• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 25, 2020

    Killing Floor Great time for the LMG

    Killing Floor Great time for the LMG

    Great time for the LMG

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:23 AM PST

    If you pick acidic rounds, does the healthrower do more damage?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    The healthrower already does poison damage, but if you add acidic rounds, do it do even more?

    submitted by /u/chriswrightmusic
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    Farmhouse challenge (KF2)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:30 PM PST

    I'm probably not the only one who's done this but basically you boot up the farmhouse map and set it on hell on earth.

    The catch is you can't leave the farmhouse under any circumstance. The only time you can use the pod is when it's in the basement.

    If you want more of a survival experience turn the off music.

    Just a fun little suggestion.

    submitted by /u/Archvile935
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    Server with a live status/stats dashboard and ability to display live'ish stats on stream!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    Hello all, I hope this isnt against the rules to plug my own server but I'm really only doing so to showcase some cool data that you can pull out of the game as a server owner.

    First the live stats. This is done using a mod called magicked-admin which was first made available here on reddit by /u/stephen720p in this thread:


    This mod accesses the webadmin and pulls down the following statistics for each player:

    • kills
    • dosh
    • dosh spent
    • deaths
    • logins
    • health lost
    • time_online

    This mod pulls this information out of the game and writes it to a sqlite database. It is the foundation for gathering the data the I'm able to extract, format, and display on the live status dashboard and also live on stream using a web resource in OBS.

    The live dashboard can be found here:


    This is build on the monitoring software PRTG: https://www.paessler.com/prtg For the geeks out there this software runs on Windows and can use either IIS or its inbuilt webserver. What you see is a "map" of the various "sensors" I have configured to monitor and extract data from the game. The CPU and Memory sensors use SNMP. The Web Admin sensor loads the full page of the webadmin to confirm its availaiblity. There are two sensors which monitor the server via WMI to make sure the KF2 server process itself is running as well as the magicked admin process.

    The total server kills and total playtime hours are sensors which run a powershell script which queries the sqlite database and returns the results. The SQLite plugin for powershell is required. For reference here is the powershell script ran for each:

    Server Total Kills:

    cd \\s83-kf1\magicked-admin\ $Totalkills = Invoke-SQliteQuery -Query "SELECT SUM(kills) FROM Players" -DataSource .\server_one_db.sqlite | ConvertTo-Csv | select -Skip 2 $TotalkillsFormatted = $Totalkills.Trim('"') Write-Host $TotalkillsFormatted":OK" 

    Server Total Playtime

    $TotalPlaytimeSeconds = Invoke-SQliteQuery -Query "SELECT SUM(time_online) FROM Players" -DataSource \\s83-kf1\magicked-admin\server_one_db.sqlite | ConvertTo-Csv | select -Skip 2 $TotalPlaytimeSecondsFormatted = $TotalPlaytimeSeconds.Trim('"') $TotalPlaytimeMinutes = $TotalPlaytimeSecondsFormatted / 60 $TotalPlaytimeHours = $TotalPlaytimeMinutes / 60 $TotalPlaytimeHoursRounded = [math]::Round($TotalPlaytimeHours) Write-Host $TotalPlaytimeHoursRounded":HOURS" 

    There is also a sensor which keeps track of the player with the most kills on the server. It also queries the sqlite database to determine this. Here is the specific script:

    $MostKillsUnformatted = Invoke-SQliteQuery -Query "select MAX(kills) from players" -DataSource \\s83-kf1\magicked-admin\server_one_db.sqlite | ConvertTo-Csv | select -Skip 2 $MostKillsFormatted = $MostKillsUnformatted.trim('"') $PlayerMostKillsUnformatted = Invoke-SQliteQuery -Query "select username from players where kills = '$MostkillsFormatted'" -DataSource \\s83-kf1\magicked-admin\server_one_db.sqlite | ConvertTo-Csv | select -Skip 2 $PlayerMostKillsFormatted = $PlayerMostKillsUnformatted.trim('"') Write-Host $MostKillsFormatted":"$PlayerMostKillsFormatted 

    Lastly I have sensors that monitor the KF-Web.ini config file as well as the PCServer-KFEngine.ini. The sensors make sure that the setting which enables the webadmin and the setting that disables server takeover are set accordingly. These settings tend to get reset when the game is updated from time to time. Should these settings change PRTG will kill the server, run a script which updates the config files back to their desired settings, and then restart the server.

