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    Friday, March 13, 2020

    Killing Floor Beware of falling Fleshpounds

    Killing Floor Beware of falling Fleshpounds

    Beware of falling Fleshpounds

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Medic became my favorite class after many years playing this game.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    I only picked this class if nobody else wanted to be the medic. Ever since I started playing KF1. And recently I've been using it more, and making my top priority the survival of my team mates has become something I love so much. Plus I challenge myself to heal a team mate that runs far away from the group. It makes me feel like a true hero when you have a berserker who's about to die but then you come with the last second clutch shooting a dart in his ass and he survives haha.

    I'm not even that good with the medic yet but I wanna improve a lot.

    Anyway I know this is a "cool story bro" post, I just wanna share and thank all medics out there who inspire me, y'all deserve a lot of recognition too!

    submitted by /u/zb0t1
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    Anyone playing during COVID-19 quarantine?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    I know I will! We're not quarantined over here yet but that's just a matter of time. I expect to be playing this full time next week. Stay healthy everyone!

    submitted by /u/PimpHomicide
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    List of Meta loadouts and skill choices for nearly every perk.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    This is a write up I did a few months ago in response to a post asking for loadout suggestions. Since then I've copied and pasted this information for several similar questions, and figured that I'd make a post to refer to instead of commenting walls of text repeatedly. All information contained here is designed for use in 6p HoE games, but they will obviously work wonders regardless of difficulty. The info is a couple updates behind, and while things have generally remained the same, let me know if something seems off or if you have any questions.

    Medic- There's a couple main loadouts, I'll cover each briefly

    401+101+DBS/Katana - 401 and 101 provide infinite healing minus swap time due to the fast recharge rate, while a dbs can allow for raged scrake stumbles or raged fleshpound jukes. A katana can also be taken to reduce damage upon parrying a raged FPs attack to derage it.

    401 + 501- Bread and butter aoe healing and trash killing. 501 is stupid strong and this is the best loadout to take advantage of it

    401 + Freezethrower - Allows for plenty of healing while providing utility through a large supply of freezes. All larges can be frozen with a continuous stream. Raged fleshpounds and QPs should be deraged first otherwise they will heavily resist freeze.

    Support - There's two main categories of loadouts, those that include AA12 and those that include M4, all should take a dbs.

    AA12 + T4 DBS + 101 + HRG Buckshot - T4 DBS allows for 2 shots scrake takedowns with RRRRR and 3 shot FP takedowns. Buckshot is useful for trash for the majority of the time. AA12 can be used to kill or weaken FPs and clear excessive trash.

    AA12 + Doomstick - Doomstick can 2 shot FPs and decap scrakes with 1 alt and an AA12 shot. Doomstick obviously serves the same role as dbs for stumbles but is much easier to use.

    AA12 + HZ12 + DBS - Foregoes the 2 shot scrake dbs takedown and 3 shot FP takedown for extra ammo for trash killing in the form of HZ12 and improved zed time. AA12 should be saved for larges with this loadout.

    I'm not super familiar with M4 builds but generally they should consist of a T4 DBS, an HZ12 and an M4 upgraded to fill the remaining weight, there may be some variations here that I'm not aware of.

    Commando - All builds should take a 401. FAL is absolutely the meta secondary rifle, but AK12 and Scar are fine substitutes. M16 has some niche uses but overall should be avoided.

    Gunslinger - Anything that doesn't include HX25 or Spitfires. Deagles are generally a must have and you want to have some option for trash killing to preserve ammo in large killing guns. Usually a T2 or T3 Med pistol does wonders in that regard. Deagle upgrades are overpowered but beware of the ammo shortage associated with that. Anything else goes.

    Sharpshooter- There are two main archetypes, M14 sharp and Railsharp. As my flair implies I'm not a very big fan of the latter but I'll outline the builds regardless.

    M14 + FAL - Both all purpose rifles are used to combat the M14s low reserve ammo when used alone. If you don't feel comfortable with full auto FAL takedowns, or the map doesn't lend to them very well, then use it mainly for trash and save M14 for larges.

