• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 25, 2021

    Killing Floor Matriarch is fun to play against

    Killing Floor Matriarch is fun to play against

    Matriarch is fun to play against

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    Did a random game and the matriach didn't do damage

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:36 AM PDT

    Day [lost count] of the KF2 store not having regional pricing

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    What good is a sale when a simple two-weapon bundle costs the price I paid for the game itself?

    submitted by /u/YangXiaoLong69
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    Game freezing and crashing.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Is anybody experiencing their game freezing and crashing ever since this new update? It never froze nor did it crash before this update was released. I play on Xbox one X and it'll randomly freeze and it'll crash my whole console making it turn off by itself. Is anyone else having this problem as well?

    submitted by /u/TheForshakenRose
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    Creating a match and server region fails

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    So, I want to do some of the new challenges for this event. To ensure I start on the right map, I pick "create a match", set the map, game mode, difficulty, length and pick public so that while playing randoms can join in.

    Only problem is that when I start I'm always into "created" Australian servers, or US ones vs EU/NL servers... which means 200+ ping which is not exactly playable.

    Is there any way to force a specific region?

    submitted by /u/FireandBlood90
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    What about.... a flying enemy?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Hello you beautiful bunch of bastards.

    Just thinking whilst at work, what if there was a flying enemy? If you control the sky you control the battlefield so it'd make sense that our man Kevin would make an airborne Zed even if he's just a boss.

    Or make the airborne Zeds part of the oddball rounds in Endless, so instead of some of the more boring rounds of non-stop Gorefasts you could have a totally unique enemy. Maybe a wave of flying crawlers (they're already pretty bug like) or even a winged Gorefiend type enemy. If players go inside buildings the bigger Gorefiends could land and run like usual but the smaller and faster crawler could fly inside of the buildings through windows etc.

    They could be balanced by being weaker than their land based cousins and could move a tad slower, but they'd be a more difficult target to hit.

    I think a flying boss could be fun. Make it a heavily armed robotic bird type thing that can bomb players that gaggle together or screech in and eviscerate players with claws. Maybe give them a rocket type attack like Patty with enough of a wind up so alert players can go evasive. When its health gets low it could shed its armour/weaponry and chase players on the ground.

    Anyways these are just my quick thoughts whilst I put off making phone calls. Even if these ideas are shite I think a flying enemy to mix things up could be good. Or give us some more bug type enemies.. maybe some giant spiders or something.

    submitted by /u/dannaryan
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    Which DLC weapon's are worth getting ?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    I'm looking at getting one .. or 2.

    submitted by /u/Shelbygt500ss
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    Any tips and builds for demo

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 02:33 AM PDT

    Any trash killing builds cause my squad kinda struggles a bit with trash killing

    submitted by /u/stupidmofo_2
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    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    What is the KF2 meta for perks, new player.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    From what i have looked at the easy classes like berserker and medic are very strong, gunslinger is technically stronger but takes alot of effort to play. What about some of the others classes such as firebug, demolitionist and support?

    submitted by /u/Steeles216000
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    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    Incresed lag, long booting, can't find games. TF is going on?

    submitted by /u/BoraxlesTheSixt
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    Update Feedback

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    Just wanted to give some feedback on the update. Please don't be hostile it's just my opinion.


    The map is better than previous installments and has more detail put into it. Also has quite of bit of ammo scattered around. It's not your traditional run in a circle map which makes establishing a route somewhat difficult but i only say that because people don't stick together. Besides the mass confusion of where players want to go the map is great and i like it a lot.


    Ah here we are again with another installment of DLC weapons that didn't turn out to be all that.

    Beluga Beat

    Let's start off with the Beluga Beat. To me, it really makes no sense for it to be a SS weapon. It's useless when paired with rack em up as It's nearly impossible to score continuous headshots with unless you're standing at point blank. It can push large zeds back which can buy you time. A fully ugraded +2 can 3 hit a Skrake (Headshot) so damage is ok but not amazing. I really feel it brings SS out of It's role though and that it was added for the purpose of inclusivity as before many people did not play SS. An AOE style weapon on SS is gonna be a thumbs down for me 👎

    Gravity Imploder

    Oh dear, what a mess... Ok so this thing here was forged with the intention of ceating mass chaos. I mean it's half & half with me. I want to like it and part of me does as it's awesome seeing zeds being flung around. However, the bad thing is it completely disrupts the flow of the game to the point where if you use it you will have the likely chance of being kicked as i was as well as others have already. Look man, it's not my fault i bought the DLC as i had no idea it was going to be like that. The trailers/beta videos made it seem much different. If i knew it had the potential to cause mass chaos then i wouldn't have bought it. My bad.

    L85A2 Bullpup

    It's awesome ! Decreased carry weight makes it equippable with the minigun now. Overall it's a really good low weight weapon for commando that dishes out a nice amount of damage.


    I saved the best for last OP !! Man if you haven't tried the new and improved freezethrower you'll have a blast. Lookout Frost Fang there's a new badoy in town. Freezes small Zeds then instant shatters. It's much more user friendly against large Zeds now and don't have to rely on your team to perform takedowns after they've been frozen whereas before the alt fire was not quite strong enough to shatter large Zeds. Highly useful 10/10 recommend. By far my favorite addition to weapons in the update.


    Medic HUD

    Fantastic ! I can now see the buffs when I'm healed and see how long they are active for. Medics beware we can see what perks you're using now haha !


    I don't really have much to say but just I mean was it really necessary?


    Love the cosmetics ! Cyberpunk event is always my favorite because of the cosmetics. Got a whole new outfit for Rae that has become my most favorite among my character wardrobes. Also was able to use some stuff on other characters that were missing some flair. Was able to complete 3 characters that either had wardrobe malfunctions or needed a makeover entirely so I'm definitely happy about that. A bit expensive though if you ask me but it was worth it for me at least.

    submitted by /u/Yharl_Ballin
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    killing floor 2 crashing on launch

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    ive recently bought the game due to the spring sale and ive played already with some buddies and have 5 hours on my steam record but for some reason ive tried launching recently and are met with a crash report every time, ive installed my newest driver and am on my second time reinstalling does anyone know how to fix this????

    submitted by /u/zootedv
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    cross play question?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Is killing floor 2 cross play between PC and xbox? Will I be able to join up with some buddies with console from my pc for co-op play?

    submitted by /u/ParkwayDrive59x
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    Joining game midway counts as...

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    Not great - if you join a game midway, when the round is completed you get a "took no damage" credit to the achievment...

    submitted by /u/dux_v
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