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    Saturday, January 4, 2020

    Killing Floor Pointless suggestion: Upgrading the 9mm Pistol should also upgrade that class's melee weapon. (KF2)

    Killing Floor Pointless suggestion: Upgrading the 9mm Pistol should also upgrade that class's melee weapon. (KF2)

    Pointless suggestion: Upgrading the 9mm Pistol should also upgrade that class's melee weapon. (KF2)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:44 AM PST

    I Know the commando and Swat both have a skill that increases the damage of the 9mm and knife by 85% but I think manually upgrading the 9mm should also buff the melee weapon giving additional options for every class if they run out of ammo.

    2 cents inserted.

    submitted by /u/T-King-667
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    What's the best way to play sharpshooter? Am i supposed to target only big zeds and nothing else?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 11:41 PM PST

    I was playing as a lvl 15 sharpshooter on suicidal. All my teammates kept giving me dosh and telling me to get the M99 AMR. So i went ahead and bought it. That thing is so heavy and has such little ammo that my entire game was spent waiting for big zeds to spawn and then just pointing and clicking. It was the most bored i ever was during my 100 hours with kf2. Most of my team kept telling me that it was the best way to play sharpshooter since other weapons are useless. Is this the optimal way to play the perk? If so then i won't even bother leveling sharpshooter anymore

    submitted by /u/Tim_36_op
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    HRG Incision thoughts from a 2 years medic main

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:57 AM PST

    This weapon is insane, let's list what you can actually do with it in a 6PL HOE game: 1) darts deal damage and they are infinite; 2) darts oneshot weak zeds, apart from the gorefast that needs 2; 3) darts can pushback mid zeds and keep them on the ground, they also deal a big amount of damage in the head or chest in case of edars; 4) darts stop scrakes, fleshpounds and quarters (not while on rage), you can just spam darts to keep them on place, this works good especially for scrakes; 5) 40 hp per dart (are you serious?); 6) quickscoping is the best way to secure healing on teammates due to his 0.01s lockon; 6) free emp on each shot, scrakes no longer rage; 7) dart+shot+dart is the fastest dps combo you can do as a medic, around 550 dps (75 per dart), which is 1/3 of a scrake hp bar if hit in the head (quite the same for the fp); 8) affordable for 1500 dosh before round 3 on a 10 rounds game if you spare/save ammo; 9) HMtech and HRG are meta when weapon swapping for healing; 10) Acidic rounds scale with darts, but who cares, no one should use it anyway; 11) great for bosses, huge amount of damage, slightly lower to a sharpshooter with m99 (yes, m99); 12) auto-aim on darts might be hard to use, but once you get used to it, you don't even need to quickscope; 13) you can solo win a game with low effort by having most big zeds kill and damage overall. Game breaking weapon for a medic, you don't even need teammates do dps when you can provide this amount of damage and cc's, or atleast that's what goes through my mind when playing with this setup. A nerf would be necessary.

    submitted by /u/DartsSpammer
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    Survivalist should have Faster reloading/larger mags for all weapons as options at level 5. (KF2)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:41 PM PST

    Choosing between faster reload for category A or B weapons defeats the purpose of this class/perk being jack of all trades.

    Granted: Just because you have Tactical reload doesn't mean you'll be useless with an RPG. But I never did feel that it made sense for the Survivalist perk to force the player to be more proficient with one class of weapons or the other.

    So you'd choose faster reloading it would make all of your reloads do the faster animation and if there is no quicker animation (Firebug weps for example) then it would just be the same animation but faster. And 50% more ammo capacity for all weapons would apply to everything that has a mag or canister pretty much. (so everything but revolvers, double/quad barrel shotties ect)

    How terrible is this idea?

    submitted by /u/T-King-667
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    Paid Weapons need a separate store tab.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:22 PM PST

    Currently as far as i see all the new paid weapons (like the Rhino revolver) are listed in the Weapon Cosmetics tab.

    While its true that in the bundle you also get skins for the new paid weapon imho that is less important that the actual new weapon.

    Paid weapons, as something that affects gameplay and offers variety in play styles, should be placed in its own store tab so that players can easily see what weapons are new.

    As Tripwire adds more paid weapons the need will grow for a separate store page which provides clear view into available weapons to purchase.

    submitted by /u/Bogdanov89
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    Heres a KF2 smexual for you all

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Yo who’s got a mic and tryna play kf

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:43 PM PST

    Trying to find a map I played but can't figure out the name (believe it's official?)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 08:15 PM PST

    I was drinking and it was a week ago so forgive me if I forget details about it.


    • There is a thing in the middle that keeps spamming ammo pick ups.
    • There are 4 entrances for the monsters to come in, they spawn all visibly. The monsters have to jump over this huge pit before they're on the same area as you.

    It's a gamey map to quickly get XP but I had a ton of fun on it and would like to play it again.

    submitted by /u/wutanggrenade_
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