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    Thursday, February 20, 2020

    Killing Floor My Interactions with Tripwire

    Killing Floor My Interactions with Tripwire

    My Interactions with Tripwire

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:37 AM PST

    I thought I would post this up as I have both gotten back into KF2 lately, and have seen way too many posts on gaming subs that criticise developers and publishers.

    Years back, I played a huge amount of Killing Floor. Every day a few hours, every day helping some guys get achievements on the hardest difficulties because me and my mate had already cracked them. It was my zen, peaceful game (LoL was about to ruin that, but that's a whole other story). During this time we met another player on Steam "Pops". Pops was a Texan, a grandad, a Vietnam veteran and all round the nicest bloke ever. He shared his cash between rounds. He took roles noone wanted to round out the team. He was an absolute gem. We would play with him so much we became fast friends, even as a 19 year old Brit. Sometimes he would have to leave abruptly, because "my grandson is here, and he wants his choccy milk" (imagine a super heavy Texan drawl to that).

    So with Pops birthday coming up, we hatched a plan. His playtime in killing floor was hundreds of days straight, eclipsing even mine. So I emailed Tripwire, the developers, to ask if I could get a confirmation from them that Pops was one of the best and most hardcore players they had. I figured he would like to hear it from the horse's mouth. Tripwire emailed me back pretty quickly, and although they didn't have direct access to Steams numbers, they can see from his profile that he was easily in the top percentile of Killing Floor players and they were blown away by his dedication. Also, while they were at it, I played way too much as well, they reckoned. Attached to the email was 2 steam codes, one for him and one for me, for every single piece of DLC for KF (which was a sizable amount from guns to skins to voice packs, etc) and all the other Tripwire games on Steam. We were told to go enjoy ourselves. Pops loved his gift, and he is still out there on KF (I darent check his played hours....)

    Now I know part of this was the not so far in the future release of KF2. But for a company to do that for players was pretty cool and it really made an old guys day.

    Edit: 7686 hours on killing floor as of today, also known as 332 full days. The man is a beast.

    submitted by /u/Teh_Mongoose
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    KF-Bedlam [Alpha 01] A semi complete pool area redesign. More info in comments. Cheers!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 04:05 AM PST

    KF-Cardboard. While developing KF-Bedlam, of course this map is still in the works. Hope to show off some gameplay soon!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:31 AM PST

    A list of all that is wrong with the game, and a message to Tripwire.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:40 AM PST

    We all saw the community announcements about what is coming next for Killing Floor 2, and needless to say, I'm not the only one who finds this underwhelming. I'll explain why shortly, but before I do what should any of you even bother reading this ?

    I've been playing since the early access phase of the game, the very beginning since it was available, even if I did so with long hiatuses. I also played KF1, to a much lesser extent.

    Here are the screenshots to prove my claims. - KF2 https://imgur.com/DCfkjrl - KF1 https://imgur.com/vgNKchw

    I've seen TWI do both amazing fucking things, and things that changed the experience in a pretty bad way. TWI has a problem with quality control, and it now has a problem with the quantity content it puts out. I trust Tripwire will come to reason and act before it is too late to do anything to save the game, because, while its playerbase is rather healthy in my point of view (at least on PC), it cannot go on forever with updates as mediocre like this. Therefore, I took it upon myself to make a list of the major things that are wrong according to the majority of the community, these are simply things I kept seeing on forums and reddit alike.

    • Monetization : The biggest elephant in the room. When Microtransactions were introduced, I remember the shitstorm, and it was legitimate, the game was still in early access, and even to this day, charges INSANE prices for keys and skins. Now onto an even more tragic in my opinion, the recent, and rather stupid decision, to add in DLC weapons for an outrageous price is entirely different. I was fine with cosmetics, even if their price is ludicrous. But now we're talking about outlandishly-priced WEAPONS, which is a completely different story. This not only affects gameplay, it was done in a way that I simply can't support. KF1 had weapon packs, like 4 weapons for 10 euros, probably went down, so whatever. But in this case, it's 10 euros for a single weapon, and some shitty skins. I can't and won't buy it. I understand Tripwire needs funding for KF2, I really do. But something tells me charging ridiculous prices isn't going to help funding the game instead of charging adequate prices for DLC weapons. Furthermore, there are more ways to monetize the game that do not split the community, such as adding a "battlepass", and this touches on a few more points that need to be addressed as well.

