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    Thursday, December 19, 2019

    Killing Floor The truth

    Killing Floor The truth

    The truth

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 03:16 AM PST

    I imagine HDD users would already be dead.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:46 AM PST

    How do I solo kill big zeds on 6 player HoE as a swat player?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:36 AM PST

    Pretty excited since I just reached lv 25 for the first time today on any perk and it's swat.

    That being said, I hopped on to a HoE 6 man game and did the usual flash bang and vector mag dump on face aaaand.... not dead for some reason (scrake).

    I know swat isn't suppose to kill big zeds but I can't even solo take down a single big zed without almost getting eviscerated?

    Also if you read this far, what perk do you think I should max next? I'm thinking along the lines of demo, commando, zerker

    submitted by /u/ssfc-meme
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    Has Tripwire abandoned consoles or just Xbox?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 05:49 AM PST

    I can not play KF2 with my friends anymore or anyone for that matter, because no matter how long I wait around trying to find a server I never connect. I also can not create my own server at all. Why Tripwire? Should I just submit tickets over and over? Because this has been this way for months. Is there anything I can do but hope? It seemed like maybe a day or two after an update it would work again but it would break and we'd be forced to drop the game. I don't want to spend money on a game I can't even enjoy with friends.

    submitted by /u/Halatinousvevo
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    Your weapon suggestions

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 05:37 AM PST

    What weapons would you like to personally see in KF2? I personally would love to see any kind of assault rifle with an underbarrel shotgun

    submitted by /u/StennuP
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    What on earth is Mrs. Foster saying in one of her lines?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:04 PM PST

    Mrs. Foster sometimes let's out a rhythmic tune that kind of sounds like a Latin tongue twister or something, but I don't know what she's saying so it sounds like gibberish to me. I need to know bc it's driving me crazy.

    Excuse my butchering of the spelling, I'm going off what I hear.

    "nico nicas nicot, nicanus nicartus nicant"

    she says it at 0:40 in this video if you haven't played her before https://youtu.be/DvyrpOKxOWQ

    EDIT: Thanks to chato_vato_45 I finally found out exactly what she's saying!

    "neco, necas, necat. necamus, necatis, necant."

    I don't know a lick of Latin so feel free to correct me on this, but neco necas and necant are first, second and third person of the singular "kill" necamus, necatis and necant are plurals of the first line.

    But also, if you put this whole thing into Google translate, you get some weird results lmao.

    "kill, kill, kill them. death, death by suffocation."

    but if you remove the commas from it, you get...

    "cutting kill babies. kills death by suffocation."

    so.. choose your fighter I guess.

    submitted by /u/Sidmarill
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    Christmas EDARs

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 06:10 AM PST

    Their weak spots in the middle of their torso seems physically smaller than the normal EDAR's, making them harder to hit.

    Is it just me?

    submitted by /u/bluechipmunk1225
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    I think we might need a higher difficulty level than the current HoE, or possibly remake HoE difficulty level

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 03:25 AM PST

    As a Field Medic main, I think we really need a higher difficulty other than HoE or at least refine HoE difficulty.

    After the cross-perk weapon updates, people stopped needing the existence of Field Medic mostly. I felt sort of triggered as a Field Medic main on the other day, when someone came into the room and said, "Oh, it's Medic, Zerker, and Firebug," then left the room right after that person saw those perks. I think that person might've thought the classic Zerker-Medic + an relatively easy perk combo made the game too easy? I'm not completely sure about it, but it felt like that was the intention behind the person leaving the room.

    Now, I really remember those glorious days where classic Heal-Tank-DPS was a thing to clear HoE stages with good amounts of teamwork. It really made me enjoy playing Field Medic every single match, keeping my teammates alive. But the cross-perk weapon update really killed most of the Medic mains really, at least from what I'm experiencing right now.

    However, cross-perk update wasn't the only update that destroyed good-balanced perk combinations. If I'm not mistaken, there were several zed nerfs along the cross-perk update and that really made people not play Field Medic anymore. Not to mention the HoE difficulty these days, people can beat it without having the Zerker or Field Medic if they know what they are doing. I've seen some of the experienced players who are looking for challenge on HoE difficulty not needing Field Medic. They think it's really doable without the medic and it really is. I've already cleared them on different perks without Field Medic on the team a lot of times. And no, it wasn't just on some random easy custom maps, they were all done on official maps.

    I know for sure that some of the experienced players that have stacked hundreds of hours are playing with those Controlled Difficulty mod on(including myself ), but that's just a temporary solution with 0 rewards. It's a mod that hasn't been approved for white-list. People just play that for their own satisfactions, but then there's really no point in it if there's no reward.

    So, here's what I'm suggesting. Either make a higher difficulty that REQUIRES a diverse mix-up of perks, rather than just perks with pure firepower and perks with good trash zed killing ability that can also perform decent healing, or remake HoE difficulty that will satisfy what I just said. It also should have a good reward for clearing it. Maybe a noticeable skin or an emote if you have cleared all the official maps on that difficulty, I don't know. Reward(s) can be anything as long as it's adequate for people that have completed the challenge.

    Ultimately, I really wish to feel that intensiveness again as a Field Medic. People today think it's just a boring and tedious "left-over" perk that can make the game too easy. It's really sad to think how it will affect some new players that might start to think like that because of people I have mentioned on the first paragraph. And it's not entirely false either, because you can still beat HoE without the medic. I remember those times when Field Medic required multitasking of clearing out trash zeds around main damage nukers to keep them off from being distracted to kill elite/big zeds, and also checking up on team's health at all times. It was a perk needed to clear HoE, rather than an optional perk to beat the game. Every dart you shot counted, and you miss some, teammates would actually die very quickly. I mean, if it wasn't really for that, what would be the fun of playing Field Medic really?

