• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 8, 2020

    Killing Floor Just got the game and I played my first match. A quick solo normal difficulty 4 round match. I got to the vault section on the menu and I went from the beginning to 25500000 (that’s where it finally stopped after this video). Was this supposed to happen or was this a glitch?

    Killing Floor Just got the game and I played my first match. A quick solo normal difficulty 4 round match. I got to the vault section on the menu and I went from the beginning to 25500000 (that’s where it finally stopped after this video). Was this supposed to happen or was this a glitch?

    Just got the game and I played my first match. A quick solo normal difficulty 4 round match. I got to the vault section on the menu and I went from the beginning to 25500000 (that’s where it finally stopped after this video). Was this supposed to happen or was this a glitch?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    ~90% of my vosh drops in a nutshell

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Am I the only one who hates the inconsistency between the EDARs and the Matriarch?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Seriously, why did they make her Orange and Green, while the EDARs are Blue and Red? They should have made her Blue and Red. Really bothers me.

    submitted by /u/ICFAOUNSFI
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    An idea for a new boss, which will probably never be a thing considering how the Matriarch was just added...

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Boss name: Daniel Ryan

    Backstory: absolutely no connection to KF1. Little is known about this character (translation: I'm too lazy to give this character a backstory) except that he used to be human, but is now a giant black slime monster encased in a Horzine biohazard suit.

    Appearance: a giant black slime monster encased in a Horzine biohazard suit. The suit has a black and orange color scheme (orange is the base color), and the entire thing is filled with black slime. His Christmas variant looks like a sweatshop worker with a large wooden box encasing his head. His Halloween variant looks like a chubby man in a suit with a television displaying the word "OBEY" encasing his head (a reference to the film "They Live"). His Summer Sideshow variant looks like Flutterschmooze. I do not have the desire to explain who / what Flutterschmooze is.

    Behavior: this boss moves around similarly to Hans. His body takes very little damage, while his headpiece takes more damage. It is important to note that in this phase it is only possible to damage his armor; he takes no damage directly. He constantly spews a black gas, exactly the same as that released by Elite Crawlers, except that it is more damaging and black. He can open his suit's visor and spew out black sludge, which is exactly the same as Bloat bile except that it is more damaging and black. He can throw globs of black sludge, which are similar to Bloat puke mines except that they are more damaging and black. He constantly summons Zeds, like in objective mode when an objective has not yet been completed. He can perform a hypnotism attack where he grabs a player similar to Hans, but does not heal himself. When he lets go, the player's vision becomes distorted, they see illusions of Zeds, can't see some Zeds (they become cloaked like a Stalker, but only to that player), and some of their teammates look like Zeds. When his armor health is fully depleted, he enters his second stage, where the hood of his suit is fully destroyed revealing 4 huge black tentacles. He stops spawning Zeds, but the ones already summoned don't despawn. His tentacles can grab and throw players, and drag them towards a tooth-filled maw in their center which can bite players like the Abomination. He still spews black gas, vomits black sludge, and throws black sludge mines.

    Voice lines: he just screams and laughs insanely, like a crazy person. When his armor is broken, his voice remains the same except that it becomes deeper.

    Soundtrack: his music would have the same intensity and tempo of "115".

    submitted by /u/ICFAOUNSFI
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    Whats better the .500 Magnums or the Deagles?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    I started playing the gunslinger more and i wanted to find out what gun is more powerful

    submitted by /u/mxixkxkxyx
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    Steam to Epic questions.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    Got 450 hours on steam but getting it on epic to play with school friends. Will all my skins and perk levels carry over? Is there any chance that something could go wrong with the files? Dont know much about PC's.


    submitted by /u/shrekshrekdonkey5
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    Gunslinger question

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    Hey, Ive played GS a while but I dont know what guns are really better than others. I know that I use the 1911s, the deagles, and the magnums. This loadout works well for trash clearing and killing big zeds. But are the afs better than the magnum? And should I even use the rhino ir glock?

    submitted by /u/KyleFireblade75
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    when you run off while fighting the patriarch

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    Is kf2 for low end PC's

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    So I have a windows 10, brand new, didnt get a new graphics card for it

    So should I get it or is it going to destroy my pc

    submitted by /u/theholyfricknugget
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    Perilous Plunder achievements no longer showing on 7/7?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    Playing on PC, I thought the event ended on 7/9? Was planning to help a buddy finish tonight, but the seasonal tab is missing.

    Anyone else have this problem or am I mistaken on the event end time?

    submitted by /u/xindig
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    Welcome Wednesday

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    If you're a new/novice player and have questions -- any questions -- this is a great place to ask them.

    This is a place where everyone in the r/KillingFloor community can answer questions that new players might have. This could be anything from advice on which class to play, what guns to buy, how to take down specific zeds, how certain perks work, etc. This thread is geared towards new players but anyone is free to ask questions and answer questions.

    If you are looking to find people to play with feel free to say so but also check out the LFG post below.


    Relevant Links:

    • Subreddit Wiki FAQ - Answers a lot of basic frequently asked questions here (which we'll add to over time). Includes a lists of crates and what's in them. Also includes a basic guide on DLCs and how to test drive the DLC weapons (command codes are pc only).

    • LFG post - LFG stands for "looking for group". You can put yourself on the list, add people to your friends list from it, and look for servers (servers are pc only)

    • Big ol' Doc of Everything - Lists numbers of everything. Basically a mechanical reference for KF2 and explains a lot of stuff. I promise it's worth a look.

    New Player Guides:

    • Suicidal and Hell on Earth: A Guide - "what's" and "why's" of optimal play, but includes a thorough examination of the meta concepts and the thought processes that arrive at those conclusions.
    • Richard Dangles - A youtuber that covers various aspects of the game such as loadouts and tips/tricks.
    • (suggest any good written guides or videos you've come across so we can add them to the weekly thread)

    Killing Floor 1 Related:

    • Exiled Coalition - A discord gaming community based on Killing Floor 1 that strives to bring a sense of gaming companionship in this decade old game. You can connect with KF1 servers and other players here.
    submitted by /u/T-R-A-D-E-R_Bot
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    (KF2)(PC) gore not being at is best

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    anybody know why the gore wouldnt be as over the top as it used to be? i remember blowing a bloats head off and seeing it leave a bloody trail, but now it doesnt do that. now it only leaves blood stains when i gib an enemy. my gore is set to high and environmental detail is also set to ultra. is there any more settings i need to adjust for maximum gore?

    submitted by /u/Baconater2531
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    (KF2)(PC) blood and gore not work right :((

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    anybody know why the gore wouldnt be as over the top as it used to be? i remember blowing a bloats head off and seeing it leave a bloody trail, but now it doesnt do that. now it only leaves blood stains when i gib an enemy. my gore is set to high and environmental detail is also set to ultra. is there any more settings i need to adjust for maximum gore?

    submitted by /u/Baconater2531
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    Excruciatingly annoying

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Any help on how to fix this would be really appreciated.

    I have a Geforce GTX 1050. Core i5-7300HQ and 8 Gb of Ram


    submitted by /u/MrBumfluff101
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    Map download question

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    When I join some server on which I need to download map where can I find that map in my files ? is it in rom format ?

    Also anyone remembers sites or even archive where I can download old maps ? There are some which I can't find anywhere But some of those maps are on those servers so I am asking thanks ahead.

    submitted by /u/melinarois
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    Would anyone please help me get the VS trophy on PS4? It's the last trophy for me to Plat the game

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    I just need someone to be on the opposing team. My PSN is LickSkilletHD

    submitted by /u/LiquidRedneckYT
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