• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 20, 2020

    Killing Floor So tired of this on hoe

    Killing Floor So tired of this on hoe

    So tired of this on hoe

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    Weekly mission

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    How is it possible to earn any dosh in the weekly mode? I cant get past pistol even when the round is 6/7. I can only play medic as its lvl 22 and next one is 7.

    submitted by /u/usiim
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    KF2 still worth it?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Basically I'm a long long time KF1 vet, like, saw it's release spotlight on Steam the month it came out and bought it. Quit a few years later after hundreds of hours after playing it forever and not being huge on a lot of the new DLC (the new weapons felt a bit gimmicky to me, didn't like that they were DLC).

    So I never really played KF2. My interpretation is that the mood and even general gameplay looks quite a bit different, and not in a way that I particularly am into.

    That being said, it's only $10, so would you guys still recommend it? How does it hold up, and how does it compare to KF1?

    submitted by /u/King-Of-Rats
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    My quickest round so far! What is your best time?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    VS Survival Trophies PS4

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Anyone wanna swap these 2 trophies and help each other out? Can't even find a lobby

    submitted by /u/plathany
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    Subreddit PSA: Spammer posts (and a couple of other heads-ups)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Good day, /r/KillingFloor! Hope everyone is taking care of themselves in this period of time.

    In light of a few posts we already had to deal with recently, I'd like to take this time to inform users here about these posts, and how you can help in regards to them.

    The influx of Spam Posts here (and on Reddit), and how you can help

    For those that are not aware, we had an issue of bots occasionally showing up posting one of the following types of spam posts:

    • An image of a T-Shirt that has nothing to do with the franchise, nor is it official merchandise by Tripwire, followed by a comment (sometimes the poster itself, sometimes another sock-puppet account) posting a link to this item.

    • A low-effort Photoshop post containing just an image of a perk icon superimposed onto a random KF2 image, and the comments having a link to a store.. Here is an example of one such post we've caught, in case my explanation is not clear enough.

    While these posts usually never see the front page, either because they were already shadow-banned by Reddit admins themselves, or were caught up by our spam filter, there are rare cases where these posts will somehow slip through these filters and won't be detected until it's been several hours.

    This issue is not just limited to the confines of /r/KillingFloor, this affects many fan communities dedicated to everything from other video games, sport teams, television shows, etc. While us community mods are doing all we can to remove most of them before they can pop up to provide you a 99.9% spam-free discussion board, we are only human at the end of the day and can't catch them all, 24/7.

    So, what can you do? Simple - report these posts if you come across them, and a moderator will deal with them. Telltale signs of these pesky spammers showing up would be the following:

    • Innocuous usernames such as (name)(random string of numbers) or (name)(name)(random string of numbers)

    This is a small list of bots that previously showed up here and have since been banned (both on the subreddit and from Reddit entirely), to get an idea of how these bots are named (not all of them are listed here, this is intended as an example):

    NinaHansen689, Jed-1980, Lillian2l, FranciscoBryan54, BrianTownsend87, Dominic582555, These-Gap

    • Either one of these aforementioned post types (Either a post about a T-Shirt titled 'Killing It', a post talking about T-Shirts, or just a low-effort Photoshopped image)

    • Rarely, a commenter (usually following the same naming rules) pretending to be a real user and expressing interest on it.

    Political posts here (and on Reddit), and how you can help

    Recently, we've also gotten a new type of spam post regarding recent political events regarding the political climate within the United States. We would like to remind everyone that this subreddit is strictly a discussion board dedicated to the Killing Floor games themselves, and thus these political topics are not strictly forbidden here as it violates our rules on Unrelated Content for Subreddit.

    Do not comment or vote on these posts. Just report them and let the mods handle them. Regardless of your personal political beliefs, do not give it the attention it deserves.

    PC Gaming Show 2020, and the future of the Killing Floor franchise

    This next one is a few days late, but I thought I'll make another PSA about it anyway.