    Thanks for reading such a long whine of a Field Medic main. I really love this game and it's one of the best co-op games I've ever played, wasted hundreds of hours. I didn't really want the devs to just update some grindy prestige system or unlock-this-content/skin for x amount of money. I hope they are looking forward for experienced players. Those players like me are really looking for some really good challenges that require teamwork with diversity of perks, rather than participating in sessions for race-to-kill-zeds, who's better and who's not. I hope the devs notice that a lot of experienced players have already quit, not just because of lack of content, mainly because of lack of challenge mostly.

    submitted by /u/MassiveWonders
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    Tickets/crates not dropping....

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 01:50 PM PST

    Yet again during a Seasonal Event, tickets/crates are not dropping after 30 mins. of gameplay after 3.5 hours.....

    submitted by /u/gameinformer51
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    Lets speculate what Martial Artist perk could have been.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 12:15 PM PST

    Lets start that I think that the MA (Martial Artist) was to be a more quick, with ability to knock down zeds and less damaging option to Zerker.

    What I mean by that is that the MA would focus on speed,support and stunning. When I say stunning I say stunning as in EMP stun and support when I meen kiting.

    So lets talk about his kit. I was thinking it could have been some short katana, sai (Weapon that Raphael uses from TMNT) or some ind of stick. Obvisouly a 9MM pistol.

    But what about the grenade? Its could have been a some sort of glue grenade? And as for the starting weapon...I was thinking it could have been tonfas. They are like Nightsticks but wooden. In this case they could have been manufactured by HGR. They would be faster than the Shovel and heavy attack could stun zeds with the dizzing effect.

    The second could have been the katana. Shared perk weapon.

    As for the Vlad Impaler Nailgun alternative. I was thinking this wrist/arm quiver of special made knives by HGR. These knives would be mainly used for support. In theory you would tag the zeds with these knives and with secondary fire you would send eletric shock through them to give them the EMP stun effect.

    As for the Pulverizer I was thinking a Quater staff. This quater staff woul have a secondary function which could shoot a hook that woul pull the small zeds to him and if he would hook the big zeds he would be pulled towards it. This would the MA some manoverability and escape chance.

    I have no idead what could have been the final tier weapons. Some form of nunchucks? Dual scythers? Thats so far for the weapons.

    The perk bonuses he would receive would be pretty similiar to the Zerker. Damage would be swapped for knock down chance. Resistance to damage for running speed. Night vision capability could stay and the clots unable to grab you too.

    As for the skills I have few theories what could they have been.

    Level 5

    Left - 25 percent more armour Right - Bigger chance for knockdown

    Level 10

    Left - Rack em style skill. It would increase attack speed with every hit on the zed. Right - More damage when hitting legs or arms.

    Level 15

    Left - Crouching for some time would regenrate some of your health. Right- Immunity to Sirens sonic scream.

    Level 20

    Left - Parrying zed attacks would give you a boost of running speed. Right - Zeds killed by the perk have chance to explode into shrapnel. The explosion itself wont damage Zeds.

    Level 25

    Left - After Zed time you are invisible for zeds for a short period. Right - You run and attack in real time during Zed mode.

    These are only concepts of mine and theories.

    Now the aim of the perk would more about single target control, kiting and support. Zerker on the other hand is about crowd control and some Tanking. I willing to hear some feedback and some addting will be welcome.

    submitted by /u/John190_the_maniac
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    Bugsplat and crashing

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:57 PM PST

    Is it just me or do I still keep getting bugsplat every 3rd game, even if I join the game or lobby and quit, I get the crash error. Its getting rather annoying now and I just launch an entirely different game after the crash. Is there a way to fix this? Do I got to reinstall the game or something?

    submitted by /u/Sky_hunter
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    Is there a tankiest specialist class?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 07:11 AM PST

    I'm pretty new to this game and would like to know if there is a designated class for tank players like me. Just assume that I have all specialists maxed out

    submitted by /u/RetroLiar
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    what the heck is going on with the items this month?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:11 PM PST

    i got outta nowhere a horzine mark 7 helmet with all colors and im seeing lots of people reporting weird inventory glitches, and also people without dlcs having the weapons, has tripwire gone bonkers?

    submitted by /u/Purple_jet
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    I would never pay extra money for skins, but I would pay $10 for 5 extra weight.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 06:11 AM PST

    Don't you guys think there should be an option to pay for extra carrying capacity? Would be really nice for endless mode if I could carry an upgraded M14 and an upgraded rail gun together.

    submitted by /u/Sinful_Sam
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    How to mod out voicelines and replace them with others?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:25 PM PST

    I'm new to modding KF2 and I currently one of my characters kitted out to look like a combine soldier from Half-Life 2 so tonight I got to wondering if it is possible to replace that character's voice over with lines from combine radio chatter? How would I go about doing that?

    submitted by /u/SheriffGiggles
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    Quickest way to spawn Matriarch?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

    I've noticed she seems to spawn more on Hard or harder on Sanitarium. Anyone else have tips?

    submitted by /u/nixonneckweasel
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    Riot shield free?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:01 PM PST

    As far as I knew the riot shield with the clock was a dlc weapon but how is it possible for me to buy it mid matches if I haven't even purchase that dlc? Or they change that?

    submitted by /u/MrShadow88
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