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    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Killing Floor (Trigger Warning) Dead Game.

    Killing Floor (Trigger Warning) Dead Game.

    (Trigger Warning) Dead Game.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PST

    When the inspect animation is perfect

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:01 PM PST

    $10 gun bad, game dead, upvote button to the left

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:39 AM PST

    Do you ever do this kind of desperate tanking?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:04 AM PST

    I know this post has already been made, but i couldn't resist

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:52 AM PST

    best weapons for each class

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:49 AM PST

    whats the best weapon of this class for flesh , scrake, or trash?

    i want to know all of the classes

    submitted by /u/DarkShadowOverlord
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    Adrenaline High

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:07 AM PST

    On HOE my entire team died on round 8 as a medic with 70 zeds remaining. I clenched my butt so hard blocking and shooting the medic AR with stupid and unnecessarily high recoil. Bobbin and weavin through zeds and blocking Fleshpounds and Scrakes. I somehow managed to finish the round coming out of this insane adrenaline high. My fingertips were surging, my God I feel so alive. I love this game. But seriously for medics at least the medic AR recoil should be reduced or something.

    submitted by /u/officialmilkiss
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    What’s your favorite gun to use in KF2

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Objective Idea

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:42 AM PST

    I will start this by saying that my idea is unlikely to ever become reality both because they probably won't see this post, and also because there's no real surprise or excitement to something like this being added if you know every surprise and trick it has to offer.

    After the decently positive response to my suggestion for a new weekly outbreak (Slasher Fest) I decided to give my idea for a new Objective Mode. Map is currently undecided, and from reading this, you'll quickly see that the focus is strongly in gameplay, this isn't meant to further the story in any way, it's moreso meant to be a side-plot.

    When you start the mode, you'll hear the gruff voice of a man with a Southern draw crackling over the radio, his dialogue is as follows:

    "Woo-whee! You can smell it in the air! Well, you can, I can't where I am. Anyways, sorry to distract you from your other business, but I promise to make it worth your time. There's a boatload of dosh waiting on that train of mine, but the experience should be enough to make it up. Just don't mention that radio trap, I mean offer, to Horzine, alright?"

    Wave 1 is standard survival, nothing to really be said here.

    On Wave 2 he tells you that he's going to need specimens, and they need to be in "pristine" condition. You're then given the objective to kill 20 Zeds with only headshots. Upon completing this, further spawns will cease, and you can move to the next wave.

    On Wave 3 you're informed that the sudden drop in Zed activity has caused suspicion, and they're deploying a group of Scrakes early to assist the other Zeds and take care of any threats present. Your objective on this wave is to kill 2 VIP Scrakes, and eliminate any other Zeds still alive afterwards. You can move on to the next wave after doing this.

    On Wave 4 he tells you that the tracks are clogged with, "something," and he needs you to clear it. Upon finding the blockage, you'll see that they're organic growths of some sort, and you have to destroy them as quickly as possible, as they can regenerate health (not after being destroyed) over time. Explosives and fire are particularly effective at damaging them. Once done, you can move on to the next wave.

    On Wave 5, he states that he's going to need more samples, and this time they need their heads intact. He provides you with a Hemoglobin, and requests that you kill at least 10 Zeds using the Hemoglobin, without shooting them in the heads. After doing this yada-yada you get the point.

    On Wave 6, you're warned that a wave of Husks and EDARs is inbound, and that you'll need to destroy all of them immediately, or face a quick death. Zed spawn pool will be slightly reduced during this wave, just to give players some level of relief. Otherwise there are no other special parameters during this wave.

    On Wave 7 he requests to "test your big game hunting," and says that you'll need to eliminate 2 Fleshpounds, and he promises extra dosh if they're killed via non-explosives. At the end of this wave, you're warned that "Something big is coming this way, bigger than those guys."

    On Wave 8 he comes onto the radio, dialogue is as follows:

    "Big problem here, you never told me those things had a daddy, and uh, he's here."

    After this, The Patriarch will spawn and need to be defeated. This is however, not the end of the match.

    On Wave 9 he realizes the train's power line has been cut, and needs to be reestablished. Once you find the power cable, you need to reconnect it to the line, and seal it by welding it. This will be done twice before the wave can be ended.

