• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Killing Floor I think the new matchmaking update broke killing floor 2 on Xbox. I can’t start up or find any games anymore.

    Killing Floor I think the new matchmaking update broke killing floor 2 on Xbox. I can’t start up or find any games anymore.

    I think the new matchmaking update broke killing floor 2 on Xbox. I can’t start up or find any games anymore.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:18 AM PST

    It do be like that sometimes for us

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:48 PM PST

    Versus match as zeds

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:10 PM PST

    Fuck the shit out of this mode. The last trophy i need for platinum other than finding all the items is to win a versus match as zeds. This is so fucking unbalanced its unbelievable. The only difficulty it lets me play is normal. If you lose a normal mode, then have to be brain dead and have no thumbs. And Im not playing against briandead players, im going up against a full stack of level 25 prestiges that are basicaly just chilling on normal mode survival. Why is the only difficulty you can play normal?????!!!!!!! How the fuck do you lose a normal mode???????? All the zeds get 1 or 2 tapped. I have a slight chance of almost getting someone to half health if i'm a fleshpound, but if I'm anything else, then i just get obliterated before im even close enough to hit someone. If i do manage to get close to someone, then i cant fucking do anything because its normal mode and the zeds are like cockroaches. Also on console there is litteral aim bot target assist that snaps directly onto the nearest zed..... Then all you have to do is flick your stick up real quick and bam, insta headshots all day. Sure you can turn it off, and i do when on survival because thats not fun, but i doubt anyone is turning their aim bot off against other players. This is absolutely ridiculous and i just need to rant. Why does this have to be a trophy. I've been grinding the trophies for this game off and on for a couple weeks, and didnt really bat and eye at the versus trophy. Thought i would just clean it up after getting all the other trophies but nope. Didn't think it would be this rediculous at all. My only chance at this is to be on killing floor 2 all day until the only versus server isnt a full stack of level 25 prestiges that only play as humans. Its like these guys are on all day all night just so trophy hunters cant get this garbage ass trophy. Im all for making trophies/achievements really hard, and i had a really fun time grinding out HoE, but this is beyond challenging. This is just retarded and pretty much impossible unless i can eventually find a server of people that have never played a shooter in their life

    submitted by /u/nigatelo67
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    Inconsiderate people on PS4

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:14 PM PST

    Lately I've been seeing a huge problem with shitty people on PS4. Like, I've seen issues before but not this bad. A couple examples of the player types I've seen:

    • Welding the door to the trader pod after entering so the arrow directs further players away. You are literally scum. Some people don't know they can follow the little radar on the top left and have to walk all the way around a different path and could miss out on trading
    • Not kicking idle players wave after wave on endless. I don't care if you can get more money from more Zeds, maybe sometime actually wants to play. This happened two nights in a row with different players and it wasn't like they were saving the spot for an afk friend, that player never came on
    • Picking up AND SELLING other people's guns who died. This is one of the first signs of a serial killer
    • Using your faster class (ie. Gunslinger, Zerker, or medic) to run in front of someone making a clear and direct path towards an ammo box, then using their passive for more ammo. I bet they probably cut in line at grocery stores too
    • The one the irks me the most: kicking players who are giving a genuine effort but die in Normal and Hard difficulties. Like dude, this is where you train to get better
    • Raging Scrakes and running back to someone to deal with it without stopping to help. I got bitch slapped by a chainsaw after dealing with 2 FPs AS A MEDIC and died. The surveyor camera showed the DEMO going away with nearly full health

    Now, I get that it's just a game but behavior like this is so unnecessary and could potentially turn someone off of a really great game because they think everyone is like that. I just hope it's just a random influx that dies out soon because it truly is frustrating to deal with

    submitted by /u/StudMuffinNick
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    Do the official store items get cheaper during Christmas?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:59 AM PST

    I have had 170 hours of fun with the game and would like to support TW by buying a few things. I have never used the store before or followed the prices.

    I am wondering if the store ever gets discounts. If so, I would wait for Christmas to buy more stuff.

    submitted by /u/ArtmausDen
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    Rewoked " Steady"

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:30 PM PST

    So how do guys feel about it? To me I barely notice any differences and I rarely used it so it feels very awkward

    submitted by /u/trung2606
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    I’m a damage medic main and I fucking love it

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:40 AM PST

    That's it you should try it it's fun. Is's also perfectly viable in a 6 man HoE game. Probably cause it's a PvE game and anything viable.

    submitted by /u/bow-boi
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    Unable to find/create any matches

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:37 PM PST

    Decided to start playing again after 2-3 years, but every time I try to find or create a match, I'm just stuck in matchmaking. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/JSSyrinx
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    Opinions on HRG Scorcher.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:16 PM PST

    What do you guys think about this weapon?
    Me and my friend were looking through the weapons we haven't tried yet and I came across this gun, it seemed pretty bad, because I had no clue about alt-fire I guess I just never checked if it had one, but I actually use it a LOT now, I know some of you are probably going to call me a noob because its not the best gun, but it's really fun to use with the alt-fire.
    Ground flames is really good because it does 2x the ground fire damage, and the gun shoots a huge line of fire. But, if you do Barbecue instead, it can help with bigger enemies because since its just a one-shot flare weapon, it probably does a good bit of DoT and barbecue might help a lot.
    Also this gun on Prison is really good when u camp at the stairs.
    (Sorry if I seem like a noob I'm not very experienced at KF2 lol)

    submitted by /u/oCrypto13
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