• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 28, 2020

    Killing Floor While you wait for the final release, here is KF-BEDLAM Alpha v2.0 game-play. This version is completely OBSOLETE, but I wanted to share what progress looked like in this playable version.

    Killing Floor While you wait for the final release, here is KF-BEDLAM Alpha v2.0 game-play. This version is completely OBSOLETE, but I wanted to share what progress looked like in this playable version.

    While you wait for the final release, here is KF-BEDLAM Alpha v2.0 game-play. This version is completely OBSOLETE, but I wanted to share what progress looked like in this playable version.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:12 AM PST

    The Humble Hard Difficulty Players.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 12:38 AM PST

    A bit of a random post here I felt inspired to share after joining a random hard server.

    I'm a player who has worked my way up from hard to HOE difficulty and nowadays I usually play HOE difficulty or suicidal difficulty.

    Today though, I happened to join a hard difficulty server. It was bad manners to join at wave 8 but I thought since it was hard it wouldn't be too big a deal. We were playing West London and holding out just outside the church. I was holding the church doors and the back fence spawn (where the piled up cars are).

    Having just come from a suicidal game where everyone turned out to be body shot players and couldn't punch through the zeds hp quickly enough such that we got surrounded and killed by wave 2, I wasn't expecting much.

    What I saw though left me very impressed I'm glad to say!

    Some highlights of the match:
    The Sharpshooter

    On wave 9, there was a sharpshooter who did an FAL takedown on a scrake using full auto - not missing a single bullet (good recoil control, all headshots) and stopping as soon as it was dead (not just spray and pray); it seemed well practiced! I haven't yet seen this happen in servers I join for a while now except by me! HO HO HO! . He also froze patty just before he hit the HP threshold to run away; definitely a studied player.

    The Lanes

    On wave 10 holding outside the church, we got 2 FPs on one side and a scrake fast approaching by the tunnel. At this point in suicidal and HOE games nowadays, people would be running for the hills (well, first enraging and then running for the hills) and general chaos would ensue. With this group though, we didn't go anywhere. The two fps were taken down (I didn't see how; the two people holding there must known what they were doing) and the scrake did push the lane a little bit, but then we cleaned it up and we pushed the lane back.

    At no point were any of us switching from lane to lane trying to be the big zed slayer (something that happens too often in higher difficulty games).

    The Respect

    There wasn't much going on at the start of wave 8 with only a few zeds trickling in very slowly. A few starting coming out from the back end of the map (the church itself and the fenced area beside it). I started clearing them out (I was using support for no particular reason) and they just let me do my thing!

    They all trusted each other to hold their respective lanes. There was no crossing lanes in general except when I crossed a lane in wave 10 to prevent trash from pouring in while that one scrake was being taken care of.

    In higher difficulty games I'd typically see zerks & slingers rushing around (and usually away from) danger. There weren't any zerks in this particular match and the slinger was watching his lane. It felt very similar to what I remember KF2 to be back when I first started playing HOE servers as a newbie in v1064: well controlled (if a bit boring at times) lanes.

    No Back-Spawns

    Interestingly, I didn't see any back-spawning zeds at all (where they just pop into existence right behind you). Is this not a thing in lower difficulties? Can we remove this in harder difficulties? Or at least add a one second delay before zed can attack because zeds spawning in already in active-frames makes it literally impossible to intercept. With this update in particular, I'm seeing:

    back-spawning gorefiends being a normal thing now: I remember during the update when the Helios rifle was released I was messing around with wider FOV and managed to catch a gorefiend spawn with his blades already inside of me. Never encounted a gorefiend back-spawn in general until this update. They not only do a good amount of damage per hit but can also hit very rapidly. What am I supposed to do when they spawn with their blades already inside of me?

    increase in back-spawn and front-spawn stalkers (they spawn right in front my face now): Who sometimes don't even have any visual distortion at all for about one second after they spawn (even as commando!). How do you shoot an enemy that's so invisible that there's no model? And aren't they supposed to decloak when they attack? Is this not a thing anymore?

    groups of crawlers who spawn spinning: The capoeria attacks do a lot of damage and back-spawning you in groups can kill you quickly.

    husks who spawn mid-shot or otherwise make no wind-up sound : they sometimes disappear right after too.

