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    Tuesday, November 3, 2020

    Killing Floor Merc Report - Entering The Ethereal Void

    Killing Floor Merc Report - Entering The Ethereal Void

    Merc Report - Entering The Ethereal Void

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:33 PM PST

    I hate players who are hungry for kills

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 02:18 AM PST

    Almost Every map has several strategic points for the players to hold their ground or at least start strong before forced to leave the spot.

    In many cases (Prison's stairs or Black Forest's rock by the cave) having a zerk blocking the way is an essential part of the strategy.

    I am really annoyed when the group is trying to stand strong together, and the zerk is fucking off somewhere trying to reach a high kill count while having the audacity to constantly ask medic for his services, or worse die. When playing suicidal you simply need all teammates to know their role.

    It's happened to me with zerks way too often lately, but it's definitely not just players using this perk.

    There is nothing better than to work efficiently as a team... I wish more gamers had teamplayer approach...

    submitted by /u/ArtmausDen
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    Mosin Nagant needs a damage buff

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:34 PM PST

    It does 250 damage per bullet at 70rpm but the M14 does 80 damage at 272 rpm so the M14 out DPS it. I think the Mosin needs a damage buff to say 330 damage.

    submitted by /u/orange_sun20
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    Rarest Fleshpound spawn I've seen

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:07 AM PST

    Can we reduce the weight of the M99?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I'm not talking about a lot here, just 1 unit. I'd love to be able to use this gun without having to rely on either a crappy revolver with little capacity or the 9mm pistol with little reserve ammo as a sidearm. Making it weigh 11 allows you to at least carry the Winchester as a sidearm.

    submitted by /u/Collistoralo
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    What is the general consensus for firebug skills and guns?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:23 AM PST

    Hi all, I'm semi new to kf2 and I'm not sure what skills and guns I should use, currently I use the underbarrel grenade launcher/AR combo (can't remember the name, I know it's a firebug weapon) and a flamethrower, both upgraded one time, is this viable? Also, I want to know the perks I should use. I currently use both left perks and I'm not sure where to past that. Thanks I'm advance!

    submitted by /u/octopusman394
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    The teleporting zeds needs to be fixed. They are broken.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:25 AM PST

    I was challenging my self by trying to be HoE with level 0 perks. It's a fun idea and I enjoy the solutions required to over come this challenge. However I'm thinking that there isn't much point in doing it vanilla HoE. Out of the six attempts three of them ended due to Zeds teleporting behind me.

    I'm not sure how to link them but here is 2 prime examples. If you turn on audio you can tell they teleported. 1. https://gfycat.com/bogusclassicgermanwirehairedpointer 2. https://gfycat.com/greedyuniformacornwoodpecker

    An other death was to abimination who did some janky combo that I could not survive. What do you guys think I should have done here? https://gfycat.com/menacingforcefulharpseal

    As for the other deaths, one was just unlucky and the other I killed myself with grenades.

    It shouldn't be like this. It's not just skill that you need but luck too which is so dumb. I'm here more to vent my grief then demand change but man does it bum me out.

    submitted by /u/fukusernamesman
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    Is cosmetic ruining KF2?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:23 AM PST

    In my experience, the major problem is it tanks performance when someone is joining a game, causes stuttering. Second reason is it takes way too long to boot up the game. If character pack were to exists, then I wouldn't think the game had these problems

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/magik_koopa990
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    Anyone wanna play?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:15 PM PST

    I don't have many friends on PC just looking for people to play the game and maybe a few others with

    submitted by /u/ZayDaBlack
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    DLC Weapons

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 06:38 AM PST

    Do the DLC weapons or weapons bundles ever go on sale? I would really like to purchase them but I don't want to pay as much as TW is asking for them currently.

    submitted by /u/FLiX06
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    I've been away from the game for about two years. Are there any good youtubers that can get me caught up with how things have changed?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:08 AM PST

    I've been away from the game for about two years. Are there any good youtubers that can get me caught up with how things have changed?

    submitted by /u/oarngebean
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    Reloading Bug

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:44 PM PST

    Anyone else having a problem reloading? The short-term fix has been to switch weapons then switch back but it got me in trouble with fleshpounds a few times.

    submitted by /u/CabooseDOTexe
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    Why oh why would a Commando choose the 25 perk that reloads fast in zed time over SHOOTING in near real time?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST

    On PS4, I swear 9/10 Commandos I match with do not use the 25 skill where you can shoot fast in Zed Time. I get you play how you want to but when I see majority of Commandos using reload skill over the shooty shooty one, it tells me that most 25 Commandos on PS4 are noobies. Because all the homies know shooty shooty is what you want for extending zedtime to it's fullest.

    submitted by /u/cybercism
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    What has been your favorite moment ever in the game so far? (KF1 or KF2)

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 11:29 PM PST

    I'm curious what silly stories people have of these games. My personal favorite killing floor moment was on the original game. Me and my buddies were playing the Helms Deep map and throughout the entire game i collected the pipe bombs that spawned on the map (and bought as many as I could) and placed them all just outside the door leading to the inner room of the keep. We kept the zeds from getting there all game, so that by the time the boss wave came by i had like 30-40 pipe bombs outside the door. Poor patriarch didnt stand a chance, he never even made it through the door to where we were waiting... To this day my friends and I still laugh about this.

    I miss the pipe bombs from killing floor 1...

    submitted by /u/CountBlashyrkh
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    Which is the worst thing that happened to you?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 09:38 PM PST

    So, yesterday I was playing HoE after a really long time because I didn't have lvl 25 until now (Prestige) and managed to find a server with 2 really good players and we were dominating the match. Sadly, on wave 6 a lvl 18 Survivalist joined but he was decent, he was freezing all zeds he could. The worst part came when a lvl 0 Demolitionist joined and you guess it...We need to carry him because he died every round and then in the final round we all got killed because he was just playing with a Tier II HX25 (I was medic fighting 3 raged Scrakes).

    I told him to play on Hard or Suicidal servers, because we has ruining the match and he just ragequitted.

    submitted by /u/Nekronaium
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