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    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    Killing Floor Can we PLEASE get a balance overhaul before we start adding more shit into the game?

    Killing Floor Can we PLEASE get a balance overhaul before we start adding more shit into the game?

    Can we PLEASE get a balance overhaul before we start adding more shit into the game?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:11 AM PST

    I've been playing since they were giving beta codes away before EA dropped. When I first played this game, it was a promising upgrade to KF1. I remember when we thought once demo was added the game would somewhat balance itself. Then we thought once sharpshooter was added the game would magically balance itself. (the two most common "damage dealer/big zed killer" classes)

    The updates came and went, we saw zedconomy, resistances ("nobody wants to play popping heads floor 2" -shitwire 2016), and now paid weapons.

    We've all seen the "dev streams." they struggle on suicidal, we all know the devs do not actually play this game. If they did they would realize it's a collection of half baked ideas tacked onto eachother resulting in an absolute clusterfuck of gameplay. EDARs are cute and all but nobody thinks spawning 7 at a time is fun to fight against. Map quality has only gone downhill over the years, we see more and more cramped asset flips, and worse, the event maps which are damn near labyrinthine. I'm not saying I don't appreciate the more fast paced gameplay of KF2 compared to KF1, but it feels like a lot of ideas got lost in translation. Remember how wide open KF-Farm was? Back during EA I remember I would join a server, we would strategize; find a place to camp, have someone else guarding each lane, make sure we had a good roster (i.e. kick the 3rd commando) and each player would fall into their role (med would heal, zerk would kite, others would clear trash, big zed killers would kill big zeds) but now it's just "spray and pray." Once again, I'm not saying the game can't be casual (why do you think it has normal/hard) but I want SOME strategy other than praying I don't get fucked by RNG and zeds that spawn in your blind spots. I want more visual clarity instead of having neon blue & green shit being sprayed all over the place. I want zed voices that I can actually hear.

    submitted by /u/LE_FANTABULOSO
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    Paid weapons - the Nagant is of absolutely laughable quality

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:15 AM PST

    Haven't played the game in a long time. Remember how people back then always defended KF2 microtransactions. Overpriced weapon skins, overpriced costumes, overpriced character packs, and now overpriced weapons - great work guys.

    I checked out the paid weapons on youtube... and they look horrible. Animation and Sounds seem to be underwhelming.

    The mosin for example - an old fashioned bolt action people always wanted. Super janky animations, like no weight behind the bolt racking its like a toy, there is no satisfaction or power in the racking and ejection sound.

    And personal preference:

    The shield and glock - I personally think that extremely oversized magazine just looks ridicoulous on the glock.

    Rhino - Why does everything in this game has to be tacticool? Like seriously why the red dot sight on a good looking revolver...

    submitted by /u/Gorillapatrick
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    This is how science really works...

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Sharpshooter perk skill ZED TIME ASSASSIN doesn't work?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:42 AM PST

    I'm hearing from here and there that SS players choose ZED TIME: RANGER over ASSASSIN because the latter perk skill doesn't work? That true?

    submitted by /u/Zolgrave
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    Please don't balance the game around a casual audience

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:38 AM PST

    Killing floor in my opinion should be a challenging game. I don't find it fun to stand in one spot for an entire wave and shoot down a few zeds that can't get within arms length of me. In addition, I don't enjoy a boss wave that is just a pathetic clot with more hp who just runs at the players.

    With each post that gets made complaining about the difficult aspects of the game, it seems that killing floor has attracted a more casual audience, with most players complaining about any form of challenge being implemented. Please understand that there are some of us who want to actually have fun playing this game, and appreciate any challenging ideas you guys are cooking up.

    If you must, then please push any nerfs to hard mode and below, so people who enjoy an easy casual experience can enjoy playing on those difficulty's, and players wanting an actual challenge don't have to suffer.

    On that note, i don't think any zeds or bosses should be nerfed. In fact, i think most zeds and bosses need a buff. The matriarch is fine where she is and provides a very fun and unpredictable boss wave. I believe the other bosses need a buff to be on par with her difficulty. A lot of class perks need an overhaul but i see you guys are already doing that.

    TL DR we are a small player base, and the game is already extremely easy. Please do not nerf any of the zeds or bosses, and don't be afraid to add more challenging aspects to the game. And if you must, save any nerfs for hard mode and below, allowing for both sides of the community to enjoy their respective gameplay types. Its called suicidal and hell on earth for a reason.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/TypicalNPC
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    Are devs doing anything about Matriarch? Just check the win statistics -- she is far more difficult than all other bosses.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:49 AM PST

    I've had too many games lost because the game happened to spawn the Matriarch instead of anything else. Too many teams that could easily smash any of the other bosses, but which get totally destroyed by that one boss in particular.

    Between the plasma cannons and the legion of infinite machine gun robots, Matriarch feels several times harder than any other boss -- and whether or not she spawns determines the outcome of the match far too often.

    If you're not going to nerf her plasma cannon, at least decrease the robot spawns. Dealing with a legion of already-dangerous EDARs plus the Matriarch and her plasma cannon feels insurmountable, and very often ends my games.

    (No "git gud" comments please -- I've played hundreds of hours and I'm almost always the last to die in this encounter. But defeating the Matriarch and her bots as one guy is insanely time-consuming and -- again -- far more difficult than it should be.)

    submitted by /u/SillyConclusion0
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    Nuked objective mode performance issues?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:12 AM PST

    Hey guys, what's the deal with nuked objective mode? I have a pretty decent rig that run almost any game on ultra settings. On top of Nuked just being a tough objective mode, my frames are ATROCIOUS on this map. Any one else had trouble with this one? This one's holding me back from getting all of the achievements :(

    submitted by /u/mastodon_tusk
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    Newish player question. What are shared content weapons?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:13 PM PST

    Hello! I picked up KF1 and KF2 recently and I can't find much info on it, but what are " shared content " weapons?

    How do I choose what I share? How do I obtain more of them? I see people in MP have different ones but I only have 1? Tyia.

    submitted by /u/FlufferNutter925206
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