    I should note that these players were all level 10-20 no prestige except for one who was 13 swat 5th prestige.

    After seeing these posts and playing matches where survivalists and zerkers are recommended picks but with no practiced takedown ability of any kind it was ... kind of refreshing you know?

    submitted by /u/trySufficient
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    Kf has the "nicest" community i have ever seen

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 03:29 PM PST

    What kind of direction is Tripwire heading in?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:16 AM PST

    Do you think Tripwire are heading in a good direction in terms of being a publisher and developer?

    submitted by /u/Miserable_Gofer
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    How to access the webadmin without being connected to the local network ?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:47 AM PST

    Hi, currently I have to connect via the address if I want to access the webadmin of my server killing floor.

    But I was wondering if it was for example possible for friends to connect to it remotely from their computer, for example simply by typing my IP address, for example: 45.178.325.98:8080 ?

    Thank you in advance for your answers =)

    submitted by /u/Yakonche
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    Keep getting vosh creates for no reason

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:35 PM PST

    I bought the deluxe edition of the game and when I first played I had 60 Vosh crates #1. I thought it was something you got from deluxe edition so I opened all 60. A few hours later I came back and had 30 more crates even tho I did not play that much and now I keep getting 10-30 crates every few hours/day. Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/zxxzmute111
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    Uhhhh is Xbox One dead

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 11:53 AM PST

    can never find any games i try everyday get one to two people at most

    submitted by /u/oldjewishmind
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    Can't buy the dlc guns on PS4

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:45 AM PST

    Wanna buy the glock and riot shield but it's not available. The in game store says it's for sale but I cant buy it

    submitted by /u/CerberusHunter
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    Using the seal squeal is the most fun I've had with an FPS in a long time

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:12 PM PST

    It's the perfect "ridiculous" weapon:

    • Being able to line enemies up and shoot right through them (even though the stats card says no pen)

    • getting 1-hit kills and sending them flying backwards

    • getting the right angle on zeds and pinning them to the wall, especially fun with the big ones (it's a shame they can't just stay and that it explodes)

    • chunking the remaining enemy meter and xp bar with lots of multi-kills

    • timing the explosions just right to get 3+ enemies at once

    • watching all the chunks go across the screen in slo-mo

    • I even like the squeaky sound it makes when you rack another bolt

    I know this game has its fair share of shortcomings, but damn if I haven't had a great time with this weapon. Paired with the M16, the Demo is tons of fun

    submitted by /u/optionalsilence
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    Is survivalist any good?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:10 PM PST

    I am a sucker for gun variety but don't really understand if there is a meta in this game, is survivalist work levelling?

    submitted by /u/Manaphus
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    The Cross game dialema

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:32 AM PST

    [Sorry for not-being-so-understandable]

    Hey guys , generic TF2 player here. I would like to talk about some topic that has action on both of my favourite games... Well 3 if you count KF1 and 2 differently.

    I know how Tripwire is actually caring about it's game and adding updates... Well not to first kf but you get the drill. But Valve ...ehhh they are like ... TF2 is still a thing? And as you see over 800 days with no updates... The place slowly dying.

    So it's like an idea , if the """"""Heavy update"""""" ever comes out. It would be nice to see that Tripwire and valve do something cool again. So here are my thoughts.

    For TF2

    -Heavy would get stock fists reskin of fpound's "hands" and maybe a set to combine like " chest light , spike crown" to make some weird voicelines


    Medic has vita-saw or übersaw reskin of scrake's chainsaw. And maybe when when medic charges heavy "with the fpound's things" then they make the fpound's anger scream

    Or just

    Sniper gets an smg. Maybe mp5 or p90. Whatever goes. Or maybe new sniper rifle , like Winchester.

