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    Sunday, January 24, 2021

    Killing Floor Maps I created, ported or just helped on in 2020 [Summary]

    Killing Floor Maps I created, ported or just helped on in 2020 [Summary]

    Maps I created, ported or just helped on in 2020 [Summary]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:15 AM PST

    Maps I created, ported or just helped on in 2019 [Summary]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:28 AM PST

    No enemy spawns in Botanica

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:03 PM PST

    I've just hit 27 wave on endless, got this explosion event, where every zed explode on death, killed around half of them and now i can only hear them from the abyss, but besides that I'm alone on this map ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    submitted by /u/ejpszemo
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    Maps I created, ported or just helped on in 2018 [Summary]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:09 AM PST

    Rust is released!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:49 PM PST

    Why is "press f10 to cancel loading" still a thing?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:43 AM PST

    It literally never worked and all the times I've attempted to use it, it just freezes KF2 and I have to restart my pc.

    submitted by /u/MilleniaZero
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    Why is the Winchester a cross perk weapon with the gunslinger... and why is it arguably better on him?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 06:37 AM PST

    Hear me out. The best skill in the game is probably Rack 'em Up, it just makes you do so much more damage, but for sharpshooter you have to sacrifice Tactical Reload for it. The gunslinger gets the best of both world being able to have Rack 'em Up and Spring loader. Gunslinger also has steady, which is basically Dead Eye (just slightly weaker). Gunslinger is much more model, which makes reloading the Winchester even easier! The only two thing going for the sharpshooter is better headshot damage and faster fire rate (with marksman), but I still feel that the gunslinger is uses the weapon better.

    Also the Winchester is just a stupid powerful weapon when upgraded, only really struggling against bosses (if your aim isn't the best).

    Am I the only one who had noticed this? A Winchester gunslinger is seriously becoming one of my favorite builds in this game.

    What are you thought?

    submitted by /u/PosidenSon2020
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    Tips for Killing Fllor 2 SDK.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:38 AM PST

    I recently downloaded the killing floor 2 SDK to try making some kf2 maps. I have zero experience so i am going through various tutorials on youtube. Any tips for a complete Noob?

    submitted by /u/CountBlashyrkh
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    How come as Demo, sometimes the grenades reload after a shot and sometimes they don't?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 11:14 AM PST

    This is seriously messing me up. The m79, hx25, they all do this. Most of the time when I fire, it auto reloads. But sometimes it doesn't, and I don't realize it, then I go to fire when I'm jumped on and it then starts to reload. Help?

    submitted by /u/MankAndInd
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    Unpopular Opinion: Don't blame firebugs for attacking big zeds, blame your precision perks for not doing their job.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:55 AM PST

    This sub is great and awful at the same time. I love you all very much, but one recurring post I always see is the classic *"Firebug is terrible all they do is enrage the scrakes!"*

    Now I'm not saying that it doesn't happen where a firebug does mess up another players kill. But I want to clear up some facts because there are a LOT of cases where that simply isn't true.

    And who are you buddy?

    I've played Killing Floor 1 since around 2010 and purchased KF2 on release day. I've put in 1000 hours since then (rookie numbers compared to some of you but still more than enough to be able to discuss this issue) and have several prestige 5 perks, including firebug, my favorite class, and my love for it being the reason I am here to defend it.

    What may be really going on during these situations?

    Well first off, like I said, I know that some Firebugs do act like fools and enrage Bigs. So giving me your personal anecdote of the time you saw it happen doesn't invalidate everything I say. Ill start off by describing a scenario that I personally run into sometimes when playing firebug.

    • I'm a firebug on a team with precision perks. We are on round 8, we are cob-knobbers but having fun, a scrake roar goes off in the distance, its cries of agony hollow and lonely.
    • I keep an eye out, and watch the Sharp/Slinger to make sure they dont get swarmed by spiderman so they can be ready to kill the Big. He appears, I Molotov the doorway behind the scrake to take out any nasties they may be following him and leave things to the precision perks.
    • Precision perk dumps a clip in the thing, but doesn't kill it, now its enraged and on top of the team, doing its best Texas Chainsaw Ballerina recital.
    • The sharp is now down to 20 HP and running away into the sunset, the zerk is swinging wildly but getting ripped up, the medic is spending all his time dumping darts in the zerk, the support is dead, and I'm trying to clear a path through the trash so the team has somewhere to run to to get this Scrake off our ass.
    • I finally have to turn and fight the scrake, because at least having it fire panic for a few seconds is better than a chainsaw enema.
    • "Firebug why are you fighting scrakes are you a noob?"

    It has happened more than once. I can say that I run into more precision perks that are bad at killing Bigs, than I run into firebugs that enrage Bigs. Now to be fair Firebug is a lot easier to play then any precision perk, but I'm here to defend my boi, and I dont think its fair that bad firebugs get so much flame (hehe) while bad sharpshooters or gunslingers fly under the radar. (Plus imagine how many more memes we could make if we ragged on other perks too)

    I also believe that all perks tend to be some level guilty of pissing off Bigs. Commandos so it, Medics do it, etc. The difference is that with the firebug its just so much more obvious when they are the ones doing it, since fire is vastly more visible than a few bullets. So its a perception thing, it seems like they do it more because its a lot easier to tell when its them.

