• Breaking News

    Monday, May 18, 2020

    Killing Floor Banana glock is done XD

    Killing Floor Banana glock is done XD

    Banana glock is done XD

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    Not even a chance to run

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    The worst/scariest thing I've experienced in killing floor 2 summed up in a meme video.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    What's up with the EDAR hate?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    I'm pretty new to this community, but I'm thoroughly enjoying every hour I pour into this game. However, I'm a bit confused about the hate I seem to see everywhere for EDARS. Like, what's the deal? I think their design is pretty nice, their health isn't very high, and it always adds an interesting dynamic to the match when I'm running from a fleshpound or scrake and suddenly missiles fly past my head or I'm immobilized forcing me to switch priorities. The only thing that would make them better imo is if they killed zeds too to add to the chaos lol. Idk, maybe I just have bad taste but why does nobody else seem to like them?

    submitted by /u/Actual_Trash_Can_34
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    Killing Floor 2 Scrake Blunderbuss Takedown using Demo's Level 20 Concussive Rounds

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Modding Monday - 5/18/20

    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    Feel free to talk about modding Killing Floor.

    • Did you try a new map or mod this weekend? What did you think about it?
    • Is there a mod that you think is great that you want to get noticed?
    • Do you have suggestions for a mod?
    • Are you working on a new mod? Got something in production you want to show off?
    • Got a question about adding a mod?
    • Got a question on how to mod?
    • Got a question on how to start creating mods?

    These are just some examples. If it's related, talk about it.

    Special Thread Rules: * If a mod is specific to Killing Floor 1, remember to mention it. * Self Promotion in regards to mods/maps is allowed here. * Rule #1 still applies here, so please don't suggest exploit mods or killbox mods. * Rule #2 still applies. Treat your fellow mercenaries like humans and save the hate for the zeds.

    Steam Workshop Mods for the Week

    submitted by /u/Kaiyoto
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    Buffing poison by not making Zeds panic but vomit.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    I know that with Zed's motion-captured animations it's probably rather difficult and resource-intensive to implement, but just an idea I had when seeing TW trying to make acidic rounds more viable:

    What if instead of making Zeds panic, poison instead would, well, poison them, leading to them vomiting while either standing still (almost straight), bending over (leaning 45° to 80° forwards), or kneeling on all fours.
    Seeing how TW at least tried to give Medic the choice between buffing mates and debuffing Zeds (i.e. with the Hemogoblin), I'd think it's rather fitting to not try to kill Zeds outright but rather incapitate them for a second or so.

    I picture it like this:
    Each weapon deals a certain "amount of posion" with each shot. A good thing to base that amount on would probably be damage, unless weapons are specifically designed to be more poisonous, e.g. a syringe-gun with weak damage but high poisonousness.
    Each Zed has a specific poison-threshold. That should probably be generally based on a Zed's health, with tweaks to the individual types of Zeds. Sirens look like they have little blood to begin with, so their threshold should be lower, while one could argue Bloats should have a relatively high threshold, if any at all.
    After hitting the poison-threshold, a Zed would throw up in a fitting animation (standing, bending over, or kneeling) for about 1-4 seconds (depending on Zed and animation), but obviously still moving it's head a lot before straightening up and pushing forwards, having lost a noticeable "amount of poison" so it takes a bit to reach that threshold again. While throwing up the Zed is immune to more poison to prevent easy stunlocks.

    It would be easier to apply than ice and any Medic-weapon could apply it with "acidic rounds" or "Zedative", but hitting vomiting Zeds is of course not as easy as hitting ones that are completely frozen.
    Talking about Zedative: Should a throwing-up-mechanic be implemented, it should probably have added "instantly makes Zeds vomit" or "massively increases Zed-poisoning", maybe in exchange for less damage than it does now.

    submitted by /u/RoughShadow
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    Question about hosting a server in KF2 via dedicated or rented server?!

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:16 AM PDT


    I wanted to ask some help about hosting a server in Killing Floor 2.

    I wanted to host a online server, where I could play custom maps with my friends. So I rented a server from the site called: ZAP-Hosting.com. But I don't quite understand how the game hosting works when you have a rented or dedicated server (KF2Server.bat).
    I wanted to ask a few questions regarding that:

    1) First of all I would like to know, if my rented server is up and running, does it appear on the server list in the game? or I have to connect to it by opening console: "open (server ip)"? or where does the server appear?

    2) Question about the rented server: I'm renting a server from this site called: "ZAP-Hosting.com". But I guess the settings are almost the same also on the other sites. How do you change the difficulty, map, waves etc? Do you have to open the config file on the server site and then edit the settings there?

    3) If I can't see my server in the server list and can't connect to it by console. Then I probably have to open some ports in my router page?

    4) When hosting a dedicated server: I have to open the KF2Server.bat, and go to the webadmin page (where I can change the map and all the server settings). And my server should pop up on the kf2 servers list? Or where do I see it/ How can I connect to it?

    I'm very grateful for all the support you can give me.

    Thank you in advance,
    Chris M

    submitted by /u/ktn21
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    Killing Floor 1 Docker, to anyone who's interested :)

    Posted: 17 May 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Hey there, floor killers;

    I'm a Guide writer and a modder (kinda new) dedicated to Killing Floor 1, and i want to share my latest release of a Dockerized Killing Floor dedicated server configuration. If anyone is interested you can find it HERE available to use by everyone. (Github Repo)

    My work also in case anyone misses KF1:

    A lot of ZEDs were harmed doing this work.

    submitted by /u/XerXesKay
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