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    Monday, July 5, 2021

    Killing Floor Open for critics

    Killing Floor Open for critics

    Open for critics

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    Is there anything I could have done to not die

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    Task failed successfully?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    Ps4 CrossPlat

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Will ps4 and xbox ever be cross play with eachother and also will they ever be cross play with pc? I feel like pc on kf2 is better with selective servers and all that

    submitted by /u/SoggyWafflesBurning
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    Cool or Naw

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    https://clips.twitch.tv/DignifiedFurryCobblerStrawBeary-Cf6DY30igN15myMy Feel free to tell me if its not cool or anything. I was playing Farmhouse on Suicidal (i think). Im not self promoting just check out the clip

    submitted by /u/SoggyWafflesBurning
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    Server Browser Player counts just completely wrong?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    After getting dropped into solo games with no joiners for waves upon waves repeatedly i've decided to start trying to use the server browser.

    Almost every single lobby I join is empty, even when I join lobbies with multiple people listed. and even if I do get a lobby with people, the count is still wrong. I just joined a server that said 5 people, I get in to find 4 people.

    I've refreshed the browser multiple times, still happens. It even happens with servers that are labeled as tripwire official, so its not just some custom servers spoofing playercounts like you'd get over in tf2.

    submitted by /u/WanonTime
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    Killing Floor 2 Groupthread for VS mode PS4

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    a few days ago I made a post about the VS Mode and if it's fun enough to put the tine into organizing a group for it. On Random it seems totally dead.

    The poll was strongly against that idea, but here I am! I've seen enough comments that were from players wanting to try it, so let's use this post for doing exactly that.

    Add me on PS4: @V1deospielJetski

    I would suggest for convienence sake that things like time etc. will be the discussed once we have a good amount of players (I think 3vs3 or 4vs4). Till then I would keep an eye open who adds me because of this, and I will communicate once we are at this point.

    PS: I would like this to be STRICTLY for participating in the VS Mode, not regular play. I would be more than okay if some regular plays grow out of it, but getting a few vs matches done is the main goal here.

    submitted by /u/CliffYmm
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    Swat may need a rework next update.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    Ive been playing this game for a while, and the swat feels boring to play.

    Unlike other perks, swat feels so bland. His weapons doesnt really have much variety other than rapid fire shooting. Berserker has zwei (highest right click attack speed) static knuckles (cc and high left click dps) fire axe (stunning right click, no knockdown) and GUNS (cc gun, jack of all traits evi, and dps vlad)

    Even fire bug has like shooter, aoe, and flamer builds that make him feel fresh each playthrough. I never have any perk that didnt have multiple playstyles that feel unique other than swat.

    Even the skills are kinda bland. What does the swat do?

    Lvl 5 tankish (more like just get free armor and no need to heal) or crouch moving lmao (tbh keep this cause this is fun to use, buff it a little like movement speed on crouch or something)

    lvl 10 lmao nice gun and damage on your sidearm or the most used skill

    Lvl 15 cc or ammo even though swat has like already super stumbling big zeds.

    Lvl 20 is like one of the skill choices thats feels sorta diverse tankiness or cc. But even then its kinda meh

    Lvl 25 is really the only one that 100% great. Being an unstoppable force, or a turret of death.

    Commando also has this bland skill tree, But because of his plathera of diverse gun, all he needs is to use his skills to complement his guns.

    Swat is just bland compared to every other perks in the game.

    Edit: upon reading some comments, my titles a poor choice of words. Over exaggerated ot to be a complete rework. But i do stand by my opinion that it could be more when compared with other perks

    submitted by /u/carlotheemo
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