    For those that are unaware, John Gibson (president of Tripwire Interactive - the devs of the Killing Floor games) mentioned during last week's PC Gaming Show that the company is 'really thinking about what's next for the Killing Floor franchise, so stay tuned.'

    This is a friendly mod reminder that this should not, I repeat, NOT be considered an indicator that Killing Floor 3 has been confirmed by Tripwire. This could literally mean anything from more content updates to a spin-off title or even additional KF franchise material in the future.

    Until it has been officially announced, either on official Tripwire sources such as their official forums, the Steam Community discussion board, or via reputable gaming news sites, take all things related to Killing Floor 3 or other KF games with a pinch of salt. If you see any posts here talking about KF3 or any potential additions to the franchise (outside of fan speculation threads) before any official and reliable sources have confirmed it, do report it to us mods.

    Contacting us mods

    Fellow mod Kaiyoto had already made a post about this, but I'll repeat it here anyway:

    The best way to contact us mods will be via the 'Message the Mods' on the sidebar. Doing so is much better than privately messaging us or starting a Reddit Chat, because then any mod can see and respond to it, and it is much easily documentable for other mods to see. If you need to flag a post for violating our community rules, do use the Report function. Remember: The Report is not a Mega-Downvote. Please do not abuse it for posts you dislike.

    Also, as a small reminder: None of the /r/KillingFloor moderators are affiliated with Tripwire Interactive. Please do not message us mods for stuff beyond our control, such as bans from the official KF Discord server, the Steam Community group, etc. as we can do nothing about it, really.

    Thanks and have a good day.

    Edit: Some formatting

    submitted by /u/ANoobSniper
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    I really wish there were ways to earn crate keys.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    I think it would be cool if they implemented weekly challenges (or something in that nature) and have the reward be a few crate keys. Shoot, I'd be happy if it was just one crate key. Would be fun to have some sort of objective to work towards every week

    submitted by /u/OGDannyD
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    Swat even worth playing?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    I enjoy swat a whole bunch with free armor, and his run and gun playstyle with the smgs, but I still get messages in suicidal and HoE lobbies telling me to "just play commando" or "useless" but i do my best to ad clear, should i just make the switch and ditch swat?

    submitted by /u/wowthisnameworked
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    PS4 player

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    Every server I join is literally empty. I always play by myself and I'm tired of it. My username is Lucid_Shark text me if you wanna play together. Happy to play with y'all

    submitted by /u/xXCYSTXx
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    My HRG weapon ideas

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    HRG Wyvernsbreath - Basically Dragonsbreath but shoots multiple snowballs. Belongs to survivalists

    HRG Triple Fire - a 9mm pistol but only have burst fire like beretta 93r, Has 20 bullet per mag. Can be dual wield. Belongs to gunslingers

    HRG Laser Rifle - a P90 that shoots lasers like edar blasters. Belongs to Commando

    My brain hurts while gathering this idea lmao

    submitted by /u/miekuah
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    Players who refuse to play and work as a group. Why?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    I just got out a match that fell apart cuz everyone one of my teammates ran off into the void and died.

    submitted by /u/C0l0ny8i8i
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    Gunslinger/Dual Wielded guns

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    I've been playing gunslinger and I realize when you have dual guns you can ads both guns so they aim together or just ads with the right one, but I don't know if one is better or more accurate

    submitted by /u/AntsAreInsects
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    [KF2] My dedicated server doesn't show up in the server browser

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Me and my friends can join to my dedicated server using the console, but invites don't work and the server doesn't appear in the server browser. I already opened the ports that i had to btw. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/flacc1d_snake
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    LFG PS4 Preferably have mics

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    Title says it all, looking for people on PS4 to play with who preferably have mics. Add me if you want to team up tonight or sometime in the future.


    submitted by /u/SSReAPeR
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    [KF2] Covid-19 Tier List?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Im kinda new to the game and me and my friend are trying to not level up the wrong perks and I already swat level 25 and my friend has firebug and I'm pretty sure they aren't good, so if someone with more experience can help tell me what the good perks are 👍

    submitted by /u/AntsAreInsects
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