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    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    Killing Floor How to kill the Abomination the easy way. Another one for you to fix TWI! :D

    Killing Floor How to kill the Abomination the easy way. Another one for you to fix TWI! :D

    How to kill the Abomination the easy way. Another one for you to fix TWI! :D

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:29 AM PST

    Yuletide Horror Beta 1 is live!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:33 AM PST

    Beta previews should let EVERYONE try out future paid weapons at the very least

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:43 AM PST

    Yes, I know there's a console command to give you the weapons, but I still find it scummy to essentialy rule them out of official multiplayer matches, and everyone would be able to atleast get a feel of the weapon, especially at their price..

    submitted by /u/J3R-C
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    FYI this is for lulz no I don't care about your w/e you got to say... So this is the max amount of money you can dump on the ground before it starts disappearing and the game slows to a handicapped crawl. Also seems like money does no damage when thrown at zeds XD

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:55 AM PST

    I hope the community loves EDARs now, because the Matriarch spawns about a hundred of them.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:35 PM PST

    I barely saw the actual Matriarch mechanics because I spent the whole fight killing EDARs spawning from every spawn point flanking us, seemingly infinitely. She seems to be an amalgamation of every ZED in the game, and I think spawning EDARs is her King FP mechanic of "summon things as damaged," but the amount she pulls in seems excessive.

    submitted by /u/spinalcloud
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    Airship and Monster Ball's music should also be on Steam Fortress and Ashwood Asylum + More Trader Voice Variety

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:06 PM PST

    Why have a map based around the respective event's theme have its own songs, yet they don't get used for the map that comes the year after? It doesn't quite make sense to me that Steam Fortress and Ashwood Asylum just use the default playlist of songs that play on non-event maps.

    It feels like a waste spending a lot of money for a bunch of new songs, only for them to play on only one map. Hell, why not add the Airship and Monster Ball songs to the default playlist so players have more song variety to listen to?

    Onto the topic with the Traders: Hans is the Trader for both Survival and Endless on Monster Ball only. Why can't he also be the Trader for Ashwood Asylum and, because it makes too much sense, Volter Manor? Freakin' LOCKHEART is the Trader of more maps than Hans, and he's not even a god damn boss (duh, because he's a good guy, and a cowardly pompous ignoramus at that). Since Hans has lines for both Survival and Endless, why can't he just be a selectable Trader voice?

    I'd be over the MOON with having a selectable Trader voice so I don't have to listen to that insufferable French bitch's voice again. Hell, I think Patriarch has enough lines to be a Survival Trader and not just the go-to Endless Trader. Seriously, I don't want to have to keep muting the voice audio due to that French bitch's obnoxious, repetitive lines, because I want to hear the mercs talking and hear Hans & Patriarch during their boss battles because for some fuck-all reason, Tripwire decided to mute them in an update when prior to that I could hear them just fine with the voice option muted. They took that option too literally... players should be able to hear the boss's voice regardless of them muting that option because of knowing which attack they're gonna pull out next. But that's just my two cents on the matter.

    Back on the music topic: At least both Christmas maps share each other's music. I doubt the upcoming map's gonna be using Christmas songs since 1: The event maps released this year lacked the music from the maps that came before them, and 2: IT LOOKS NOTHING CHRISTMAS-RELATED.

    If you're going to dump some cash on new songs and trader voices, then at least have them hearable in more than 1 map, because it just seems like a total waste to me when if you're putting a lot of resources onto just one map that not everyone's going to be playing over and over again.

    BONUS: If Christmas Zeds appear on Santa's Workshop (most likely for consistency due to the map's story being about the Christmas Zeds, not the default Zeds), why not have Circus Zeds appear on Tragic Kingdom and the Halloween Zeds appear on Monster Ball (and maybe even Ashwood Asylum) as well? Hell, why not also have Christmas Zeds appear on Krampus's Lair, too? I like that Tripwire gave us a way to fight the Christmas Zeds outside of the event. Why not do the same for the other event Zeds? Some of us like hearing the unique voices these event Zeds get, like the Frankenstein Scrake and Figaro-spouting Siren?

