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    Saturday, November 7, 2020

    Killing Floor Alrighty then....

    Killing Floor Alrighty then....

    Alrighty then....

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:05 AM PST

    Can't find a meme flair.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 09:45 PM PST

    Does the railgun do double damage without its auto aim?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 01:19 PM PST

    I was searching on the wiki and it said the weapon did 580 damage and it did double damage if it dint have the auto aim(with altfire) compared to the m99 wich does 850 base. Is that true and if so wouldnt the railgun just be better? Sorry if i'm being dumb i'm just new to the game

    submitted by /u/Diroguito
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    What is the best weapon bundle?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:05 AM PST

    I've decided to buy a weapon bundle and I want to know which weapon is the best? I mainly play Commando, SWAT, Support, and sharpshooter.

    submitted by /u/avancini12
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    Constantly lagging on KF2? (XBone)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:47 AM PST

    I always lag while playing KF2, doesn't matter if I'm at uni or home I always lag really badly, my internet isn't the problem at either location, does anyone have a fix for this problem? My uni has gigabit download, so it's pretty good. Would a clean install help fix the problem?

    submitted by /u/SpeakeasyG1887
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    I did it...

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Australian servers

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:14 AM PST

    So, just installed killing floor 2 today and jumped on. Hopped into matchmaking and waited ages for nothing. Browsed the server list but no servers show up. I think "whatever, I'll start a match and wait for people to join" I did that and no-one joined. What's the Aussie playerbase like? Did I just get unlucky or is it dead down under?

    submitted by /u/Epicman11374265
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    You guys want some?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 11:37 PM PST

    What kf1 weapon would you like to see added into kf2? Should it be adjusted for kf2? Dlc weapons from kf1 are up for grabs as well.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 09:27 PM PST

    Assume it will be added just like an HRG weapon, slipped into it's appropriate Skills trader menu.

    submitted by /u/Frosty_chilly
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    If I was a character in KF2

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:50 AM PST

    I got very bored and had no idea what to do, so I did this. The underscores would be where my name would go.

    Name: ____

    Nationality: Australian

    Star Sign: Scorpio

    Age: 25

    Occupation: Network Security Coder


    Although his parents are Sri Lankan, ____ was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. Graduating in Engineering and IT, he worked at a network security firm to put his anti-hacker knowledge to the test. Now all that knowledge is useless because of the Zed invasion, but that doesn't matter. ____'s trained with his dad to use a gun and he plans to use that knowledge to put all the zeds to sleep.

    Favourite Weapons (with dialogue)


    "Who doesn't love a classic incendiary pump."

    M4 Combat Shotgun

    "This M4 has shells with 'Scrake' written all over it."

    Dual HRG Buckshots

    "Dual buckshots, sign me up!"


    "You zeds want slappy slappy, or bangy bangy?"

    .500 magnum

    "Revolvers are the real alpha pistols."

    Dual .500 magnums

    "Why settle for one revolver when two are better."


    "Some old fashion stuff with a scope here. I like it."

    M16 M203

    "Bullets or Grenades? How about both, I say."


    "Never could go wrong with a simply larger weapon of mass destruction."

    When Killing Zeds Dialogue

    "Good night, Zeds."

    "Bang, mate."

    When killing with a melee weapon

    "You just got bunnyslapped!"

    When killing with fire

    "Cooked like lamb on a barbie, mate."

    When killing with explosives

    "Boom goes the dynamite!"

    Spotting ammo

    "Ammo over there, mate."

    Spotting weapon

    "Is that anyone's gun or is that there for no reason?"

    Spotting armour

    "Got a vest here."

    Spotting Scrake

    "Scrake not happy, guys."

    Spotting fleshpound

    "Got a fleshpound over here."

    Hit by Bloat Bile

    "Can't see shit!"

    Hit by Siren Scream

    "Argh, my ears!"

    When set on fire

    "I'm burning!"

    When throwing dosh

    "Don't need this dosh anymore."

    When throwing weapon

    "Guns, guns, get your guns here."

    When picking up dosh

    "Thanks, mate."

    Emote dialogue

    "Party like its the end of the world!"

    thank you

    "Cheers, mate."

    Request healing

    "Anyone a medic?"

    Request dosh

    "Anyone able to donate?"

    Request help

    "Need help here."

    Taunt zeds

    "You zeds slap me like a pillow dropping dosh coated feathers everywhere."

    Follow me

    "This way, guys."

    Get to the trader

    "To the trader, guys."


    "Sure thing, mate."



    Other dialogue

    When have a lot of dosh by the end of a round

    "My pockets have never been this full before."

    When have barely any dosh by thr end of the round

    "Zed blood's all over me, but I'm dry like an empty bank."

    Random dialogue at the end of the round

    "Just a casual day here, killing zeds and all."

    submitted by /u/The99thCourier
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    Killing Floor 2 - Winter Beta 1 Survey reminder

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 06:25 PM PST

    Announcement link

    We're thrilled to have you all join us in the current beta on PC. Now, we'd love to hear your thoughts after spending a few hours in the beta. Here's the survey to do just that!

    Link to survey

    Survey covers the following topics:

    • HRG Vampire

    • Fire Axe, Seal Squeal, Rhinos, HRG Buckshot(s) weapon adjustments

    • Steady skill adjustments

    • Faster Weapon Switch perk adjustments

    • Underslung GL Ammo Visual Indicator improvements

    Survey does not cover the following topics:

    • Frost Fang

    • Elysium map

    • Changes to player booting via WebAdmin for dedicated server owners

    Relevant links:

    How do I buy/test out DLC weapons?

    Official beta announcement + changelog list - TWI forums | /r/killingfloor discussion

    submitted by /u/ANoobSniper
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    Beta Seal Squeal Survivalist

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 03:26 PM PST

    Does anyone else feel like the Seal Squeal is an incredible Survivalist weapon in the current beta?

    It's stellar for clearing trash, great at picking off FPs and pairs well with the increased weapon switch speed and the M4 to obliterate Scrakes. Needless to say it's great on Demo too, but comparatively speaking I think it shines just a little more in a Survivalist build. Also gives you some space for a Hemoclobber and a T5 M4 if you only upgrade the Squeal once.

    submitted by /u/Impulse2V
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