM PST

    My answer is down below, as I explain myself why. It's really long so that's why it's a spoiler. I can't wait to hear your answers so there can be some discussion.

    I would be a choose to be a KF2 berserker IRL.

    15% damage resistance: Nice little IRL passive so I don't get hurt as badly if things happen.

    Night Vision Capability: I can now see in the dark, now I no longer needs tools such as flashlights.

    Clots cannot grab you: This will be a double edged sword, it'll suck I can't be hugged, but it also means robbing me will be more difficult.

    Skirmisher: Being able to walk 3.875 mph or 6.25 km/per hour (average human walking speed) will make my life alot more convenient and sprinting 18.75 mph or 40 km/per hour (average human sprinting speed) will be great as it means I generally can get more exercise and have a less likely chance to be late, assuming having my hands count as a "perk melee weapon." (This only affects me sprinting.) Also I can attack quicker.

    Butcher/Vampire: Faster attack speed IRL can be the difference between getting my ass kicked and kicking someone's ass. I would choose Vampire if it means killing insects count as killing a Zed, as stepping on a few bugs means I can heal back from an injury. However, with Butcher, if I am in a position of defense, the extra power in my punch can really mess someone up.

    Resistance: Being able to take less damage from things can be a really useful passive. Parry is only useful when fighting, even then, Resistance will be a good things to have IRL.

    Smash/Massacre: I really do not care for having those, but for the sake of this post I'll choose one randomly.

    Spartan: If something can theoretically trigger an IRL Zed time, Spartan means I can get massive combos and escape the scene. However, Berserker Rage came really close with the 25% HP healing thing, effectively making me able to power through damage, and instead of making Zeds flee, it'll be the thing attacking me.

    EDIT: Rereading this, spoiler makes it a piece of shit to read.

    submitted by /u/HoxtonNoir
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    Some thoughts on Objective and a question.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:18 PM PST

    I came back to the game after a long absence to get some achievements done and this is the second time I tried Objective.

    I have done the Hard achievements for it on solo and the one word I can use to describe the mode is irritating. I haven't sworn this much on any Killing Floor 1 or 2 map and KF1 objective mode was actually enjoyable to me, even on HOE. This is just bad gameplay on so many levels.

    Now before anyone helpfully suggests that I should play this in coop like the Lord intended, nobody is playing this mode in Oceania. There are only a handful servers, with just one Sui server and they are always empty. Clearly, I am not the only one thoroughly annoyed with it.

    Now a couple of questions. First, what is the best class and loadout to handle this mode in solo on Sui and HOE so I can just get it done and never touch it again? Secondly, have TWI done something about dupes for Vault crates? I have something like 26 in my inventory but the last time I was opening them it was just a completely pointless exercise since all I was getting was dupes and pajamas.

    submitted by /u/Anticitizen-1
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    Suggestion for SWAT

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:52 PM PST

    Hi guys,I recently started enjoying playing SWAT due to enjoying the gameplay with the riot shield. However, after playing him further I realised that he is weak when he loses armour making him not that of a good pick if you can't sustain armour through the whole round. That's why I wanted to ask you, folks, would it be a good idea if he could somehow regenerate armour passively, or repair his/allies armour at a cooldown. I think that would make him a much more viable pick for HOE and a way more interesting and unique class to play with. Furthermore, I believe that the passive bullet reduction is not needed (Against Hans only) and it would be a better option to give him a small syringe cooldown reduction boost instead. That way he would play out more as an off-tank that can kill mobs and defend squishes against bigger zeds on HOE.
    PS: I also believe that the riot shield should have a mechanic that allows the SWAT to ram mobs to the ground, but the drawback would be that he is unable to shoot in process or can run only in a straight line.

    If you like these ideas please vote for them, so we can try asking Tripwire to change SWAT to the class it should have always been.

    submitted by /u/Tiamka66
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    Need help with in game purchases, contacted support already numerous times

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:46 PM PST

    Ive had this issue in the past and never received any message or email back at all regarding the issue after contacting tripwire support on many seperate occasions. I am on xbox one and after purchasing keys i have not received them. I have been charged several times for said keys and have not received anything. I have restarted the game, i have logged out and back in, nothing fixes the issue and tripwire wont reply to my support tickets at all so what do i do? I have no issue supporting the devs of the game with my money but not if i dont receive what im paying for.

    submitted by /u/justin5667
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