    The Halloween Crawlers are an interesting case for me - it's the only time they're given a unique voice. I personally feel this voice should be applied to the default Crawler because the default sounds are just severely sped-up Gorefast sounds. Giving them the Halloween Crawler voice would give every Zed species a unique voice.

    submitted by /u/Rose-Supreme
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    Tripwire has a fundamental problem with content and monetization, and we as a community shouldn't accept that.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:51 PM PST

    That's it, I'm mad. It takes a lot of bs to make me mad, but here I am. I know Tripwire is a small publisher, and I know kf2 is old and so on. I'm grateful that they keep supporting it, but I also know that I like good content. And here's the thing, I said GOOD content, not content that is either rushed or poorly thought out. So here's the problem, Tripwire is running out of money (allegedly) for KF2, and can't continue to support it the way it did without paid DLCs. Fine, offer us less content, but content that is worth playing and improves the game overall. Fix the bugs, improve the balance (Survivalist, Abomination, many of the weapons serve no purpose), revisit the maps with Objective mode (no, I don't want it to be simply guarding a fucking drone or carrying pads, KF1's objective maps were objectively better, even if there are only 3), make it so weapons come slower and so on, but whenever they're released, they're bug-free, balanced, and so on. While I enjoy the new map (Sanitarium), as well as the new boss, I can't stress enough that there are now 4 weapons locked behind a paywall. I wouldn't mind paying 10 euros for 4 weapons, but if I'm correct in my assumptions, you will release both the SWAT shield/G18 and the Mosin for 10 dollars each, which is a fucking joke. 40 euros for weapons that don't change fundamentally the game, which are worth more than the base game itself. KF1 had weapon packs as well, but were priced far more reasonably, and had no microtransactions attached either. Pathfinder had a great idea to take advantage of the fact KF2 has an average-sized playerbase, but a dedicated one at that. He proposed to make season passes that grant rewards and so on. That could be another way to fund the game, instead of locking new weapons behind outlandish prices.

    His video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6KnbtcIC6E

    TLDR : Tripwire should slow down content release instead of rushing out objective maps that are uninteresting, and focus instead of things that cost far less to do (fixing bugs, improving the balance as an example). In general, expanding and improving features is a better idea than rushing content that either isn't ready to be pushed out, or will not please the playerbase (seriously fuck the abomination). I like Tripwire, and I like playing KF2, which is why I'm pissed to see them go in a direction I can't support. I'd rather have a small amount of polished content, bug fixes, and general improvements rather than 10$ weapons and generic objective mode maps. My two cents.

    PS : I'm sure the community would enjoy map contests, it'd make for some content that is almost free and would prove popular more than anything.

    submitted by /u/Jorrick_
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    Matriarch not having her own unique boss music

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:47 PM PST

    Is this intentional?

    Is this just a bug?

    Is this the real life?

    Is this just fantasy?

    submitted by /u/CassGriffon
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    Vault Crates still not showing up on Xbox

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:43 PM PST

    About a month ago I posted about the same issue, and a member of TW responded. They asked for my Gamertag through a pm, I sent it to them, but nothing has happened since then (the person didn't do anything wrong, just saying that someone was informed previously). I haven't gotten any crates after 3 vault levels and a month of waiting, so I really hope this is fixed soon.

    If more people are still having this problem, let me know. Feels better knowing you're not the only person dealing with a problem.

    submitted by /u/Parag0nRobbie
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    Are the Glock and Mosin spawnable in the beta?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:55 PM PST

    Just wondering if we're able to test these now, or if we'll have to wait until the actual update.

    submitted by /u/Muffins117
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    What loadout is the current support "meta"?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:05 PM PST

    Looking to get back into playing support but I have no idea what the current meta is for it

    submitted by /u/Ordingandr
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    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:08 PM PST

    I only played a handful of games (mind you I just started today) and I went to the vault and it just keeps going up and giving me crates and I'm 100% positive I didn't do anything to earn all of these?

    Edit: it stopped and I have 50 crates from it

    submitted by /u/MikeAllmight
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