• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 24, 2019

    Killing Floor Nailgun upgrade: a fuckin drum mag

    Killing Floor Nailgun upgrade: a fuckin drum mag

    Nailgun upgrade: a fuckin drum mag

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 08:46 AM PST

    Top 10 reasons to play survivalist

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 12:40 PM PST

    183,440,525 Vosh Vault, 366 Vault Crates opened, double or triple that Vosh Materials crafted from dupes...

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 07:35 AM PST

    ... and i still don't have the Vosh 9mm.

    Haven't checked but i think i have all of the non-vosh items, i do have several vosh ones but i'm still missing many of them, feels bad man.

    submitted by /u/arkkkk
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    Rate the Berserker melee weapons from ‘best’ to ‘worst’

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 09:07 AM PST

    Trying to sort out which weapons I like the most on this perk. Right now my list sort of goes

    Upped Bone Crusher>Ion Thruster>Battle Axe>Hemoclobber (I really enjoy this weapon!)

    Skills are; RRRLR

    I love the katana early on, even if the upped shovel is better. So much fun. Playing mostly Suicidal on team of 3-6. Solo the Ion Thruster is my absolute favorite, but I find myself going BC in larger teams. Any advice? I'm lucky and usually play with a good medic so block is only to keep my bonus up or getting in front of charging Quarter and Fleshpounds.

    submitted by /u/Mahgrets
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    Cutting the christmas turkey be like

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:06 PM PST

    How to get matriarch kills?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 10:17 AM PST

    I've been grinding forever and i haven't been able to fight the matriarch, mostly patriarch and krampus. Is there a way to have a better chance for the matriarch to spawn? Im on xbox, so i cant do the console commands.

    submitted by /u/Thorvondrake
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    [H] 2 xmas ticket [W] any csgo or kf2 item over $0.9 usd

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 12:27 PM PST

    Uhhh any tips?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:06 PM PST

    So basically im kinda new to the game and I dont know what im doing so any tips/advice would be nice

    submitted by /u/Degornotext
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    Is there any way to still get the Dwarves!? Axe in KF1 and the achievement?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:40 PM PST

    I know there is a mod that gives you the axe in customs, but it still doesn't grant the achievement.

    submitted by /u/WoodsBeatle513
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    I haven't played since last Christmas. What changed?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    Did they reworked upgrade system or changed it any better? What are the biggest changes in last year?

    submitted by /u/djgromo
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