    I do have a sensor which tries to gather the amout of player joins throughout the day. Since the server restarts at 3am nightly a new launch.log file is created. The sensor looks in the log file for the text: "KFGameInfo.ReadReservations reading reservations from". Which is one of the messages that appears in the log when a player joins. Its supposed the count the amount of times it shows in the logs. However the sensor doesnt seem to count all the current matches in the log and I'm unsure of why. At the moment the sensor reads only one match, however the log file has 12 such matches and there are 4 people playing in the server as I type this. Very odd...

    Now for streaming you can add these stats to your stream overlay and they will update in near real-time'ish. The refresh rate is every 5 seconds. To do so add a webresource with the following URL to include the stat and your case sensitive ingame name:


    For instance to display the amount of kills that I have on the server the URL would be: http://stats.parttimegamers.net/kf2/stats.php?stat=kills&username=krakah

    To display the total amount of server kills or dosh spent the URLs are:

    http://stats.parttimegamers.net/kf2/stats.php?stat=server_kills and


    I submitted this post once before with a link to my puny twitch channel where I had this running and the thread was removed. Here is just a screenshot from my stream instead: https://imgur.com/a/uEVDOUn

    I hope you find this as interesting as I have. If you're interested in displaying some stats on stream and need help I can offer some support here or PM me. If you're looking for the server search for Part Time Gamers in the server browser!

    EDIT: formatting

    submitted by /u/krakah293
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    Does the HRG Vampire even exist?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:24 AM PST

    I was looking through the weapons on the wiki and noticed the HRG Vampire. It's 100% not a free weapon, but it doesn't say DLC and I don't see it in the in-game store. Im on ps4.

    submitted by /u/oCrypto13
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    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:19 PM PST


    Recently we would play to killing floor 2 with a friends. I am on Epic Games and he is on Steam and we can't see the other in the list of friends althoug we have linked our account steam and epic. Anyone have a solution?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/L3v1K4z4m4
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    My entire inventory is gone :( any way I can recover?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:47 AM PST

    Acidic Rounds Questions

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:32 PM PST

    Lately I've been playing a lot of combat medic mainly because the people I play with get killed way too easily for me to heal and I'm usually one of the last ones left with a (6 player health) boss and resilience does wonders. The acidic rounds aren't necessarily an out-of-this world perk like other ones, but they seem to help with the medic's low damage output. Now I know there have been threads that have elaborated on this specific perk already, but there are a few questions I have when it comes to acidic rounds:

    1) What is the delay after shooting a zed that the acid starts working and if it's instantly, why does it take a few seconds before the "poisoned" effect kicks in?

    2) Does the acid stack? (I.e. shot a zed twice so now the zed takes 6 seconds of tick damage OR double damage for 3 seconds OR only resets acid on shot after the DOT)

    3) How many times can you poison a zed? (I.e. shot a zed and poisoned it, DOT wears off, shoot again to poison)

    4) Are there any zeds that are completely immune to poison effects, or do all zeds take some percentage of the poisoning?

    5) Does the scalpel apply poison since it is a medic weapon or do only guns apply the acid effect?

    6) When attacking with a medic grenade, does the poison damage from the grenade increase due to acidic rounds or does the damage stay the same regardless?

    If anyone knows the answers to these, that would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/AjousTheAwesome
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    Game will not open

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:49 PM PST

    I tried opening up the the game but it will not open please help.

    submitted by /u/thepughangover
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    Which default map is the hardest to finish?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:10 PM PST

    Assuming hell on earth difficulty and you get the matriach, which default map is the hardest?

    submitted by /u/sphere_kitty20
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