    On Wave 10 he calls you over to the escape train, but notes something else is inbound. Dialogue is as follows:

    "Looks like we have one more varmint on his way here. Eh, I wouldn't worry, that feller looks pretty small to me."

    After this, Hans Volter will spawn, and needs to be defeated. After killing him, the match will end and mercenaries will escape via the train. During the ending cinematic, the mode's trader will apologize and say that he "must've left the Dosh on the other train."

    Notes: VIP Zed and Scrake count will increase with more players introduced, increasing to 5 with 6 players.

    Zed headshot requirements will remain the same across player counts, but the Hemoglobin wave will require more kills with more players, and extra Hemoglobins will be provided (an extra one appears for every 2 players present, capping at 3.)


    submitted by /u/Arm-It
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    Killing Floor 2 - Which weapon do you prefer on medic for healing

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:14 AM PST

    Personally , I'm using 401 , hemogoblin and healththrower

    If I'm playing only on team healing

    submitted by /u/YexelNilon
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    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:11 PM PST

    I think if people are still playing Fallout 76 ever after (what seems like) a while year of bad news, I think this game still has a lot of life it.

    I don't think TW is expecting everyone to buy all the guns, but are are relying on the small percentage of players that are willing and do spend money to keep the game afloat. If everyone who doesn't buy new guns abandons the game the game will continue do go on and on. Weapons for sale doesn't change the core mechanics of the game, it doesn't Rob the game of what makes it fun. I'm a GS main so when the Rinos when up for sale I bought them immediately. Do I wish they could replace my deagles? Sure. Do I wish they hit just a little bit harder? Absolutely. Do I regret spending the money? Not at all. They are fun to use on lower difficulties when the steaks aren't as high. And ever other game I see some one in the team using them because they get that ability through me.

    What I'm trying to say is if you enjoy the game then play it. Don't abandon it because you think it's "dying" please don't think this I a rant (probably should have said that before) thank you for reading and I hope shed some new light on the situation

    submitted by /u/danskemobler
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    Boss Bug On Containment Station?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:00 AM PST

    So I was playing a random pub 6 player game last night on containment station last night....

    Abomination spawned as the boss, so I thought, well at least it's an easy boss if nothing else and we begin kiting and then as we run into the 2 exit room with the trader (has a blocked entrance the far end from the trade pod, sort of a corner room of the map edge) and we're spamming the abomination in the doorway and he randomly flips up and somehow ends up inside the map initially at the upper level height and able to move around certain parts at the ground level.

    We can't harm him apart from medic grenades but can see his axes clipping through walls at times. The slime spawn things appear randomly in the map still.

    Then eventually he just all of a sudden dies after about 5 minutes of being like this.

    I do have screenshots just not on this device....

    Has anyone else encountered this?

    submitted by /u/Dr_Poth
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    Youtube Killing Floor 2 channel to follow

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:28 AM PST

    Demigod level impressive performance by some Korean "YellowGrapes" guy on his new channel:


    People here sometimes ask what channels to follow with suggestions like PathFinder etc. This stuff though is on another level, if you ever wondered to what level the mastery in this game can be pushed -- watch this like hundreds times, it's close to perfect with just a few mistakes/missed opportunities and some I think personal quirks, like shooting a spinning up husk in the head instead of his tank, etc. And I'm telling this as someone with 1,700 hours in-game HoE only who is just okay.

    Also, it's a shame that YouTube by default sorts the output by relevance which is full of Pathfinder like useless stuff. I've found this gem by sorting "Killing floor 2 hell on earth" output by upload time to get rid of useless stuff.

    submitted by /u/3FXErILKIHXjxlrROA53
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    Is it just me or is this normal?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:45 PM PST

    So I was completing the event quests and got stuck on the 10 Matriach kills.

    BUT, the Matriach wasn't spawning, just the Patriach. I killed almost 25 bosses, one Hans, one Abomination and one KFP, the rest where the Patriach. No Matriach

    I just got a Matriach spawn ONCE, and when I killed it, the achievement popped up, but the objective counter didn't go up. Is this a bug, a feature or something?

    submitted by /u/mudkip2-0
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