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    Wednesday, July 22, 2020

    Killing Floor we all have that one teammate....

    Killing Floor we all have that one teammate....

    we all have that one teammate....

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    Thanks for the useful loading screen hint

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Killing Floor 2 Map Popularity Since Epic Store Launch

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Move Speed bonuses are detrimental to cooperative playing IMO

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    I have only played the game over 2 weeks, but games in my experience already typically devolve into only the Perks with move speed bonuses being the last to live, and when I happen to not be that Perk it isn't enjoyable having to wait excessive periods of time for the round to end. As the surviving Perk relies on their move speed runs 10 seconds, turns and shoot a Zed and repeats this process until they either finished the wave themselves or get surrounded. Often the Perks with move speed are the ones that seem most likely to turn tail and run and leave slower Perks in disadvantaged positions when stuff gets hairy, when they could have rather put in the risk to assist extricating the slower Perks from their dire situation. The game would create stronger cooperative play-styles if it was significantly more vital that your whole squad survives each round.

    I have played these speedy Perks too, and when I end up in that situation being the last one living only because I can create this run away and shoot loop, I feel like I am playing a different game by that point. Either the Zeds should have their movement speed increased when they have slain all the slower Perks to negate this advantage when playing in a cooperative match, or Perks should be differentiated from each other in ways that don't use movement speed. Other suggestions, and ideas welcomed too.

    Otherwise, if you think I am completely baseless in my position, I am open to hearing your perspective on this matter.

    submitted by /u/VoodooVirusVendetta
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    Think the Matriarch is bad? Try her with King Fleshpounds and a Patty helping her out lol

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Dear new players, yes you can pick Survivalist, but ...

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    Dear new players of KF2.

    First of, welcome to the game. It's always nice to have new faces here. There is something i feel most new people are unaware of. Yes, you can use the Survivalist, but only if you follow the one and unique condition of :


    You might get insulted or kicked if you pick Survivalist in higher difficulties. While many people give the class a bad rap and calls it trash or useless, Survivalist can be decent and can make the job if you follow some rules.

    These tips apply on harder difficulties like Suicidal and HoE. In normal and hard, you can pretty much pick anything and be somewhat ok. But it's important to learn and prepare yourself for the next difficulties.

    1- Fill the gaps in your team. Think your build.

    Many people take Survivalist just to play with the guns they like whenever they want. You are doing your whole team harm by acting like this. As a Survivalist, you are supposed to look at your team composition and have a clear idea of what your team lacks or need.

    Individually, other classes are ALWAYS better than picking Survivalist. But it is possible to be relevant as a Survivalist as long as you are a teamplayer.

    2- Don't pick Survivalist if someone is already one.

    Stacking Survivalists is a recipe for disaster. You should not have a team composed of 4 survivalists and 2 of the rest. I would advise against choosing Survivalist if there are already one or two on your team. It'll make things way harder for both you and your team.

    3- Don't go full offense, a medic gun can make wonders

    Using a Medic Weapons as a Survivalist can be a pretty nice way to support your team and help it drastically. Please considers taking a medic gun to pair your others weapons, it's always nice to have someone able to heal you when the field medic is not around .

    4- Survivalist is hard to play and require a bit of skill

    You are a bit more resistant as the Survivalist, but if you get cornered, it's pretty much adios. You are not as durable as a Berserker or a Medic and you are not as fast as a Swat or a Gunslinger. Survivalist require to have a good map awarness and knowledge of the weapons in the game. It can be unforgiving going with the wrong tools as the Survivalist.

    Remember it's better to specialize at higher levels. That's why Survivalist make players nervous or annoy them. Survivalists tends to be people going lone wolves or not caring for the team. Don't be like them : Be a nice guy and think about us, your teammates. It's a cooperative game, and we need you to survive as much as you need us.

    That's all i wanted to say, as i saw many people going for Survivalist at anytime these days. Figuring out it's just people not aware of the class they play, i wanted to share some tips and stuff here.

    Enjoy the killing !

    submitted by /u/Thazgar
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    How do I pull up this interaction wheel? I got this game on Epic and while I see keybindings for the individual options I don’t see one for the wheel.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Any way to play on epic without installing the game twice? (Already installed with steam)

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:03 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Marjakike
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    Loot and tips for killing floor 2?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Just started the game yesterday on my pc and i was wondering what tips yall can help me with and how i get loot?

    submitted by /u/chadhunter990
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    How to get rid of Fisheye/distortion on Railgun, Crossbow, M99, M14, and FN FAL?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    I can't use any of these weapons without getting serious headaches due to the absolutely massive fisheye distortion going on with their scopes. Any way to get around this, perhaps with a workshop scope?

    submitted by /u/megamanlan10
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    Killing Floor 2 - Epic Games Crashes

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Hello there!

    Recently I was playing a little bit offline and seemed that KF2 doesn't really support offline play without "creating" offline player account and does not load Perk Levels. So when I went back online and tried run to game, Epic asked if I want to save my progress from Local or Cloud. So I decided to update my save file into the cloud and after game started to crash everytime when I try to run a game. I tried to reinstall a game, disabling cloud saves but that didn't fixed. Need help!

    submitted by /u/MrDeun
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    Can't join any custom servers/maps

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    I recently got back into KF2 after a 2 year or so pause, and haven't been able to join custom servers or custom maps. Everytime i try it tells me that the server needs to be updated to the current version and i should pick a different server. I have already reinstalled the game and deleted all files under documents/mygames, also i checked my firewall, but the problem is still there. Verifying files also didn't help. I have tried googling the problem but found nothing apart from those suggestions. Does anybody have any ideas?

    Sorry about the formatting as well, on a phone currently.

    submitted by /u/Amewa
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    Why isn't my frame rate improving in spite of very low settings/config optimization?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I am playing via SteamPlay on a Debian laptop. With the in game visual settings set to low it maxes at about 21fps so I found this Video by LowSpecGamer detailing ways to optimise the game for low spec machines by editing config files.

    I have applied all of the tweaks in the video and now the game has very little texture or detail and looks the same as in the latter part of the video but for some reason my fps has not improved at all.

    It seems unusual that even though I have reduced the graphical detail of the game massively it has had zero effect on performance.

    Any idea why this would be?

    submitted by /u/Joe_Bidens_Clitoris
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    KF2 - How to unlock Oisten Jägerhorn on Epic Games?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    I know for Steam you have to follow the KF2 page/join the group. I did that, with my Steam that is linked to my Epic Games.

    But I haven't gotten him. How can I unlock him on Epic Games? I got a skin for him from a vault box so I'm assuming there's a way to unlock him?

    submitted by /u/Kyomei-ju
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    Does any one know how to join custom servers for Epic version of the game?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    What the title says. I would like to play a wild 32 player server, I got the ip of the server and the port, but I don't know how to join it.

    submitted by /u/inkplay_
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    Consistent inventory and store issues.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Whenever I try and play kf2, my inventory is empty. The cosmetics for the characters are gone. The store dosen't load. Can't find an online game most of the time, and if I do it's just me alone on it. Restarting the game mutiple times doesn't help. Restarting the epic games launcher dosen't help. Restarting my computer dosen't help. Is there any way I can fix this? I play on pc, epic games store.

    submitted by /u/bell_toad_satiric
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    Ok wtf

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    So today I log back onto KF2 and I now am level 0 on all perk. All perk! I lost everything, except of course, the crates! Wtf do I have to do now? Am I obligated to just play the whole fucking thing again?

    submitted by /u/KevenLeDallaire
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