    • The things that keep you coming back. Weeklies, dailies, monthly challenges, and the Vosh system. These are OBVIOUSLY systems that were meant to be expanded upon, yet were not. You gain far more Vosh by playing the weekly, and doing the dailies, then logging off for the rest of the day; than by playing after these are done. And even worse, the vosh you amass serves no purpose at all. To add fuel to the fire, the skins you get are overwhelmingly bad and bland, except for precious vosh skins. These were meant to be coming in series, yet we only have the series 1 crate. This means what it means, just like a bunch of features in KF2, it was simply shelved, and left as it was. For years. Which brings me onto my next point.

    • Unfinished stuff. So much of the content was unfinished. The upgrade system, Vosh vault, weeklies, the survivalist, the balancing (more on that later), the abomination/king FP were rushed as well, the Rioter which looks out of place more than anything (and could be fixed easily) or the objective mode; which is literally the SAME FUCKING OBJECTIVES over and OVER again. If Tripwire has some difficulties pushing new content, then so be it. But refining content, fixing bugs and making the game more enjoyable by expanding on previous additions requires far less effort and money than creating things from the ground-up, with literally NO downsides unless you fuck this up and change it for the worse. If you're running out of money for brand new content, then it is ok, just concentrate on making the game better by refining stuff you've left as such for years.

    • The balance is also fucked. Be it zeds teleporting right behind you, or a static meta, or the fact some perks have been left for years in the same state with skills that are obviously no-brainers, and others that are nothing but memes at this point. Also, something has to be done about difficulty in the game. I understand the game needs fresh blood and more casual players, but to retain players as they get better and are sucked into the game, they need to be faced with a challenge; something that is hard because it's hard, and not because a pack of stalkers spawns right behind you and kills you in 2 seconds. Hell on Earth is what it is, you pick the meta spot, you choose lanes, you choose the meta perks and the meta weapons, and you wait for the zeds. What would happen if you created another, harder difficulty with twice the max amount of zeds ? That is just an idea of mine, but I'm NOT playing on HOE primarily, so actual ideas and suggestions are better left to someone who plays this regularly.

    This brings me to the conclusion of all this. You have a game that still pulls a lot of players, years after release, which is great. But your game has flaws, flaws that could be easily fixed if you put your time into fixing them, and will not require as much money as would adding brand new content would. You have a dedicated community which is ready to help you with the balancing, the maps, ideas and so on, please use our knowledge, I beg you. I want to keep playing, I want to see new weeklies, I want to see more variation, I want to unlock stuff, I want to see the survivalist finally reworked and taken off the meme-tier status. There are so many of us ready to put our time down to help you find out what could be done, it's only a matter of you being ready to hear us out.

    submitted by /u/Jorrick_
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    Players needed for Killing Floor 2 PS4

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:52 PM PST

    I am 5th prestige lvl 17 support. Looking to get that HoE trophy. Add your tag and I would be happy to get a session on later tonight. Will even play a few suicidal and Hard matches for the warm up.

    submitted by /u/neishwhite98
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    Question to pro players that play solo HoE on official maps

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:29 AM PST

    How many times do you get raped by the game even if you play well?

    I'm no mlg but sometimes shit just happens out of nowhere, what are your experiences with solo HoE with all the various classes?

    Personally having a bit of a tough time with support, demo and sharp, because of trash atm

    submitted by /u/RhyderHD_01
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    KF2: Anyone know why I keep getting 3-5 unlocked vault crates every day? I don't even play that much.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:19 AM PST

    Is there some event going on?

    submitted by /u/SillyConclusion0
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    Which two perks should me and my friend choose to be a good 2 men team?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 03:39 PM PST

    Hello, new here!

    I was wondering, which two perks will go along each other the best when wanting to create a two-man team? 🤔

    Also, out of topic, I'm looking for a third person to play with us 😉😊

    submitted by /u/ontzu
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    TakeOver on my own server

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:54 PM PST

    Is there a way for me to prioritize which server I "take over" when I create a match?

    My server is set up and I can connect to it manually. But sometimes my difficulty and map preferences change, and I don't want to change the .ini file every time I want to change that.

    submitted by /u/ahlexkim
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