    For KF2

    A weapon for sharpshooter. Bazaar bargain reskin replaces Winchester If player has over 100 hours on sniper in tf2 and machina replaces M99 with tracer round if sniper reaches 250 hours. Or maybe demolitions and sharpshooter having Jarate, slowing down enemies and weakening them.

    Firebug's flamethrower has Back burner or Phlogastinator reskin. Or utility tool for firebugs "the gas passer" making the cloud of gasoline and dealing a burst fire damage.

    Maybe new achievement "Sharp eyes" when you win a wave by just headshoting zeds with 9mm pistol. And you get the "Provision googles" that gives effect of all that gore turn into .... yknow like actually things what pyro sees

    And also second achievement "Mann's luck" when you have a rare chance of getting Ghostly gibus out of Vault crate. But you get it only once.

    The post of the engineer class in killing floor. If that actually happens then you could add Engineer as a playermodel with name "Dell"

    Well those are things that I would like to .. see in future.. I will keep this in my smissmas list

    Also I would like to see if you. Agree or dissagree or maybe you could suggest something more

    Thanks for taking your time and reading this

    submitted by /u/GamingMondays
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    Crashes on pc

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:07 PM PST

    Crashes on pc

    For some reason every single time i launch the game it crashes and gives me an error. it also says a bunch of light assets arent being loaded properly


    submitted by /u/dkirk122901
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    I've got 300+ hrs in KF1 and have been considering buying and moving to KF2 -- have some questions for players who are also familiar with KF1.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:48 PM PST

    So I love KF1, I'm 330 hour in, but I maxed out all the perks a long time ago and the active server list is starting to dwindle to the point that it is inconvenient to try and play the map + difficulty combinations that you want to. As a result I've started to eye KF2, but I rarely purchase ANY games at all in the current year, so I want to make sure I get my money's worth.

    I am big into co-op FPS horde mode style games like KF1 and Left 4 Dead but I:

    • Don't care about visual graphics at all really. KF1's visual jankiness doesn't bother me at all. KF2's graphics look quite nice but I am much more interested in gameplay differences.
    • Find community toxicity to be very offputting. I will abandon a game pretty quick if it is normal for players to start harassing everyone via chat / voice chat. This is why I never play L4D2 Versus mode, only Campaign. KF1 is fine in this regard because you rarely have any interaction at all with players other than spammed "Thanks!" and "Specimen Insult" voice commands while jumping.

    For those who've played both KF1/KF2:

    • Was the swap over worth it from a gameplay / community standpoint?
    • Is the community prone to toxicity? More or less than, say, TF2 or L4D2 or some average other baseline game?
    • Do you have significantly more fun during a round of KF2 than you'd have if you booted up KF1 and played a round?
    • I know when the game first came out there were complaints about a lack of content, etc. Has the game significantly improved since then?
    • Also, side-question, does KF2 have modded map support / an active map modding community? The janky-ass weird maps in KF1 are part of the highlights.


    submitted by /u/Level2Corn
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    Engineer class

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:55 AM PST

    Everything below is ideas I have had for a new class, all points are up for discussion/improvement.

    Lvl5 perk - small auto turret or small tar trap SAT - tripod holding an mp5 or equivalent STT - Square plate placed on ground to slow enemies down Lvl10 perk - perk weapon dmg or trap dmg Lvl15 perk - increased ammo or trap duration Lvl20 perk - traps give warning noise or traps can stumble Zed time perk - shoot in near real time or traps have increased damage

    Weapons ideas - Statsis rifle - slows zeds and weakens Dual nail guns - Cross over with Gunslinger, penetration Grapple hook - allows for small zed pull ins (clots to gorefasts) or just dmg to large zeds Plasma cannon - Cross over with Firebug, shoots liquid hot gas, deal fire dmg, unlimited ammo with slow refill rate Welders gear - face mask reducing dmg and an arc welder for CQ encounters

    submitted by /u/Diddydingo
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