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    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    Killing Floor Can players suffer headshots too?

    Killing Floor Can players suffer headshots too?

    Can players suffer headshots too?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:11 AM PST

    It might be coincidence, but it's the second time now that I was killed by a scrake while I was crouching near him. I checked my life was full just seconds before so I had the impression of being killed with one single blow. I could be wrong but could he give me more damage for hitting me in the head?

    submitted by /u/l86rj
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    Foster's Law: After enough waves in endless-mode, a KF2-map and a Splatoon-map become indistinguishable.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:39 PM PST

    An Abomination Takes Flight

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:43 PM PST

    Question: do you upgrade weapons, if so, when and why?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    This is something I've been yearning to ask for a while, since I see upgrades being mentioned nearly every time tactics / perks / gameplay is discussed in posts and comments.

    What are the scenarios when you do upgrade your guns?

    Personally, I've come to an assumption that people that do, must either:

    • play Endless
    • use only one or two guns
    • keep all money to themselves

    Am I wrong?

    Personally, I almost never upgrade because of either money or weight limit. What's the point?

    Here's my case/rationalization for context:

    Currently, I'm mostly 50/50 GS and Commando. Play only Survival on Hard/Suicidal.

    My "max" usual loadout of GS is 2xMagnums/2xDeagles/2x1858. I keep 1858s because they're free and good enough as 3rd gun. Only if I really have tons of excessive cash I might also swap them for a pair of 1911s. And only then, if I still have extra, or I'm solo, then I might upgrade those 1911s one notch and that's it - I've hit the weight limit.

    My current "max" loadout for Commando is SCAR/M16 (it used to be SCAR/AK12, but hey, I recently discovered crossperk weapons and have been enjoying it since)

    I don't think I've ever even considered upgrading any assault rifle.

    For all the perks I play, I usually only manage to get to the "max" loadout towards maybe wave 8 on long.

    And that's if I try to pick up extra spawns or don't run into unforseen armor expenses.

    I also try to always have the medic pistol on me, so that I can heal in case of emergency, so at some point, 200$ goes into that.

    I try to give some cash if someone asks for it. If I'm on my max loadout, and all refilled, then I give away all the extra cash, usually.

    Lastly, I am ammo-hungry and not shy on blasting away if the situation calls for it. That's why I usually prefer to have at least two main weapons at all times, or in case of GS, three pairs or two pairs + one single.

    submitted by /u/Urik_Kane
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    Whats the new christmas song?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:18 AM PST

    I'm not able to think of any songs is this original?

    submitted by /u/-Internet-Person-
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    Best Demo perk setup

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:30 AM PST

    i used to play on xbox one and now on PC, i have the most fun with the demos grenade pistol and am curious what the best perk setup would be, currently only level 10 but i use the shock rounds (mostly for reload speed) and on level 10 tier i equipped the 25% extra damage. but curious what other people suggest

    submitted by /u/kube_tube
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    Most/Least Favorite Zed and Why?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:38 PM PST

    This maybe the same post in the past but what the heck.

    I want to wonder which Zed annoys you and certain Zed impress you and why. (You can also pick boss as well)

    My least favorite is Crawlers, those bastard almost always basically breakdance me to death (depend on difficulty) and they're hard to aim (waste precious bullets), especially this is not help in fact that I'm Gunslinger main, those insects are known to be the weakness with a perk like this.

    My favorite is Scarke because they are fun and easy to handle if done right and because of my perk skills (this applies to different perks as well) and also Husk, I have rivalry feeling toward them. It's rather intriguing.

    What about you guys??

    submitted by /u/GuyFromCapricornus
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    Does anyone have a specific date on the next OFFICIAL Double Xp weekend?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:13 PM PST

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