    T4 M14 + T3 SPX + 101- Returns both the M14 and SPX to their former glory, but SPX must be used whenever possible for larges to preserve M14 ammo.

    T5 Rail + SPX and LLLRR skills - 2 rack em up will one-shot scrakes, and FPs will always stumble on the first headshot. Deletes larges but is relatively weak to trash, laning with a commando or swat fixes this issue.

    Demo - T5 RPG + C4 + Deagle - The meta demo loadout. One shots scrakes and has the fastest double and triple FP takedowns if performed correctly. The C4 and Deagle may be replaced with an M79 if you don't trust your team, but don't attempt to engage multiple FPs without C4.

    Theres a few other perks I didn't cover because I'm not familiar enough with them to comment on the best builds available.

    All of the loadouts here are optimal, meaning they provide you with the highest skill ceiling and chance to win, this doesn't mean you always have to run them or risk being burned at the stake. Do what you enjoy, that is what games are for after all, but be aware that at higher difficulties these loadouts will be very much appreciated if not expected.

    Here are the generally best skill choices for each perk.

    Support- RRRLR for waves 1-3ish(until larges start spawning) then RRRRR. The dbs and doomstick are too good to give up a faster reload with, Salvo hits a significant number of breakpoints across the board, tight choke allows you to consistent hit heads even at range for large takedowns and penetrate more efficiently, concussion rounds enables the dbs to stumble raged fps and allows for hz scrake takedowns, and it should be fairly obvious why barrage is better.

    Sharp- RLLXR for EBR, FAL, and SPX builds. LLLRR for railgun builds. The AMR is worse in almost every way to T5 or even T4 rail. Marksman is better for REU reliant guns, stability is a massive increase in both dps and the reload speed is nice, however is scrakes are a particular worry then ballistic shock is an option. REU is too much damage to pass up for the rifles, always prepared and deadeye are mostly up to personal taste, and the damage bonus from assassin doesn't hit any significant breakpoints so ranger is taken instead.

    Commando- RXXLR Hi cap mags is necessary to hit several mag breakpoints on scrakes and allow for breathing room on takedowns, fallback is better wave 1 and then is up to personal choice afterward as impact rounds allows all rifles to stumble scrakes. Tenacious and always prepared is also up to personal choice but the FAL benefits greatly from always prepared imo. HPR is hands down the better option over eat lead. It cuts your recoil in half and gives you enough damage to kill things quickly. Machine gunner allows you to extend off medium trash much easier, and "juggle" large kills with extensions with enough practice. If one rifle needs to reload simply swap to the other to extend.

    Gunslinger--RLRLR Quick draw cuts all recoil while hip firing by 75% and increases switch speed. REU is necessary for slingers damage, speedloader makes reloads while both pistols are empty nearly instant. Skullcracker slows larges significantly during takedowns and fan fire allows you to pretty much destroy any larges in sight during extended zed time.

    Medic- LLLLL The medic buffs are the only way to mitigate more damage than the 10HP/s healing in the game. Taking any right side skills gimps the only unique niche that medic has.

    SWAT LLLLR wave 1 then XRLRR afterward. LLLL gives you a ton of starting armor and another 9mm to sell, while tac reload and cripple are obvious picks later on.

    Demo- LLLLL Left side perks allow you to one shot scrake heads with T5 RPG, 3 shot bodyshots FPs and destroyer of worlds bypasses the consecutive C4 damage penalty while poison panicking FPs buys you extra time to kill them.

    Zerk- XRRLR Dreadnought should be picked if zerk walling with medic, and skirmisher otherwise. Butcher is better with a Med, but vamp can be taken in a pinch if you have little outside healing. Parry is hands down the better perk over resistance offering massive damage mitigation and extra dps. Smash applies extra damage from all sources to heads, putting it way above massacre, and I shouldn't have to explain why making zeds run away from a melee perk is bad...

    Only perk I can't really comment on skills is firebug.

    submitted by /u/xXTOPWOLFXx
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