    This concludes my report on anti-firebug sentiment. If you agree with me then Cheers big ears. If you dont then toss off you wanker. :p

    submitted by /u/BMOwraps
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    I founded the existence of "When the right music kicks in on Monster Ball" trought my reccomended videos in youtube and well I decided to do this

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 02:49 PM PST

    Is it just me or...?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 03:48 PM PST

    It could just be me but I have a feeling after so many hours it could not. I've been a kf vet for many years and hours spend to it.

    On KF2 I've had more than 1000 and I could safely bet on all maps and difficulties and ranks... That poor old Masterson isn't getting any love.

    Many players seem to have forgotten him just because he appears to be too"serious"or cocky but not that much as Bill. I get that kf2 can sometimes not been taken seriously Seen as how we can survive so many hits by goofy dressed zeds, but Masterson and Brian feel like the only genuine affected character of the KF universe.

    Why am I addressing this? Idk.. Is could just be boredom and the lack of cannon in KF that I try to fill up with my imagination but I can't fail to see the genuine try by tripwire to bring us true immersion. After so many horrible accidents and wars with zeds globally in just a few months... The world has fallen in less than a year... 5 months I think it took for it to fall to the zeds.

    Yet Masterson after fighting for so long horrible wars with men and zeds alike.. He has started to show off tears. His scars are starting to widen up and show psychological trauma which can be seen to when teammates die or get hurt. His dialogue shows off that he truly cares for everyone even tho he plays the crazy obsesive bastard whose here for the guts. He is just broken apart seeing how command failed to save UK and save his friends and survivors. Many have fallen in which he may have fought with. His cocky behaviour could just be because its his way to hide his genuine ptsd and Brian knows it cause they go through that. With Brian it's especially clear cause he's delusional. He screams for his dead daughter in hopes he can find her. He's in denial and perhaps he hopes volter has her... Instead of being just eaten in his house when he found his family gutted. Both of them share a dark history which is hidden by the amazing British cocky character but in some gameplay clips you could easily feel their pity, fear and how small they feel....

    Kf is an amazing atmospheric game. I love Brian and Masterson more than the classic ones in term of immersion and I wish more people played them... Its a pity... Maps could get more immersive if not everyone went skully and Fosty

    submitted by /u/Rom_Terry
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    How the hell do I play demolitionist?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 03:07 PM PST

    I know the loadout is RPG + C4 + DE, but it takes so long to get to the RPG, and I'm so weak with just the starting guns. What do I get in between? DE is not perk weapon so buying that first slows down my leveling.

    I literally can't shake off trash that chases me. The starting gun reloads so slowly, and even if I have RPG there's no splash damage if I shoot them too close Is there some tips to playing demo? I'm super frustrated with this class right now.

    submitted by /u/MankAndInd
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    To TWI | Killing Floor 3 | Slow it down!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:57 PM PST

    "Killing Floor is supposed to be fast, you wanker!"... just hear me out, friends. I think the next game would be benefited in a few key ways by removing sprint, reducing player jog speed, slowing zeds, and slowing reload speeds. Note this is coming from a guy with 281 hours between both KF1 and KF2 (more in KF2). This is coming from a place of great love for and experience with the franchise.


    Being able to sprint away takes a lot of the tension out of horror games (KF2 is not a horror game, but it's a sequel to a horror game). In KF1, your only means of keeping zeds at bay was to drop them. I loved the tense moments when my squad would slowly get cornered and overrun. This also happens in KF2 of course, but it's also always an option to sprint away.

    More Tactical Possibilities

    By giving players more time to plan, aim, and strategize, TWI can add additional tactics that more players will actually use. To illustrate, imagine you have a scrake coming at you. With a slower pace, players can do more stuff like "shoot the scrake in the leg for x damage to ragdoll him for a few seconds" or "shoot the scrake's chainsaw with a sniper to knock it out of his hand". This can be done in a fast environment (and is in KF2), but giving players more time would allow players (especially ones without super fast reflexes and great aim) to actually utilize tactics like these . Also imagine tactics like "shoot the husk's arm just before he shoots to make him miss his shot" or "shoot charging fleshpounds in the legs for x damage to make them stumble/ragdoll" or "melee trash zeds in the face to knock them off their feet" ect... There are tons of possibilities for this and it would add a lot of depth and variety to combat vs the frantic mad shooting that makes up most of KF2's action.

    More zeds!

    When zeds are slower, they are easier to shoot… so there can be more of them for cooler visuals and more KILLING!

    It's something different

    Like a faster pace? Play KF2! While I preferred the slower pace of KF1, KF2 felt fresh with its faster gameplay. A return to a slower pace would be a nice change for existing KF fans and open its appeal to fans of tactical shooters.

    On an unrelated note… the wild "anything goes" over-the top neon future look of KF2 is just ridiculous. I know the Killing Floor aesthetic isn't supposed to be serious and gritty like i'd prefer it to be, but I think most players do agree there should be some baseline of aesthetic consistency and plausibility.

    submitted by /u/AGFuzzyPancake
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